var Symbol = { # Static/singleton: registry: {}, add: func(type, class) me.registry[type] = class, get: func(type) if ((var class = me.registry[type]) == nil) die("unknown type '"~type~"'"); else return class, # Calls corresonding symbol constructor # @param group #Canvas.Group to place this on. new: func(type, group, arg...) { var ret = call((var class = me.get(type)).new, [group]~arg, class); ret.element.set("symbol-type", type); return ret; }, # Non-static: df_controller: nil, # default controller # Update the drawing of this object (position and others). update: func() die("update() not implemented for this symbol type!"), draw: func(group, model, lod) die("draw() not implemented for this symbol type!"), del: func() die("del() not implemented for this symbol type!"), }; # of Symbol Symbol.Controller = { # Static/singleton: registry: {}, add: func(type, class) registry[type] = class, get: func(type) if ((var class = me.registry[type]) == nil) die("unknown type '"~type~"'"); else return class, # Calls corresonding symbol constructor # @param model Model to place this on. new: func(type, model, arg...) return call((var class = me.get(type)).new, [model]~arg, class), # Non-static: # Update anything related to a particular model. Returns whether the object needs updating: update: func(model) return 1, # Initialize a controller to an object (or initialize the controller itself): init: func(model) , # Delete an object from this controller (or delete the controller itself): del: func(model) , # Return whether this symbol/object is visible: isVisible: func(model) return 1, # Get the position of this symbol/object: getpos: func(model), # default provided below }; # of Symbol.Controller var getpos_fromghost = func(positioned_g) return [, positioned_g.lon]; # Generic getpos: get lat/lon from any object: # (geo.Coord and positioned ghost currently) Symbol.Controller.getpos = func(obj) { if (typeof(obj) == 'ghost') if (ghosttype(obj) == 'positioned' or ghosttype(obj) == 'Navaid') return getpos_fromghost(obj); else die("bad ghost of type '"~ghosttype(obj)~"'"); if (typeof(obj) == 'hash') if (isa(obj, geo.Coord)) return obj.latlon(); die("no suitable getpos() found! Of type: "~typeof(obj)); }; var assert_m = func(hash, member) if (!contains(hash, member)) die("required field not found: '"~member~"'"); var assert_ms = func(hash, members...) foreach (var m; members) if (m != nil) assert_m(hash, m); var DotSym = { parents: [Symbol], element_id: nil, # Static/singleton: makeinstance: func(name, hash) { assert_ms(hash, "element_type", # type of Canvas element #"element_id", # optional Canvas id #"init", # initialize routine "draw", # init/update routine #getpos", # get position from model in [x_units,y_units] (optional) ); hash.parents = [DotSym]; return Symbol.add(name, hash); }, readinstance: func(file, name=nil) { #print(file); if (name == nil) var name = split("/", file)[-1]; if (substr(name, size(name)-4) == ".draw") name = substr(name, 0, size(name)-5); var code = io.readfile(file); var code = call(compile, [code], var err=[]); if (size(err)) { if (substr(err[0], 0, 12) == "Parse error:") { # hack around Nasal feature var e = split(" at line ", err[0]); if (size(e) == 2) err[0] = string.join("", [e[0], "\n at ", file, ", line ", e[1], "\n "]); } for (var i = 1; (var c = caller(i)) != nil; i += 1) err ~= subvec(c, 2, 2); debug.printerror(err); return; } call(code, nil, nil, var hash = { parents:[DotSym] }); me.makeinstance(name, hash); }, # For the instances returned from makeinstance: # @param group The Canvas group to add this to. # @param model A correct object (e.g. positioned ghost) as # expected by the .draw file that represents # metadata like position, speed, etc. # @param controller Optional controller "glue". Each method # is called with the model as the only argument. new: func(group, model, controller=nil) { var m = { parents: [me], group: group, model: model, controller: controller == nil ? me.df_controller : controller, element: group.createChild( me.element_type, me.element_id ), }; if (m.controller != nil) { #print("Initializing controller"); m.controller.init(model); } else die("default controller not found"); m.init(); return m; }, del: func() { #print("DotSym.del()"); me.deinit(); if (me.controller != nil) me.controller.del(me.model); call(func me.model.del(), nil, var err=[]); # try... if (err[0] != "No such member: del") # ... and either catch or rethrow die(err[0]); me.element.del(); }, # Default wrappers: init: func() me.draw(), deinit: func(), update: func() { if (me.controller != nil) { if (!me.controller.update(me.model)) return; elsif (!me.controller.isVisible(me.model)) { me.element.hide(); return; } } else; me.draw(); var pos = me.controller.getpos(me.model); if (size(pos) == 2) pos~=[nil]; # fall through if (size(pos) == 3) var (lat,lon,rotation) = pos; else die("bad position: "~debug.dump(pos)); me.element.setGeoPosition(lat,lon); if (rotation != nil) me.element.setRotation(rotation); }, }; # of DotSym # A layer that manages a list of symbols (using delta positioned handling). var SymbolLayer = { # Static/singleton: registry: {}, add: func(type, class) me.registry[type] = class, get: func(type) if ((var class = me.registry[type]) == nil) die("unknown type '"~type~"'"); else return class, # Non-static: df_controller: nil, # default controller df_priority: nil, # default priority for display sorting type: nil, # type of #Symbol to add (MANDATORY) id: nil, # id of the group #canvas.Element (OPTIONAL) # @param