# ============================================================================== # Boeing Navigation Display by Gijs de Rooy # See: http://wiki.flightgear.org/Canvas_ND_Framework # ============================================================================== ## # this file contains a hash that declares features in a generic fashion # we want to get rid of the bloated update() method sooner than later # PLEASE DO NOT ADD any code to update() !! # Instead, help clean up the file and move things over to the navdisplay.styles file # # This is the only sane way to keep on generalizing the framework, so that we can # also support different makes/models of NDs in the future # # a huge bloated update() method is going to make that basically IMPOSSIBLE # io.include("Nasal/canvas/map/navdisplay.styles"); ## # encapsulate hdg/lat/lon source, so that the ND may also display AI/MP aircraft in a pilot-view at some point (aka stress-testing) # TODO: this predates aircraftpos.controller (MapStructure) should probably be unified to some degree ... var wxr_live_tree = "/instrumentation/wxr"; var NDSourceDriver = {}; NDSourceDriver.new = func { var m = {parents:[NDSourceDriver]}; m.get_hdg_mag= func getprop("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg"); m.get_hdg_tru= func getprop("/orientation/heading-deg"); m.get_hgg = func getprop("instrumentation/afds/settings/heading"); m.get_trk_mag= func { if(getprop("/velocities/groundspeed-kt") > 80) getprop("/orientation/track-magnetic-deg"); else getprop("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg"); }; m.get_trk_tru = func { if(getprop("/velocities/groundspeed-kt") > 80) getprop("/orientation/track-deg"); else getprop("/orientation/heading-deg"); }; m.get_lat= func getprop("/position/latitude-deg"); m.get_lon= func getprop("/position/longitude-deg"); m.get_spd= func getprop("/instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt"); m.get_gnd_spd= func getprop("/velocities/groundspeed-kt"); m.get_vspd= func getprop("/velocities/vertical-speed-fps"); return m; } ## # configure aircraft specific cockpit switches here # these are some defaults, can be overridden when calling NavDisplay.new() - # see the 744 ND.nas file the backend code should never deal directly with # aircraft specific properties using getprop. # To get started implementing your own ND, just copy the switches hash to your # ND.nas file and map the keys to your cockpit properties - and things will just work. # TODO: switches are ND specific, so move to the NDStyle hash! var default_switches = { 'toggle_range': {path: '/inputs/range-nm', value:40, type:'INT'}, 'toggle_weather': {path: '/inputs/wxr', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_airports': {path: '/inputs/arpt', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_stations': {path: '/inputs/sta', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_waypoints': {path: '/inputs/wpt', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_position': {path: '/inputs/pos', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_data': {path: '/inputs/data',value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_terrain': {path: '/inputs/terr',value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_traffic': {path: '/inputs/tfc',value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_centered': {path: '/inputs/nd-centered',value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_lh_vor_adf': {path: '/inputs/lh-vor-adf',value:0, type:'INT'}, 'toggle_rh_vor_adf': {path: '/inputs/rh-vor-adf',value:0, type:'INT'}, 'toggle_display_mode': {path: '/mfd/display-mode', value:'MAP', type:'STRING'}, # valid values are: APP, MAP, PLAN or VOR 'toggle_display_type': {path: '/mfd/display-type', value:'CRT', type:'STRING'}, # valid values are: CRT or LCD 'toggle_true_north': {path: '/mfd/true-north', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_rangearc': {path: '/mfd/rangearc', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_track_heading':{path: '/trk-selected', value:0, type:'BOOL'}, 'toggle_weather_live': {path: '/mfd/wxr-live-enabled', value: 0, type: 'BOOL'}, 'toggle_chrono': {path: '/inputs/CHRONO', value: 0, type: 'INT'}, 'toggle_xtrk_error': {path: '/mfd/xtrk-error', value: 0, type: 'BOOL'}, 'toggle_trk_line': {path: '/mfd/trk-line', value: 0, type: 'BOOL'}, }; ## # TODO: # - introduce a MFD class (use it also for PFD/EICAS) # - introduce a SGSubsystem class and use it here # - introduce a Boeing NavDisplay class var NavDisplay = { # static id:0, del: func { print("Cleaning up NavDisplay"); # shut down all timers and other loops here me.update_timer.stop(); foreach(var t; me.timers) t.stop(); foreach(var l; me.listeners) removelistener(l); # clean up MapStructure me.map.del(); # destroy the canvas if (me.canvas_handle != nil) me.canvas_handle.del(); me.inited = 0; NavDisplay.id -= 1; }, addtimer: func(interval, cb) { append(me.timers, var job=maketimer(interval, cb)); return job; # so that we can directly work with the timer (start/stop) }, listen: func(p,c) { append(me.listeners, setlistener(p,c)); }, # listeners for cockpit switches listen_switch: func(s,c) { # print("event setup for: ", id(c)); if (!contains(me.efis_switches, s)) { print('EFIS Switch not defined: '~ s); return; } me.listen( me.get_full_switch_path(s), func { # print("listen_switch triggered:", s, " callback id:", id(c) ); c(); }); }, # get the full property path for a given switch get_full_switch_path: func (s) { # debug.dump( me.efis_switches[s] ); return me.efis_path ~ me.efis_switches[s].path; # FIXME: should be using props.nas instead of ~ }, # helper method for getting configurable cockpit switches (which are usually different in each aircraft) get_switch: func(s) { var switch = me.efis_switches[s]; if(switch == nil) return nil; var path = me.efis_path ~ switch.path ; #print(s,":Getting switch prop:", path); return getprop( path ); }, # helper method for setting configurable cockpit switches (which are usually different in each aircraft) set_switch: func(s, v) { var switch = me.efis_switches[s]; if(switch == nil) return nil; var path = me.efis_path ~ switch.path ; #print(s,":Getting switch prop:", path); setprop( path, v ); }, # for creating NDs that are driven by AI traffic instead of the main aircraft (generalization rocks!) connectAI: func(source=nil) { me.aircraft_source = { get_hdg_mag: func source.getNode('orientation/heading-magnetic-deg').getValue(), get_trk_mag: func source.getNode('orientation/track-magnetic-deg').getValue(), get_lat: func source.getNode('position/latitude-deg').getValue(), get_lon: func source.getNode('position/longitude-deg').getValue(), get_spd: func source.getNode('velocities/true-airspeed-kt').getValue(), get_gnd_spd: func source.getNode('velocities/groundspeed-kt').getValue(), }; }, # of connectAI setTimerInterval: func(update_time=0.05) me.update_timer.restart(update_time), # TODO: the ctor should allow customization, for different aircraft # especially properties and SVG files/handles (747, 757, 777 etc) new : func(prop1, switches=default_switches, style='Boeing') { NavDisplay.id +=1; var m = { parents : [NavDisplay]}; var df_toggles = keys(default_switches); foreach(var toggle_name; df_toggles){ if(!contains(switches, toggle_name)) switches[toggle_name] = default_switches[toggle_name]; } m.inited = 0; m.timers=[]; m.listeners=[]; # for cleanup handling m.aircraft_source = NDSourceDriver.new(); # uses the main aircraft as the driver/source (speeds, position, heading) m.nd_style = NDStyles[style]; # look up ND specific stuff (file names etc) m.style_name = style; m.radio_list=["instrumentation/comm/frequencies","instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies", "instrumentation/nav/frequencies", "instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies"]; m.mfd_mode_list=["APP","VOR","MAP","PLAN"]; m.efis_path = prop1; m.efis_switches = switches; # just an alias, to avoid having to rewrite the old code for now m.rangeNm = func m.get_switch('toggle_range'); m.efis = props.globals.initNode(prop1); m.mfd = m.efis.initNode("mfd"); # TODO: unify this with switch handling m.mfd_mode_num = m.mfd .initNode("mode-num",2,"INT"); m.std_mode = m.efis.initNode("inputs/setting-std",0,"BOOL"); m.previous_set = m.efis.initNode("inhg-previous",29.92); m.kpa_mode = m.efis.initNode("inputs/kpa-mode",0,"BOOL"); m.kpa_output = m.efis.initNode("inhg-kpa",29.92); m.kpa_prevoutput = m.efis.initNode("inhg-kpa-previous",29.92); m.temp = m.efis.initNode("fixed-temp",0); m.alt_meters = m.efis.initNode("inputs/alt-meters",0,"BOOL"); m.fpv = m.efis.initNode("inputs/fpv",0,"BOOL"); m.mins_mode = m.efis.initNode("inputs/minimums-mode",0,"BOOL"); m.mins_mode_txt = m.efis.initNode("minimums-mode-text","RADIO","STRING"); m.minimums = m.efis.initNode("minimums",250,"INT"); m.mk_minimums = props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/mk-viii/inputs/arinc429/decision-height"); # TODO: these are switches, can be unified with switch handling hash above (eventually): m.nd_plan_wpt = m.efis.initNode("inputs/plan-wpt-index", -1, "INT"); # not yet in switches hash ### # initialize all switches based on the defaults specified in the switch hash # foreach(var switch; keys( m.efis_switches ) ) props.globals.initNode ( m.get_full_switch_path (switch), m.efis_switches[switch].value, m.efis_switches[switch].type ); return m; }, newMFD: func(canvas_group, parent=nil, nd_options=nil, update_time=0.05) { if (me.inited) die("MFD already was added to scene"); me.inited = 1; me.range_dependant_layers = []; me.always_update_layers = {}; me.update_timer = maketimer(update_time, func me.update() ); me.nd = canvas_group; me.canvas_handle = parent; me.df_options = nil; if (contains(me.nd_style, 'options')) me.df_options = me.nd_style.options; nd_options = default_hash(nd_options, me.df_options); me.options = nd_options; me.route_driver = nil; if (contains(me.options, 'route_driver')) { me.route_driver = me.options.route_driver; } elsif (contains(me.options, 'defaults')) { if(contains(me.options.defaults, 'route_driver')) me.route_driver = me.options.defaults.route_driver; } # load the specified SVG file into the me.nd group and populate all sub groups canvas.parsesvg(me.nd, me.nd_style.svg_filename, {'font-mapper': me.nd_style.font_mapper}); me.symbols = {}; # storage for SVG elements, to avoid namespace pollution (all SVG elements end up here) foreach(var feature; me.nd_style.features ) { me.symbols[feature.id] = me.nd.getElementById(feature.id).updateCenter(); if(contains(feature.impl,'init')) feature.impl.init(me.nd, feature); # call The element's init code (i.e. updateCenter) } ### this is the "old" method that's less flexible, we want to use the style hash instead (see above) # because things are much better configurable that way # now look up all required SVG elements and initialize member fields using the same name to have a convenient handle foreach(var element; ["dmeLDist","dmeRDist","dmeL","dmeR","vorL","vorR","vorLId","vorRId", "status.wxr","status.wpt","status.sta","status.arpt"]) me.symbols[element] = me.nd.getElementById(element); # load elements from vector image, and create instance variables using identical names, and call updateCenter() on each # anything that needs updatecenter called, should be added to the vector here # foreach(var element; ["staArrowL2","staArrowR2","staFromL2","staToL2","staFromR2","staToR2", "hdgTrk","trkInd","hdgBug","HdgBugCRT","TrkBugLCD","HdgBugLCD","curHdgPtr", "HdgBugCRT2","TrkBugLCD2","HdgBugLCD2","hdgBug2","selHdgLine","selHdgLine2","curHdgPtr2", "staArrowL","staArrowR","staToL","staFromL","staToR","staFromR"] ) me.symbols[element] = me.nd.getElementById(element).updateCenter(); var map_rect = [124, 1024, 1024, 0]; var map_opts = me.options.map; if (map_opts == nil) map_opts = {}; if (typeof(map_opts.rect) == 'vector') map_rect = map_opts.rect; map_rect = join(', ', map_rect); me.map = me.nd.createChild("map","map") .set("clip", map_rect) .set("screen-range", 700); var z_idx = map_opts['z-index']; if (z_idx != nil) me.map.set('z-index', z_idx); me.update_sub(); # init some map properties based on switches # predicate for the draw controller var is_tuned = func(freq) { var nav1=getprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz"); var nav2=getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz"); if (freq == nav1 or freq == nav2) return 1; return 0; } # another predicate for the draw controller var get_course_by_freq = func(freq) { if (freq == getprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz")) return getprop("instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg"); else return getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/radials/selected-deg"); } var get_current_position = func { delete(caller(0)[0], "me"); # remove local me, inherit outer one return [ me.aircraft_source.get_lat(), me.aircraft_source.get_lon() ]; } # a hash with controller callbacks, will be passed onto draw routines to customize behavior/appearance # the point being that draw routines don't know anything about their frontends (instrument or GUI dialog) # so we need some simple way to communicate between frontend<->backend until we have real controllers # for now, a single controller hash is shared by most layers - unsupported callbacks are simply ignored by the draw files # var controller = { parents: [canvas.Map.Controller], _pos: nil, _time: nil, is_tuned:is_tuned, get_tuned_course:get_course_by_freq, get_position: get_current_position, new: func(map) return { parents:[controller], map:map }, should_update_all: func { # TODO: this is just copied from aircraftpos.controller, # it really should be moved to somewhere common and reused # and extended to fully differentiate between "static" # and "volatile" layers. var pos = me.map.getPosCoord(); if (pos == nil) return 0; var time = systime(); if (me._pos == nil) me._pos = geo.Coord.new(pos); else { var dist_m = me._pos.direct_distance_to(pos); # 2 NM until we update again if (dist_m < 2 * NM2M) return 0; # Update at most every 4 seconds to avoid excessive stutter: elsif (time - me._time < 4) return 0; } #print("update aircraft position"); var (x,y,z) = pos.xyz(); me._pos.set_xyz(x,y,z); me._time = time; return 1; }, }; me.map.setController(controller); ### # set up various layers, controlled via callbacks in the controller hash # revisit this code once Philosopher's "Smart MVC Symbols/Layers" work is committed and integrated # helper / closure generator var make_event_handler = func(predicate, layer) func predicate(me, layer); me.layers={}; # storage container for all ND specific layers # look up all required layers as specified per the NDStyle hash and do the initial setup for event handling var default_opts = me.options != nil and contains(me.options, 'defaults') ? me.options.defaults : nil; foreach(var layer; me.nd_style.layers) { if(layer['disabled']) continue; # skip this layer #print("newMFD(): Setting up ND layer:", layer.name); var the_layer = nil; if(!layer['isMapStructure']) # set up an old INEFFICIENT and SLOW layer the_layer = me.layers[layer.name] = canvas.MAP_LAYERS[layer.name].new( me.map, layer.name, controller ); else { printlog(_MP_dbg_lvl, "Setting up MapStructure-based layer for ND, name:", layer.name); var opt = me.options != nil and me.options[layer.name] != nil ? me.options[layer.name] : nil; if (opt == nil and contains(layer, 'options')) opt = layer.options; if (opt != nil and default_opts != nil) opt = default_hash(opt, default_opts); #elsif(default_opts != nil) # opt = default_opts; var style = nil; if(contains(layer, 'style')) style = layer.style; #print("Options is: ", opt!