<?xml version="1.0"?>


  <!-- Control the weather -->

  <!-- Title bar with close button -->


      <label>Basic Troposphere Weather Conditions</label>





    <!-- Left Column -->

        <!-- Cloud Layers -->
            <label>Cloud Layers (All Altitudes ft-AMSL)</label>


              <label>Altitude (ft)</label>


              <label>Thickness (ft)</label>

            <!-- Layer 4 -->




            <!-- Layer 3 -->




            <!-- Layer 2 -->




            <!-- Layer 1 -->




            <!-- Layer 0 -->




      <!-- Cloud Layers End -->

      <!-- Precipitation -->





              <label>QNH (inHg)</label>



      <!-- Precipitation End  -->
    <!-- Left Column End -->


    <!-- Right Column -->

      <!-- Aloft -->

            <label>Aloft (All Altitudes ft-AMSL)</label>


              <label>Wind (dir/kt)</label>

              <label>Vis (m)</label>

              <label>Temp (C)</label>

              <label>Dewpt (C)</label>






































      <!-- Aloft End -->

      <!-- Boundary  -->

            <label>Boundary (All Elevations ft-AGL)</label>




              <label>Wind (dir/kt)</label>

              <label>Vis (m)</label>

              <label>Temp (C)</label>

              <label>Dewpt (C)</label>
















      <!-- Boundary  End -->

    <!-- Right Column -->




        var normalize_string = func(src) {
          if( src == nil ) src = "";
          var dst = "";
          for( var i = 0; i < size(src); i+=1 ) {
            if( src[i] == `\n` or src[i] == `\r` )
              src[i] = ` `;

            if( i != 0 and src[i] == ` ` and src[i-1] == ` ` )

            dst = dst ~ " ";
            dst[size(dst)-1] = src[i];
          return dst;

      var GlobalWeatherDialogController = {

        new : func( dlgRoot ) {
          var obj = { parents: [GlobalWeatherDialogController] };
          obj.dlgRoot = dlgRoot;
          obj.base = "sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario";
          obj.baseN = props.globals.getNode( obj.base, 1 );

          return obj;

        open : func {
          for( var i = 0; i < 5; i+=1 )
            me.initTurbulence("aloft", i );

          for( var i = 0; i < 2; i+=1 )
            me.initTurbulence("boundary", i );

        close : func {

        setTurbulence : func( where, idx ) {
          var propPath = "/environment/config/" ~ where ~ "/entry[" ~ idx ~ "]/";
          setprop( propPath ~ "turbulence/magnitude-norm", 
            me.turbulenceNames[getprop(propPath ~ "turbulence-name")]/(size(me.turbulenceNames)-1) );

        initTurbulence : func( where, idx ) {
          var propPath = "/environment/config/" ~ where ~ "/entry[" ~ idx ~ "]/";
          var turb = getprop( propPath ~ "turbulence/magnitude-norm" ) * (size(me.turbulenceNames)-1);
          turb = int(int(10*turb+5)/10); # round to nearest integer
          foreach( var t; keys(me.turbulenceNames) ) {
            if( me.turbulenceNames[t] == turb ) {
              setprop( propPath ~ "turbulence-name", t );

        turbulenceNames : { "none" : 0, "light" : 1, "moderate" : 2, "severe" : 3 },


      var controller = GlobalWeatherDialogController.new( cmdarg() );
