var MPTrafficModel = {}; = func make(LayerModel, MPTrafficModel); MPTrafficModel.init = func { var pos =; # FIXME: all of these should be instance variables var myPosition =; var myPositionVec = me._controller['get_position'](); myPosition.set_latlon( myPositionVec[0], myPositionVec[1]); var max_dist_nm = me._controller['query_range'](); ## # uncomment this for showing MP traffic # var traffic_type = "multiplayer"; # and use this for development purposes: var traffic_type = "aircraft"; #if (traffic_type == "aircraft") # print("INFO: traffic.model is still showing AI traffic instead of MP traffic!"); me._view.reset(); # hides: removeAllChildren() var traffic = props.globals.initNode("/ai/models/").getChildren( traffic_type ); #print("Total traffic:", size(traffic)); foreach(var t; traffic) { pos.set_latlon( t.getNode("position/latitude-deg").getValue(), t.getNode("position/longitude-deg").getValue() ); if (pos.distance_to( myPosition ) <= max_dist_nm*NM2M ) { #print("Pushing: ", t.getNode("callsign").getValue() ); me.push(t); } } #print("traffic.model: Query range:", max_dist_nm, " Items:", me.hasData() ); me.notifyView(); # update itself FIXME: this needs to be killed by the controller (e.g. when tcas layer is disabled) # and the interval needs to be configurable via the controller # so better use maketimer() here settimer(func me.init(), 2); }