require.config({ baseUrl : '.', paths : { jquery : '3rdparty/jquery/jquery-1.11.2.min', 'jquery-ui' : '3rdparty/jquery/ui', knockout : '3rdparty/knockout/knockout-3.2.0', kojqui : '3rdparty/knockout-jqueryui', sprintf : '3rdparty/sprintf/sprintf.min', leaflet : '3rdparty/leaflet-0.7.3/leaflet', text : '3rdparty/require/text', flot : '3rdparty/flot/jquery.flot', fgcommand : 'lib/fgcommand', } }); require([ 'knockout', 'jquery', 'themeswitch' ], function(ko, jquery) { function KnockProps(aliases) { var self = this; = new WebSocket('ws://' + + '/PropertyListener'); = function(ev) { var msg = 'Lost connection to FlightGear. Please reload this page and/or restart FlightGear.'; alert(msg); throw new Error(msg); } = function(ev) { var msg = 'Error communicating with FlightGear. Please reload this page and/or restart FlightGear.'; alert(msg); throw new Error(msg); } = function(ev) { try {; } catch (e) { } }; this.openCache = []; = function(ev) { // send subscriptions when the socket is open var c = self.openCache; delete self.openCache; c.forEach(function(e) { self.addListener(e.prop, e.koObservable); }); } = function(json) { var koObservable = self.listeners[json.path] || null; if (!koObservable) return; koObservable(json.value); } this.listeners = {} this.addListener = function(prop, koObservable) { if (self.openCache) { // socket not yet open, just cache the request console.log("caching listener request"); self.openCache.push({ "prop" : prop, "koObservable" : koObservable }); return; } var path = this.aliases[prop] || ""; if (path.length == 0) { console.log("can't listen to " + prop + ": unknown alias."); return; } self.listeners[path] = koObservable;{ command : 'addListener', node : path }));{ command : 'get', node : path })); } this.aliases = aliases || {}; this.setAliases = function(arg) { arg.forEach(function(a) { self.aliases[a[0]] = a[1]; }); } this.props = {}; this.get = function(target, prop) { if (self.props[prop]) { return self.props[prop]; } var p = (self.props[prop] = ko.pureComputed({ read : target, write : function(newValue) { if (newValue == target()) return; target(newValue); target.notifySubscribers(newValue); } })); self.addListener(prop, p); return p; } this.write = function(prop, value) { var path = this.aliases[prop] || ""; if (path.length == 0) { console.log("can't write " + prop + ": unknown alias."); return; }{ command : 'set', node : path, value : value })); } this.propsToObject = function(prop, map, result) { result = result || {} prop.children.forEach(function(prop) { var target = map[] || null; if (target) { if (typeof (result[target]) === 'function') { result[target](prop.value); } else { result[target] = prop.value; } } }); return result; } } ko.extenders.fgprop = function(target, prop) { return ko.utils.knockprops.get(target, prop); }; ko.utils.knockprops = new KnockProps(); ko.utils.knockprops.setAliases([ // time [ "gmt", "/sim/time/gmt" ], [ "local-offset", "/sim/time/local-offset" ], // flight [ "pitch", "/orientation/pitch-deg" ], [ "roll", "/orientation/roll-deg" ], [ "heading", "/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg" ], [ "altitude", "/position/altitude-ft" ], [ "latitude", "/position/latitude-deg" ], [ "longitude", "/position/longitude-deg" ], [ "airspeed", "/velocities/airspeed-kt" ], [ "slip", "/instrumentation/slip-skid-ball/indicated-slip-skid" ], [ "cg", "/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/cg-x-in" ], [ "weight", "/fdm/jsbsim/inertia/weight-lbs" ], // radio settings [ "com1use", "/instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz" ], [ "com1sby", "/instrumentation/comm/frequencies/standby-mhz" ], [ "com1stn", "/instrumentation/comm/station-name" ], [ "com2use", "/instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz" ], [ "com2sby", "/instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies/standby-mhz" ], [ "com2stn", "/instrumentation/comm[1]/station-name" ], [ "nav1use", "/instrumentation/nav/frequencies/selected-mhz" ], [ "nav1sby", "/instrumentation/nav/frequencies/standby-mhz" ], [ "nav1stn", "/instrumentation/nav/nav-id" ], [ "nav2use", "/instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz" ], [ "nav2sby", "/instrumentation/nav[1]/frequencies/standby-mhz" ], [ "nav2stn", "/instrumentation/nav[1]/nav-id" ], [ "adf1use", "/instrumentation/adf/frequencies/selected-khz" ], [ "adf1sby", "/instrumentation/adf/frequencies/standby-khz" ], [ "adf1stn", "/instrumentation/adf/ident" ], [ "dme1use", "/instrumentation/dme/frequencies/selected-mhz" ], [ "dme1dst", "/instrumentation/dme/indicated-distance-nm" ], [ "xpdrcod", "/instrumentation/transponder/id-code" ], // weather [ "ac-wdir", "/environment/wind-from-heading-deg" ], [ "ac-wspd", "/environment/wind-speed-kt" ], [ "ac-visi", "/environment/visibility-m" ], [ "ac-temp", "/environment/temperature-degc" ], [ "ac-dewp", "/environment/dewpoint-degc" ], [ "gnd-wdir", "/environment/config/boundary/entry/wind-from-heading-deg" ], [ "gnd-wspd", "/environment/config/boundary/entry/wind-speed-kt" ], [ "gnd-visi", "/environment/config/boundary/entry/visibility-m" ], [ "gnd-temp", "/environment/config/boundary/entry/temperature-degc" ], [ "gnd-dewp", "/environment/config/boundary/entry/dewpoint-degc" ], [ "metar", "/environment/metar/data" ], [ "metar-valid", "/environment/metar/valid" ], ]); function PhiViewModel(props) { var self = this; self.props = props; self.widgets = ko.observableArray([ "efis", "radiostack", "map" ]); self.topics = [ 'Aircraft', 'Environment', 'Map', 'Tools', 'Simulator', 'Help', ]; self.selectedTopic = ko.observable(); self.selectTopic = function(topic) { self.selectedTopic(topic); } self.selectTopic(self.topics[0]); } ko.components.register('Aircraft', { require : 'topics/Aircraft' }); ko.components.register('Environment', { require : 'topics/Environment' }); ko.components.register('Map', { require : 'topics/Map' }); ko.components.register('Tools', { require : 'topics/Tools' }); ko.components.register('Simulator', { require : 'topics/Simulator' }); ko.components.register('Help', { require : 'topics/Help' }); ko.components.register('map', { require : 'widgets/map' }); ko.components.register('radiostack', { require : 'widgets/radiostack' }); ko.components.register('efis', { require : 'widgets/efis' }); ko.applyBindings(new PhiViewModel()); });