## # Draw a waypoint symbol and waypoint name (Gijs' 744 ND.nas code) # var drawwp = func (group, lat, lon, name, i, wp) { var wp_group = group.createChild("group","wp"); wp[i] = wp_group.createChild("path", "wp-" ~ i) .setStrokeLineWidth(3) .moveTo(0,-25) .lineTo(-5,-5) .lineTo(-25,0) .lineTo(-5,5) .lineTo(0,25) .lineTo(5,5) .lineTo(25,0) .lineTo(5,-5) .setColor(1,1,1) .close(); ##### # The commented code leads to a segfault when a route is replaced by a new one ##### # # text_wp[i] = wp_group.createChild("text", "wp-text-" ~ i) # var text_wps = wp_group.createChild("text", "wp-text-" ~ i) .setDrawMode( canvas.Text.TEXT ) .setText(name) .setFont("LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf") .setFontSize(28) .setTranslation(25,35) .setColor(1,0,1); wp_group.setGeoPosition(lat, lon) .set("z-index",4); };