<?xml version="1.0"?>

FlightGear Materials File

This property file configures the materials for FlightGear.  Each
material describes a single visual appearance in the simulator, which
can be represented by a colour, a texture, or both.  If a material has
more than one name, all of the names will be used as aliases for the
same material: this is often a good idea to save texture memory.

Currently, colours will not be used unless the user disables textures;
in the future, the program may use textures with an alpha component so
that it will combine with the colour underneath.

Properties currently used:

  name: A name for the texture (you may provide more than one).  The
   FlightGear scenery files look up their textures by name.

  texture: A relative path to an SGI RGB file containing a texture for
    the material.

  wrapu: true if the texture should repeat horizontally over a
    surface, false if it should not repeat (default: true).

  wrapv: true if the texture should repeat vertically over a
    surface, false if it should not repeat (default: true).

  mipmap: true if the texture should be mipmapped, false otherwise
    (default: true).

  xsize: the horizontal size of a single texture repetition, in meters
    (0, the default, means use the natural size [??]).

  ysize: the vertical size of a single texture repetition, in meters
    (0, the default, means use the natural size [??]).

  light-coverage: a seed number for generating random night lighting
    over an area.  A higher number means fewer lights, and 0 means
    that lighting is disabled.

  ambient: the ambient light colour for the material, specified as
    separate red, green, blue, and alpha components (default: all
    color components 0.2, alpha 1.0).

  diffuse: the diffuse light colour for the material, specified as
    separate red, green, blue, and alpha components (default: all
    color components 0.8, alpha 1.0).

  specular: the specular light colour for the material, specified as
    separate red, green, blue, and alpha components (default: all
    color components 0.0, alpha 1.0).

  emissive: the emissive light colour for the material, specified as
    separate red, green, blue, and alpha components (default: all
    color components 0.0, alpha 1.0).



Shared parameters for various materials.
  <!-- Maximum distance from which a tree is visible -->
  <!-- Average number of square meters per tree with one type -->

















































































<!-- Default -->
  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>
   <coverage-m2 alias="/params/forest/tree-coverage-m2"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>
   <coverage-m2 alias="/params/forest/tree-coverage-m2"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>
   <coverage-m2 alias="/params/forest/tree-coverage-m2"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>
   <coverage-m2 alias="/params/forest/tree-coverage-m2"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>
   <coverage-m2 alias="/params/forest/tree-coverage-m2"/>



  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>











  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>

  <range-m alias="/params/forest/tree-range-m"/>


