#version 330 core layout(location = 0) out vec4 gbuffer0; layout(location = 1) out vec2 gbuffer1; layout(location = 2) out vec4 gbuffer2; in vec3 normalVS; in vec2 texCoord; uniform sampler2D landclass; uniform sampler2DArray atlas; uniform sampler1D dimensionsArray; uniform sampler1D diffuseArray; uniform sampler1D specularArray; uniform sampler2D perlin; // Passed from VPBTechnique, not the Effect uniform float tile_width; uniform float tile_height; vec2 encodeNormal(vec3 n); void main() { // The Landclass for this particular fragment. This can be used to // index into the atlas textures. int lc = int(texture(landclass, texCoord).g * 255.0 + 0.5); // Different textures have different have different dimensions. // Dimensions array is scaled to fit in [0...1.0] in the texture1D, so has to be scaled back up here. vec4 color = texture(diffuseArray, float(lc)/512.0); vec4 specular = texture(specularArray, float(lc)/512.0); vec2 atlas_dimensions = 10000.0 * texture(dimensionsArray, float(lc)/512.0).st; vec2 atlas_scale = vec2(tile_width / atlas_dimensions.s, tile_height / atlas_dimensions.t ); vec2 st = atlas_scale * texCoord; // Rotate texture using the perlin texture as a mask to reduce tiling if (step(0.5, texture(perlin, atlas_scale * texCoord / 8.0).r) == 1.0) { st = vec2(atlas_scale.s * texCoord.t, atlas_scale.t * texCoord.s); } if (step(0.5, texture(perlin, - atlas_scale * texCoord / 16.0).r) == 1.0) { st = -st; } vec3 texel = texture(atlas, vec3(st, lc)).rgb; gbuffer0.rgb = pow(texel, vec3(2.2)); // Gamma correction gbuffer0.a = 1.0; gbuffer1 = encodeNormal(normalVS); gbuffer2 = vec4(0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.0); }