# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan # This file is part of FlightGear. # # FlightGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # IntersectionInfo Controller var IntersectionInfoController = { new : func (page, svg) { var obj = { parents : [ IntersectionInfoController, MFDPageController.new(page) ], _crsrToggle : 0, _recipient : nil, _page : page, }; return obj; }, # Input Handling handleCRSR : func() { me._crsrToggle = (! me._crsrToggle); if (me._crsrToggle) { me._page.dataEntry.highlightElement(); } else { me._page.dataEntry.unhighlightElement(); } return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished; }, handleFMSInner : func(value) { if (me._crsrToggle == 1) { me._page.dataEntry.incrSmall(value); return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished; } else { return me._page.mfd.SurroundController.handleFMSInner(value); } }, handleFMSOuter : func(value) { if (me._crsrToggle == 1) { me._page.dataEntry.incrLarge(value); return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished; } else { return me._page.mfd.SurroundController.handleFMSOuter(value); } }, handleEnter : func(value) { if (me._crsrToggle == 1) { var id = me._page.dataEntry.enterElement(); me.getIntersection(id); return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished; } else { return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed; } }, handleClear : func(value) { if (me._crsrToggle == 1) { me._page.dataEntry.clearElement(); return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished; } else { return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed; } }, handleRange : func(val) { # Pass any range entries to the NavMapController me._page.Map.handleRange(val); }, # Retrieve intersection information for the provided id and display it. getIntersection : func(id) { var navdata = nil; var vordata = nil; # Use Emesary to get the intersection var notification = notifications.PFDEventNotification.new( "MFD", me.getDeviceID(), notifications.PFDEventNotification.NavData, {Id: "NavAidByID", Value: { id: id, type : "fix" } } ); var response = me._transmitter.NotifyAll(notification); var retval = notification.EventParameter.Value; if ((!me._transmitter.IsFailed(response)) and (size(retval) > 0)) { # Simply take the first value. Should handle duplicates. navdata = retval[0]; # Get the nearest VOR to the intersection var params = { lat: navdata.lat, lon: navdata.lon, type : "vor" }; notification = notifications.PFDEventNotification.new( "MFD", me.getDeviceID(), notifications.PFDEventNotification.NavData, {Id: "NavDataWithinRange", Value: params }); response = me._transmitter.NotifyAll(notification); retval = notification.EventParameter.Value; if ((!me._transmitter.IsFailed(response)) and (size(retval) > 0)) { var crsAndDst = courseAndDistance(navdata, retval[0]); vordata = {}; vordata.id = retval[0].id; vordata.crs = crsAndDst[0]; vordata.dst = crsAndDst[1]; } } # Display the retrieved data. me._page.update(navdata, vordata); }, # Reset controller if required when the page is displayed or hidden ondisplay : func() { me.RegisterWithEmesary(); }, offdisplay : func() { me.DeRegisterWithEmesary(); }, };