<html> <head> <title>Boeing 747 -- References</title> </head> <BODY bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0800FF" vlink="FF0000" alink="FF0FF8"> <font face="arial,helvetica"> <center><h1><b><i> Boeing 747 -- References </i></b></h1></center> <b><i>Graduate Research done by <a href="http://fly.to/jeffscott/">Jeff Scott</a><br> Advisor: <a href="http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-selig">Prof. Michael Selig</a><br> Applied Aerodynamics Group<br> Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering<br> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801<p> Last updated April 11, 2000</i></b> <p> <ul> David, Donald. <b>The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft</b>. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, pg 171-172. <p> Roskam, Jan. <b>Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls, Part I</b>. Lawrence KS: DARcorporation, 1995, pg 543-545. <p> Scott, Jeff. Modern Aviation Museum, <a href="http://fly.to/airpictures/">http://fly.to/airpictures</a>. </ul> <p> <hr> <p> <h5><b><center> <a href="http://amber.aae.uiuc.edu/~jscott/sis/">Flight Sim Home</a> * <a href="../index.html">Aircraft Models</a> * <a href="index.html">Boeing 747 Model</a> * <a href="refs.html">Boeing 747 References </h5></b></center> </font> </body> </html>