screenshot screenshot vbox true 450 hbox 1 1 dir-input 442 fill /sim/gui/dialogs/screenshot/directory 1 dialog-apply dir-input nasal list fill fill true 300 /sim/gui/dialogs/screenshot/selection dialog-apply list nasal hbox left hide-menubar /sim/gui/dialogs/screenshot/hide-menubar dialog-apply hide-menubar var self = cmdarg(); var list = self.getNode("list"); # cloning var dlgname = self.getNode("name").getValue(); self.getNode("input/property").setValue("/sim/gui/dialogs/" ~ dlgname ~ "/directory"); self.getNode("list/property").setValue("/sim/gui/dialogs/" ~ dlgname ~ "/selection"); # self.getNode("group[1]/input/property").setValue("/sim/gui/dialogs/" ~ dlgname ~ "/selection"); var dlg = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/" ~ dlgname, 1); var selection = dlg.getNode("selection", 1); var title = dlg.getNode("title", 1); var button = dlg.getNode("button", 1); var dir = dlg.getNode("directory", 1); var file = dlg.getNode("file", 1); var path = dlg.getNode("path", 1); var dotfiles = dlg.getNode("dotfiles", 1); dotfiles.setBoolValue(dotfiles.getValue()); var kbdctrl = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl", 1); var kbdshift = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/shift", 1); var kbdalt = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/alt", 1); var current = { dir : "", file : "" }; var pattern = []; foreach (var p; dlg.getChildren("pattern")) append(pattern, p.getValue()); var matches = func(s) { foreach (var p; pattern) if (string.match(s, p)) return 1; return 0; } var update = func(d) { var entries = directory(d); if (entries == nil) # dir doesn't exist or no permissions return 0; var files = []; var dirs = []; var hide = !dotfiles.getValue(); foreach (var e; entries) { if (e == ".") { append(dirs, e); continue; } if (e == "..") { if (d != "/") append(dirs, e); continue; } if (hide and e[0] == `.`) continue; var stat = io.stat(d ~ "/" ~ e); if (stat == nil) # dead link continue; if (stat[11] == "dir") append(dirs, e ~ "/"); elsif (!size(pattern) or matches(e)) append(files, e); } list.removeChildren("value"); var entries = sort(dirs, cmp) ~ sort(files, cmp); forindex (var i; entries) list.getChild("value", i, 1).setValue(entries[i]); dir.setValue(d); gui.dialog_update(dlgname, "dir-input", "list"); return 1; } var select = func { var e = selection.getValue(); current.file = ""; var new = nil; if (e == ".") { new = current.dir; if (kbdctrl.getValue()) dotfiles.setBoolValue(!dotfiles.getValue()); } elsif (e == "..") { if (kbdctrl.getValue()) new = getprop("/sim/fg-root"); elsif (kbdshift.getValue()) new = getprop("/sim/fg-home"); elsif (kbdalt.getValue()) new = getprop("/sim/fg-current"); else new = current.dir ~ "/.."; } elsif (e[size(e) - 1] == `/`) { new = current.dir ~ "/" ~ e; } else { current.file = e; gui.dialog_update(dlgname, "screenshot"); } if (new != nil) { var p = string.normpath(new); if (update(p)) current.dir = p; selection.setValue(""); } } var file_input = func { current.file = selection.getValue(); } var dir_input = func { var p = string.normpath(dir.getValue()); if (update(p)) current.dir = p; gui.dialog_update(dlgname, "list"); } var close = func { call(func { gui.Dialog.instance[dlgname].close() }, nil, var err = []); } var ok = func { dir_input(); file_input(); var p = string.normpath(current.dir ~ "/" ~ current.file); var stat = io.stat(p); path.setValue(stat != nil and stat[11] == "dir" ? p ~ "/" : p); file.setValue(current.file); close(); } var op = button.getValue(); if (op == nil or op == "") op = "OK"; self.getNode("group[1]/button/legend").setValue(op); var t = title.getValue(); if (t == nil or t == "") t = "Select File"; self.getNode("group[0]/text/label").setValue(t); current.dir = (var d = dir.getValue()) != nil and d != "" ? d : getprop("/sim/fg-current"); current.file = (var d = file.getValue()) != nil and d != "" ? d : ""; gui.dialog_update(dlgname, "screenshot"); ## dir-input ? update(string.normpath(current.dir)); dir.setValue(current.dir);