=nil?"enabled":"disabled"); #debug.dump(opt); me.map.addLayer( factory: canvas.SymbolLayer, type_arg: layer.name, opts: opt, visible:0, style: style, priority: layer['z-index'] ); the_layer = me.layers[layer.name] = me.map.getLayer(layer.name); if(opt != nil and contains(opt, 'range_dependant')){ if(opt.range_dependant) append(me.range_dependant_layers, the_layer); } if(contains(layer, 'always_update')) me.always_update_layers[layer.name] = layer.always_update; if (1) (func { var l = layer; var _predicate = l.predicate; l.predicate = func { var t = systime(); call(_predicate, arg, me); printlog(_MP_dbg_lvl, "Took "~((systime()-t)*1000)~"ms to update layer "~l.name); } })(); } # now register all layer specific notification listeners and their corresponding update predicate/callback # pass the ND instance and the layer handle to the predicate when it is called # so that it can directly access the ND instance and its own layer (without having to know the layer's name) var event_handler = make_event_handler(layer.predicate, the_layer); foreach(var event; layer.update_on) { # this handles timers if (typeof(event)=='hash' and contains(event, 'rate_hz')) { #print("FIXME: navdisplay.mfd timer handling is broken ATM"); var job=me.addtimer(1/event.rate_hz, event_handler); job.start(); } # and this listeners else # print("Setting up subscription:", event, " for ", layer.name, " handler id:", id(event_handler) ); me.listen_switch(event, event_handler); } # foreach event subscription # and now update/init each layer once by calling its update predicate for initialization event_handler(); } # foreach layer #print("navdisplay.mfd:ND layer setup completed"); # start the update timer, which makes sure that the update() will be called me.update_timer.start(); # TODO: move this to RTE.lcontroller ? me.listen("/autopilot/route-manager/current-wp", func(activeWp) { canvas.updatewp( activeWp.getValue() ); }); }, in_mode:func(switch, modes) { foreach(var m; modes) if(me.get_switch(switch)==m) return 1; return 0; }, # Helper function for below (update()) and above (newMFD()) # to ensure position etc. are correct. update_sub: func() { # Variables: var userLat = me.aircraft_source.get_lat(); var userLon = me.aircraft_source.get_lon(); var userGndSpd = me.aircraft_source.get_gnd_spd(); var userVSpd = me.aircraft_source.get_vspd(); var dispLCD = me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "LCD"; # Heading update var userHdgMag = me.aircraft_source.get_hdg_mag(); var userHdgTru = me.aircraft_source.get_hdg_tru(); var userTrkMag = me.aircraft_source.get_trk_mag(); var userTrkTru = me.aircraft_source.get_trk_tru(); if(me.get_switch('toggle_true_north')) { var userHdg=userHdgTru; me.userHdg=userHdgTru; var userTrk=userTrkTru; me.userTrk=userTrkTru; } else { var userHdg=userHdgMag; me.userHdg=userHdgMag; var userTrk=userTrkMag; me.userTrk=userTrkMag; } # this should only ever happen when testing the experimental AI/MP ND driver hash (not critical) # or when an error occurs (critical) if (!userHdg or !userTrk or !userLat or !userLon) { print("aircraft source invalid, returning !"); return; } if (me.aircraft_source.get_gnd_spd() < 80) { userTrk = userHdg; me.userTrk=userHdg; } if((me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP']) and me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "CRT") or (me.get_switch('toggle_track_heading') and me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "LCD")) { userHdgTrk = userTrk; me.userHdgTrk = userTrk; userHdgTrkTru = userTrkTru; me.symbols.hdgTrk.setText("TRK"); } else { userHdgTrk = userHdg; me.userHdgTrk = userHdg; userHdgTrkTru = userHdgTru; me.symbols.hdgTrk.setText("HDG"); } # First, update the display position of the map var oldRange = me.map.getRange(); var pos = { lat: nil, lon: nil, alt: nil, hdg: nil, range: nil, }; # reposition the map, change heading & range: var pln_wpt_idx = getprop(me.efis_path ~ "/inputs/plan-wpt-index"); if(me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['PLAN']) and pln_wpt_idx >= 0) { if(me.route_driver != nil){ var wp = me.route_driver.getPlanModeWP(pln_wpt_idx); if(wp != nil){ pos.lat = wp.wp_lat; pos.lon = wp.wp_lon; } else { pos.lat = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/route/wp["~pln_wpt_idx~"]/latitude-deg"); pos.lon = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/route/wp["~pln_wpt_idx~"]/longitude-deg"); } } else { pos.lat = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/route/wp["~pln_wpt_idx~"]/latitude-deg"); pos.lon = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/route/wp["~pln_wpt_idx~"]/longitude-deg"); } } else { pos.lat = userLat; pos.lon = userLon; } if(me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['PLAN'])) { pos.hdg = 0; pos.range = me.rangeNm()*2 } else { pos.range = me.rangeNm(); # avoid this here, use a listener instead pos.hdg = userHdgTrkTru; } if(me.options != nil and (var pos_callback = me.options['position_callback']) != nil) pos_callback(me, pos); call(me.map.setPos, [pos.lat, pos.lon], me.map, pos); if(pos.range != oldRange){ foreach(l; me.range_dependant_layers){ l.update(); } } }, # each model should keep track of when it last got updated, using current lat/lon # in update(), we can then check if the aircraft has traveled more than 0.5-1 nm (depending on selected range) # and update each model accordingly # TODO: Hooray is still waiting for a really rainy weekend to clean up all the mess here... so plz don't add to it! update: func() # FIXME: This stuff is still too aircraft specific, cannot easily be reused by other aircraft { var _time = systime(); # Disables WXR Live if it's not enabled. The toggle_weather_live should be common to all # ND instances. var wxr_live_enabled = getprop(wxr_live_tree~'/enabled'); if(wxr_live_enabled == nil or wxr_live_enabled == '') wxr_live_enabled = 0; me.set_switch('toggle_weather_live', wxr_live_enabled); call(me.update_sub, nil, nil, caller(0)[0]); # call this in the same namespace to "steal" its variables # MapStructure update! if (me.map.controller.should_update_all()) { me.map.update(); } else { # TODO: ugly list here # FIXME: use a VOLATILE layer helper here that handles TFC, APS, WXR etc ? var update_layers = me.always_update_layers; me.map.update(func(layer) contains(update_layers, layer.type)); } # Other symbol update # TODO: should be refactored! var translation_callback = nil; if(me.options != nil) translation_callback = me.options['translation_callback']; if(typeof(translation_callback) == 'func'){ var trsl = translation_callback(me); me.map.setTranslation(trsl.x, trsl.y); } else { if(me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['PLAN'])) me.map.setTranslation(512,512); elsif(me.get_switch('toggle_centered')) me.map.setTranslation(512,565); else me.map.setTranslation(512,824); } if(me.get_switch('toggle_rh_vor_adf') == 1) { me.symbols.vorR.setText("VOR R"); me.symbols.vorR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.dmeR.setText("DME"); me.symbols.dmeR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); if(getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/in-range")) me.symbols.vorRId.setText(getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/nav-id")); else me.symbols.vorRId.setText(getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt")); me.symbols.vorRId.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); if(getprop("instrumentation/dme[1]/in-range")) me.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(sprintf("%3.1f",getprop("instrumentation/dme[1]/indicated-distance-nm"))); else me.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(" ---"); me.symbols.dmeRDist.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); } elsif(me.get_switch('toggle_rh_vor_adf') == -1) { me.symbols.vorR.setText("ADF R"); me.symbols.vorR.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.dmeR.setText(""); me.symbols.dmeR.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); if((var navident=getprop("instrumentation/adf[1]/ident")) != "") me.symbols.vorRId.setText(navident); else me.symbols.vorRId.setText(sprintf("%3d",getprop("instrumentation/adf[1]/frequencies/selected-khz"))); me.symbols.vorRId.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(""); me.symbols.dmeRDist.