var MessageBox = { Ok: 0x0001, Cancel: 0x0002, Yes: 0x0004, No: 0x0008, DontShowAgain: 0x8000, new: func { return { parents: [MessageBox], _title: "Message", _standard_buttons: MessageBox.Ok, _remember_selection: 0 }; }, setTitle: func(title) { me._title = title; }, setImage: func(img) { if( img != nil and img.find('/') < 0 ) me._img = style._dir_icons ~ "/" ~ img ~ ".png"; else me._img = img; return me; }, setText: func(text) { me._text = text; return me; }, setStandardButtons: func(mask) { me._standard_buttons = mask; return me; }, exec: func(cb = nil) { if( me._standard_buttons & me.DontShowAgain ) if( (var sel = me._loadSelection()) != nil ) { if( cb != nil ) cb(sel); return me; } var MARGIN = 12; # TODO implement margin in C++ layouting code var dlg =[300,120], "dialog") .setTitle(me._title); var root = dlg.getCanvas(1) .set("background", style.getColor("bg_color")) .createGroup(); var vbox =; dlg.setLayout(vbox); vbox.addSpacing(MARGIN); var text_box =; vbox.addItem(text_box); text_box.setSpacing(MARGIN); text_box.addSpacing(MARGIN); if( me._img != nil ) { text_box.addItem(, style, {}) .setFixedSize(48, 48) .setImage(me._img) ); } var label_text =, style, {wordWrap: 1}) .setText(me._text); text_box.addItem(label_text, 1); text_box.addSpacing(MARGIN); vbox.addStretch(1); var button_box =; vbox.addItem(button_box); if( me._standard_buttons & me.DontShowAgain ) { button_box.addSpacing(MARGIN); button_box.addItem(, style, {}) .setText("Don't show again.") .listen("toggled", func(e) { me._remember_selection = e.detail.checked }) ); } button_box.addStretch(1); foreach(var button; [me.Ok, me.Cancel, me.Yes, me.No]) { if( !(me._standard_buttons & button) ) continue; (func{ var b_id = button; button_box.addItem(, style, {}) .setText(me._button_names[button]) .listen("clicked", func { dlg.del(); if( me._remember_selection and b_id != me.Cancel) me._saveSelection(b_id); if( cb != nil ) cb(b_id); }) ); })(); } button_box.addSpacing(MARGIN); vbox.addSpacing(MARGIN); var w = vbox.sizeHint()[0]; dlg.setSize(w, math.max(130, vbox.heightForWidth(w))); return me; }, show: func(title, text, icon = nil, cb = nil, buttons = nil) { var msg_box =; msg_box.setTitle(title); msg_box.setText(text); if( buttons == nil or buttons == MessageBox.DontShowAgain ) buttons = (buttons or 0) | MessageBox.Ok; msg_box.setStandardButtons(buttons); if( icon != nil ) msg_box.setImage(icon); return msg_box.exec(cb); }, # Show an error/critical message in a message box # # @param title # @param text # @param cb Dialog close callback # @param buttons Mask indicating the buttons to show # (default: MessageBox.Ok) critical: func(title, text, cb = nil, buttons = nil) {, text, "dialog-error", cb, buttons); }, # Show a warning message in a message box # # @param title # @param text # @param cb Dialog close callback # @param buttons Mask indicating the buttons to show # (default: MessageBox.Ok) warning: func(title, text, cb = nil, buttons = nil) {, text, "dialog-warning", cb, buttons); }, # Show an informative message in a message box # # @param title # @param text # @param cb Dialog close callback # @param buttons Mask indicating the buttons to show # (default: MessageBox.Ok) information: func(title, text, cb = nil, buttons = nil) {, text, "dialog-info", cb, buttons); }, # Show a question in a message box # # @param title # @param text # @param cb Dialog close callback # @param buttons Mask indicating the buttons to show # (default: MessageBox.Yes | MessageBox.No) question: func(title, text, cb = nil, buttons = nil) { if( buttons == nil or buttons == MessageBox.DontShowAgain ) buttons = (buttons or 0) | MessageBox.Yes | MessageBox.No;, text, "dialog-question", cb, buttons); }, # private: _button_names: {}, _loadSelection: func { var dlg_id = md5(me._title ~ me._text ~ me._standard_buttons); me._save_path = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/cache/MessageBox-" ~ dlg_id; if( io.stat(me._save_path) != nil ) { printlog("info", "Load dialog selection from '" ~ me._save_path ~ "'"); return int(io.readfile(me._save_path)); } return nil; }, _saveSelection: func(sel) { printlog("info", "Saving dialog selection to '" ~ me._save_path ~ "'"); var fh =, "w"); io.write(fh, '' ~ sel); io.close(fh); } }; # Standard button names MessageBox._button_names[ MessageBox.Ok ] = "Ok"; MessageBox._button_names[ MessageBox.Cancel ] = "Cancel"; MessageBox._button_names[ MessageBox.Yes ] = "Yes"; MessageBox._button_names[ MessageBox.No ] = "No";