group A group to place this on. # @param controller A controller object (parents=[SymbolLayer.Controller]) # or implementation (parents[0].parents=[SymbolLayer.Controller]). new: func(group, controller=nil) { var m = { parents: [me], group: group.createChild("group",, # TODO: the id is not properly set, but would be useful for debugging purposes (VOR, FIXES, NDB etc) list: [], }; # FIXME: hack to expose type of layer: if (caller(1)[1] == Map.addLayer) { var this_type = caller(1)[0].type_arg; if (this_type != nil)"symbol-layer-type", this_type); } if (controller == nil) #controller =, m); controller = me.df_controller; assert_m(controller, "parents"); if (controller.parents[0] == SymbolLayer.Controller) controller =; assert_m(controller, "parents"); assert_m(controller.parents[0], "parents"); if (controller.parents[0].parents[0] != SymbolLayer.Controller) die("OOP error"); m.controller = controller; m.searcher =, me.onAdded, me.onRemoved, m); m.update(); return m; }, update: func() { me.searcher.update(); foreach (var e; me.list) e.update(); }, del: func() { #print("SymbolLayer.del()"); me.controller.del(); foreach (var e; me.list) e.del(); }, findsym: func(positioned_g, del=0) { forindex (var i; me.list) { var e = me.list[i]; if (geo.PositionedSearch._equals(e.model, positioned_g)) { if (del) { # Remove this element from the list var prev = subvec(me.list, 0, i); var next = subvec(me.list, i+1); me.list = prev~next; } return e; } } return nil; }, searchCmd: func() me.controller.searchCmd(), # Adds a symbol. onAdded: func(positioned_g) append(me.list,,, positioned_g)), # Removes a symbol onRemoved: func(positioned_g) me.findsym(positioned_g, 1).del(), }; # of SymbolLayer # Class to manage controlling a #SymbolLayer. # Currently handles: # * Searching for new symbols (positioned ghosts or other objects with unique id's). # * Updating the layer (e.g. on an update loop or on a property change). SymbolLayer.Controller = { # Static/singleton: registry: {}, add: func(type, class) me.registry[type] = class, get: func(type) if ((var class = me.registry[type]) == nil) die("unknown type '"~type~"'"); else return class, # Calls corresonding controller constructor # @param layer The #SymbolLayer this controller is responsible for. new: func(type, layer, arg...) return call((var class = me.get(type)).new, [layer]~arg, class), # Non-static: run_update: func() { me.layer.update(); }, # @return List of positioned objects. searchCmd: func() die("searchCmd() not implemented for this SymbolLayer.Controller type!"), }; # of SymbolLayer.Controller settimer(func { Map.Controller = { # Static/singleton: registry: {}, add: func(type, class) me.registry[type] = class, get: func(type) if ((var class = me.registry[type]) == nil) die("unknown type '"~type~"'"); else return class, # Calls corresonding controller constructor # @param map The #SymbolMap this controller is responsible for. new: func(type, layer, arg...) return call((var class = me.get(type)).new, [map]~arg, class), }; ####### LOAD FILES ####### #print("loading files"); (func { var FG_ROOT = getprop("/sim/fg-root"); var load = func(file, name) { #print(file); if (name == nil) var name = split("/", file)[-1]; if (substr(name, size(name)-4) == ".draw") name = substr(name, 0, size(name)-5); #print("reading file"); var code = io.readfile(file); #print("compiling file"); # This segfaults for some reason: #var code = call(compile, [code], var err=[]); var code = call(func compile(code, file), [code], var err=[]); if (size(err)) { #print("handling error"); if (substr(err[0], 0, 12) == "Parse error:") { # hack around Nasal feature var e = split(" at line ", err[0]); if (size(e) == 2) err[0] = string.join("", [e[0], "\n at ", file, ", line ", e[1], "\n "]); } for (var i = 1; (var c = caller(i)) != nil; i += 1) err ~= subvec(c, 2, 2); debug.printerror(err); return; } #print("calling code"); call(code, nil, nil, var hash = {}); #debug.dump(keys(hash)); return hash; }; load(FG_ROOT~"/Nasal/canvas/map/VOR.lcontroller", "VOR"); DotSym.readinstance(FG_ROOT~"/Nasal/canvas/map/VOR.symbol", "VOR"); load(FG_ROOT~"/Nasal/canvas/map/VOR.scontroller", "VOR"); load(FG_ROOT~"/Nasal/canvas/map/aircraftpos.controller", "VOR"); })(); #print("finished loading files"); ####### TEST SYMBOL ####### if (0) settimer(func { if (caller(0)[0] != globals.canvas) return call(caller(0)[1], arg, nil, globals.canvas); print("Running MapStructure test code"); var TestCanvas ={ "name": "Map Test", "size": [1024, 1024], "view": [1024, 1024], "mipmapping": 1 }); var dlg =[400, 400], "dialog"); dlg.setCanvas(TestCanvas); var TestMap = TestCanvas.createGroup().createChild("map"); # we should not directly use a canvas here, but instead a TestMap.addLayer(factory: SymbolLayer, type_arg: "VOR"); # the ID should be also exposed in the property tree for each group (layer), i.e. better debugging # Center the map's origin: TestMap.setTranslation(512,512); # FIXME: don't hardcode these values, but read in canvas texture dimensions, otherwise it will break once someone uses non 1024x1024 textures ... # Initialize a range (TODO: LayeredMap.Controller): TestMap.set("range", 100); # Little cursor of current position: TestMap.createChild("path").rect(-5,-5,10,10).setColorFill(1,1,1).setColor(0,1,0); # And make it move with our aircraft: TestMap.setController("Aircraft position"); # from aircraftpos.controller dlg.del = func() { TestMap.del(); # call inherited 'del' delete(me, "del"); me.del(); }; }, 1); }, 0); # end ugly module init timer hack