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); } else { me.symbols.vorR.setText(""); me.symbols.dmeR.setText(""); me.symbols.vorRId.setText(""); me.symbols.dmeRDist.setText(""); } # Hide heading bug 10 secs after change var vhdg_bug = getprop("autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg") or 0; var hdg_bug_active = getprop("autopilot/settings/heading-bug-active"); if (hdg_bug_active == nil) hdg_bug_active = 1; if((me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP']) and me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "CRT") or (me.get_switch('toggle_track_heading') and me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "LCD")) { me.symbols.trkInd.setRotation(0); me.symbols.curHdgPtr.setRotation((userHdg-userTrk)*D2R); me.symbols.curHdgPtr2.setRotation((userHdg-userTrk)*D2R); } else { me.symbols.trkInd.setRotation((userTrk-userHdg)*D2R); me.symbols.curHdgPtr.setRotation(0); me.symbols.curHdgPtr2.setRotation(0); } if(!me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['PLAN'])) { var hdgBugRot = (vhdg_bug-userHdgTrk)*D2R; me.symbols.selHdgLine.setRotation(hdgBugRot); me.symbols.hdgBug.setRotation(hdgBugRot); me.symbols.hdgBug2.setRotation(hdgBugRot); me.symbols.selHdgLine2.setRotation(hdgBugRot); } var staPtrVis = !me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['PLAN']); if((me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP']) and me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "CRT") or (me.get_switch('toggle_track_heading') and me.get_switch('toggle_display_type') == "LCD")) { var vorheading = userTrkTru; var adfheading = userTrkMag; } else { var vorheading = userHdgTru; var adfheading = userHdgMag; } if(getprop("instrumentation/nav/heading-deg") != nil) var nav0hdg=getprop("instrumentation/nav/heading-deg") - vorheading; if(getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/heading-deg") != nil) var nav1hdg=getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/heading-deg") - vorheading; var adf0hdg=getprop("instrumentation/adf/indicated-bearing-deg"); var adf1hdg=getprop("instrumentation/adf[1]/indicated-bearing-deg"); if(!me.get_switch('toggle_centered')) { if(me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['PLAN'])) me.symbols.trkInd.hide(); else me.symbols.trkInd.show(); if((getprop("instrumentation/nav/in-range") and me.get_switch('toggle_lh_vor_adf') == 1)) { me.symbols.staArrowL.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staToL.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staFromL.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staArrowL.setRotation(nav0hdg*D2R); } elsif(getprop("instrumentation/adf/in-range") and (me.get_switch('toggle_lh_vor_adf') == -1)) { me.symbols.staArrowL.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staToL.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staFromL.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staArrowL.setRotation(adf0hdg*D2R); } else { me.symbols.staArrowL.hide(); } if((getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/in-range") and me.get_switch('toggle_rh_vor_adf') == 1)) { me.symbols.staArrowR.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staToR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staFromR.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staArrowR.setRotation(nav1hdg*D2R); } elsif(getprop("instrumentation/adf[1]/in-range") and (me.get_switch('toggle_rh_vor_adf') == -1)) { me.symbols.staArrowR.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staToR.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staFromR.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staArrowR.setRotation(adf1hdg*D2R); } else { me.symbols.staArrowR.hide(); } me.symbols.staArrowL2.hide(); me.symbols.staArrowR2.hide(); me.symbols.curHdgPtr2.hide(); me.symbols.HdgBugCRT2.hide(); me.symbols.TrkBugLCD2.hide(); me.symbols.HdgBugLCD2.hide(); me.symbols.selHdgLine2.hide(); me.symbols.curHdgPtr.