/                                                      0       4000
advise_on_initial_contact_you_have_information       4000      19662
air_force_base                                     23662      10325
airbase                                            33987       7078
airfield                                           41065       6819
airport                                            47884       6347
airport_information                                54231      10639
alpha                                              64870       5768
altimeter                                          70638       7332
and                                                77970       4318
approach                                           82288       7040
army_air_field                                     89328       9455
arrivals                                           98783       6883
at                                                105666       4027
attention                                         109693       6737
automated_weather_observation                     116430      14296
between                                           130726       5703
bird_activity                                     136429       9921
bravo                                             146350       7052
broken                                            153402       6561
cav_ok                                            159963       9122
ceiling                                           169085       6001
celsius                                           175086       8255
center                                            183341       5975
charlie                                           189316       6942
clear                                             196258       6095
closed                                            202353       6645
clouds                                            208998       7072
clouds_and_visibility_ok                          216070      15488
county                                            231558       7221
decimal                                           238779       6844
degrees                                           245623       6636
delta                                             252259       5703
departures                                        257962       7984
dewpoint                                          265946       7936
drizzle                                           273882       5966
echo                                              279848       6083
eight                                             285931       5189
equals                                            291120       6683
expect                                            297803       7572
expect_i_l_s_approach                             305375      14123
expect_visual_approach                            319498      13592
few                                               333090       5394
field                                             338484       5875
five                                              344359       5595
flock_of_birds                                    349954       9790
fog                                               359744       5661
four                                              365405       5393
foxtrot                                           370798       7697
from                                              378495       4600
glider_operation_in_sector                        383095      13941
golf                                              397036       6294
heavy                                             403330       5863
hectopascal                                       409193       9895
hotel                                             419088       6590
hours                                             425678       5742
hundred                                           431420       6281
i_l_s                                             437701       7361
ice                                               445062       5327
in_the_vicinity_of_the_airport                    450389      13305
inches                                            463694       6211
india                                             469905       6072
information                                       475977       7836
international                                     483813       8426
isolated                                          492239       8165
juliet                                            500404       6800
junior                                            507204       6694
kelometers                                        513898       8150
kilo                                              522048       6545
knots                                             528593       6251
landing_and_departing_runway                      534844      14127
left                                              548971       6245
less_than_one_quarter                             555216      10457
light                                             565673       5763
light_and_variable                                571436      10430
lima                                              581866       5084
marine_corps_air_station                          586950      12512
maximum                                           599462       7169
memorial                                          606631       7731
mike                                              614362       5975
millibars                                         620337       7976
minus                                             628313       6503
moderate                                          634816       6386
municipal                                         641202       8434
nine                                              649636       5566
niner                                             655202       5577
no_sig                                            660779       6852
november                                          667631       6927
one                                               674558       5031
one_and_one_half                                  679589      10099
one_half                                          689688       7562
one_quarter                                       697250       7348
or                                                704598       4100
or_more                                           708698       5972
oscar                                             714670       5862
out                                               720532       5546
overcast                                          726078       9157
papa                                              735235       6755
plus                                              741990       5291
qnh                                               747281       8584
quebec                                            755865       7064
rain                                              762929       5203
reed_back_all_runway_hold_instructions            768132      17220
regional                                          785352       6626
right                                             791978       5409
romeo                                             797387       7622
runway                                            805009       6344
runway_in_use                                     811353       9227
runway_wet                                        820580       8053
runways                                           828633       6792
scattered                                         835425       7035
seven                                             842460       5947
short_time__i_ls_interference_possible_by_taxiing_aircraft     848407      32799
sierra                                            881206       6339
six                                               887545       6215
sky                                               893760       6013
sky_condition                                     899773       9414
snow                                              909187       5674
tango                                             914861       7018
temperature                                       921879       7448
thin                                              929327       5104
this_is                                           934431       5626
thousand                                          940057       7136
three                                             947193       5182
three_quarters                                    952375       8943
time                                              961318       5810
to                                                967128       5071
transition_level                                  972199       9931
two                                               982130       5036
uniform                                           987166       7222
variable                                          994388       7569
victor                                           1001957       5386
visibility                                       1007343       8486
visual                                           1015829       6605
weather                                          1022434       5025
wet                                              1027459       5407
whiskey                                          1032866       6522
wind                                             1039388       5264
xray                                             1044652       7161
yankee                                           1051813       6419
zero                                             1058232       6563
zulu                                             1064795       6282
zulu_weather                                     1071077       7575