Part I

1 Want to have a free flight? Take FlightGear!
 1.1 Yet another Flight Simulator?
 1.2 System requirements
 1.3 Which version should I use?
 1.4 Flight models
 1.5 To whom this guide is addressed and how it is organized
2 Building the plane: Compiling the program
 2.1 Getting a development environment under Windows
 2.2 Compiling FlightGear under Linux/Windows
 2.3 Compiling FlightGear under Mac OS 10.1
 2.4 Compiling on other systems
 2.5 Installing the base package
 2.6 For test pilots only: Building the CVS snapshots
3 Preflight: Installing FlightGear
 3.1 Installing the binary distribution on a Windows system
 3.2 Installing the binary distribution on a Macintosh system
 3.3 Installing the binary distribution on a Debian Linux system
 3.4 Installing the binary distribution on a SGI IRIX system
 3.5 Installing add-on scenery
 3.6 Installing documentation