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.HdgBugCRT.setVisible(staPtrVis and !dispLCD); if(me.get_switch('toggle_track_heading')) { me.symbols.HdgBugLCD.hide(); me.symbols.TrkBugLCD.setVisible(staPtrVis and dispLCD); } else { me.symbols.TrkBugLCD.hide(); me.symbols.HdgBugLCD.setVisible(staPtrVis and dispLCD); } me.symbols.selHdgLine.setVisible(staPtrVis and hdg_bug_active); } else { me.symbols.trkInd.hide(); if((getprop("instrumentation/nav/in-range") and me.get_switch('toggle_lh_vor_adf') == 1)) { me.symbols.staArrowL2.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staFromL2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staToL2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staArrowL2.setRotation(nav0hdg*D2R); } elsif(getprop("instrumentation/adf/in-range") and (me.get_switch('toggle_lh_vor_adf') == -1)) { me.symbols.staArrowL2.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staFromL2.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staToL2.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staArrowL2.setRotation(adf0hdg*D2R); } else { me.symbols.staArrowL2.hide(); } if((getprop("instrumentation/nav[1]/in-range") and me.get_switch('toggle_rh_vor_adf') == 1)) { me.symbols.staArrowR2.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staFromR2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staToR2.setColor(0.195,0.96,0.097); me.symbols.staArrowR2.setRotation(nav1hdg*D2R); } elsif(getprop("instrumentation/adf[1]/in-range") and (me.get_switch('toggle_rh_vor_adf') == -1)) { me.symbols.staArrowR2.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.staFromR2.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staToR2.setColor(0,0.6,0.85); me.symbols.staArrowR2.setRotation(adf1hdg*D2R); } else { me.symbols.staArrowR2.hide(); } me.symbols.staArrowL.hide(); me.symbols.staArrowR.hide(); me.symbols.curHdgPtr.hide(); me.symbols.HdgBugCRT.hide(); me.symbols.TrkBugLCD.hide(); me.symbols.HdgBugLCD.hide(); me.symbols.selHdgLine.hide(); me.symbols.curHdgPtr2.setVisible(staPtrVis); me.symbols.HdgBugCRT2.setVisible(staPtrVis and !dispLCD); if(me.get_switch('toggle_track_heading')) { me.symbols.HdgBugLCD2.hide(); me.symbols.TrkBugLCD2.setVisible(staPtrVis and dispLCD); } else { me.symbols.TrkBugLCD2.hide(); me.symbols.HdgBugLCD2.setVisible(staPtrVis and dispLCD); } me.symbols.selHdgLine2.setVisible(staPtrVis and hdg_bug_active); } ## run all predicates in the NDStyle hash and evaluate their true/false behavior callbacks ## this is in line with the original design, but normally we don't need to getprop/poll here, ## using listeners or timers would be more canvas-friendly whenever possible ## because running setprop() on any group/canvas element at framerate means that the canvas ## will be updated at frame rate too - wasteful ... (check the performance monitor!) foreach(var feature; me.nd_style.features ) { # for stuff that always needs to be updated if (contains(feature.impl, 'common')) feature.impl.common(me); # conditional stuff if(!contains(feature.impl, 'predicate')) continue; # no conditional stuff if ( var result=feature.impl.predicate(me) ) feature.impl.is_true(me, result); # pass the result to the predicate else feature.impl.is_false( me, result ); # pass the result to the predicate } ## update the status flags shown on the ND (wxr, wpt, arpt, sta) # this could/should be using listeners instead ... me.symbols['status.wxr'].setVisible( me.get_switch('toggle_weather') and me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP'])); me.symbols['status.wpt'].setVisible( me.get_switch('toggle_waypoints') and me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP'])); me.symbols['status.arpt'].setVisible( me.get_switch('toggle_airports') and me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP'])); me.symbols['status.sta'].setVisible( me.get_switch('toggle_stations') and me.in_mode('toggle_display_mode', ['MAP'])); # Okay, _how_ do we hook this up with FGPlot? printlog(_MP_dbg_lvl, "Total ND update took "~((systime()-_time)*100)~"ms"); setprop("/instrumentation/navdisplay["~ NavDisplay.id ~"]/update-ms", systime() - _time); } # of update() method (50% of our file ...seriously?) };