# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan # This file is part of FlightGear. # # Foobar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FlightGear. If not, see . # # PFDInstruments var PFDInstruments = { COLORS : { green : [0, 1, 0], white : [1, 1, 1], black : [0, 0, 0], lightblue : [0, 1, 1], darkblue : [0, 0, 1], red : [1, 0, 0], magenta : [1, 0, 1], }, new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg) { var obj = { parents : [ PFDInstruments, MFDPage.new(mfd, myCanvas, device, svg, "PFDInstruments", "PFD Instruments") ], _ias_already_exceeded : 0, _windDataDisplay : 0, _CDISource : "OFF", _BRG1 : "OFF", _BRG2 : "OFF", _DME : 0, _OMI : "", _Map : 0, _Multiline : 0, _annunciation : 0, }; # Hide various elements for the moment. TODO - implement obj.device.svg.getElementById("PFDInstrumentsFailures").setVisible(0); obj.device.svg.getElementById("PFDInstrumentsGSPD").setVisible(0); obj.addTextElements([ "Speed110", "VSIText", "TAS-text", "GSPD-text", "Alt11100", "AltBigC", "AltSmallC", "BARO-text", "OAT-text", "HDG-text", "SelectedHDG-text", "SelectedALT-text", ]); # Set clipping for the various tapes var clips = { PitchScale : "rect(70,664,370,256)", SpeedLint1 : "rect(252,226,318,204)", SpeedTape : "rect(115,239,455,156)", LintAlt : "rect(115,808,455,704)", AltLint00011 : "rect(252,804,318,771)", }; foreach(var id; keys(clips)) { var clip = clips[id]; obj.device.svg.getElementById("PFDInstruments" ~ id).set("clip", clip); } obj.topMenu(device, obj, nil); obj.setController(fg1000.PFDInstrumentsController.new(obj, svg)); obj.setWindDisplay(0); obj.setCDISource("OFF"); obj.setBRG1("OFF"); obj.setBRG2("OFF"); obj.setDME(0); obj.setMap(0); obj.setMultiline(0); obj.setAnnunciation(0); obj.setOMI(""); return obj; }, offdisplay : func() { me._group.setVisible(0); # Reset the menu colours. Shouldn't have to do this here, but # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so. for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) { var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i); me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0); me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0); } me.getController().offdisplay(); }, ondisplay : func() { me._group.setVisible(1); me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title); me.getController().ondisplay(); }, topMenu : func(device, pg, menuitem) { pg.clearMenu(); pg.resetMenuColors(); device.updateMenus(); }, updateAI: func(pitch, roll, slip) { if (pitch > 80) pitch = 80; elsif (pitch < -80) pitch = -80; me.getElement("Horizon") .setCenter(459, 282.8 - 6.849 * pitch) .setRotation(-roll * D2R) .setTranslation(0, pitch * 6.849); me.getElement("bankPointer") .setRotation(-roll * D2R); me.getElement("SlipSkid") .setTranslation(slip * 10, 0); }, updateIAS: func (ias, ias_trend) { if (ias >= 10) { me.setTextElement("Speed110", sprintf("% 2u",num(math.floor(ias/10)))); } else { me.setTextElement("Speed110", ""); } me.getElement("SpeedLint1").setTranslation(0,(math.mod(ias,10) + (ias >= 10)*10) * 36); me.getElement("SpeedTape").setTranslation(0,ias * 5.711); ias_trend = math.clamp(ias_trend, -30, 30); me.getElement("Airspeed-Trend-Indicator") .setScale(1,ias_trend) .setTranslation(0, -284.5 * (ias_trend - 1)); var vne = me.mfd.ConfigStore.get("Vne"); if (ias > vne and ! me._ias_already_exceeded) { me._ias_already_exceeded = 1; me.getElement("IAS-bg").setColorFill(1,0,0); } elsif (ias < vne and me._ias_already_exceeded) { me._ias_already_exceeded = 0; me.getElement("IAS-bg").setColorFill(0,0,0); } foreach (var v; ["Vx", "Vy", "Vr", "Vglide"]) { var spd = me.mfd.ConfigStore.get(v); var visible = me.mfd.ConfigStore.get(v ~ "-visible"); if (visible and abs(spd - ias) < 30) { me.getElement("IAS-" ~ v) .setTranslation(0, (ias - spd) * 5.711) .show(); } else { me.getElement("IAS-" ~ v).hide(); } } }, updateVSI: func (vsi) { me.getElement("VSI").setTranslation(0, math.clamp(vsi, -4500, 4500) * -0.03465); me.setTextElement("VSIText", num(math.round(vsi, 10))); }, updateTAS: func (tas) { me.setTextElement("TAS-text", sprintf("%iKT", tas)); #me.getElement("GSPD-text").setText(sprintf("%iKT", tas)); }, updateALT: func (alt, alt_trend, selected_alt) { if (alt < 0) { me.setTextElement("Alt11100", sprintf("-% 3i",abs(math.ceil(alt/100)))); } elsif (alt < 100) { me.setTextElement("Alt11100", ""); } else { me.setTextElement("Alt11100", sprintf("% 3i",math.floor(alt/100))); } me.getElement("AltLint00011").setTranslation(0,math.fmod(alt,100) * 1.24); if (alt> -1000 and alt< 1000000) { var Offset10 = 0; var Offset100 = 0; var Offset1000 = 0; var Ne = 0; var Alt10 = math.mod(alt,100); var Alt100 = int(math.mod(alt/100,10)); var Alt1000 = int(math.mod(alt/1000,10)); var Alt10000 = int(math.mod(alt/10000,10)); var Alt20 = math.mod(Alt10,20)/20; if (alt< 0) { var Ne = 1; var alt= -alt; } if (Alt10 >= 80) Alt100 += Alt20; if (Alt10 >= 80 and Alt100 >= 9) Alt1000 += Alt20; if (Alt10 >= 80 and Alt100 >= 9 and Alt1000 >= 9) Alt10000 += Alt20; if (alt> 100) Offset10 = 100; if (alt> 1000) Offset100 = 10; if (alt> 10000) Offset1000 = 10; if (Ne) { me.getElement("LintAlt").setTranslation(0,(math.mod(alt,100))*-0.57375); var altCentral = -(int(alt/100)*100); } else { me.getElement("LintAlt").setTranslation(0,(math.mod(alt,100))*0.57375); var altCentral = (int(alt/100)*100); } me.setTextElement("AltBigC", ""); me.setTextElement("AltSmallC", ""); for (var place = 1; place <= 6; place += 1) { var altUP = altCentral + (place*100); var altDOWN = altCentral - (place*100); var offset = -30.078; var prefix = ""; if (altUP < 0) { altUP = -altUP; prefix = "-"; offset += 15.039; } var AltBigUP = ""; var AltSmallUP = "0"; if (altUP == 0) { AltBigUP = ""; AltSmallUP = "0"; } elsif (math.mod(altUP,500) == 0 and altUP != 0) { AltBigUP = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", altUP); AltSmallUP = ""; } elsif (altUP < 1000 and (math.mod(altUP,500))) { AltBigUP = ""; AltSmallUP = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", int(math.mod(altUP,1000))); offset = -30.078; } elsif ((altUP < 10000) and (altUP >= 1000) and (math.mod(altUP,500))) { AltBigUP = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", int(altUP/1000)); AltSmallUP = sprintf("%1d", int(math.mod(altUP,1000))); offset += 15.039; } else { AltBigUP = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", int(altUP/1000)); mod = int(math.mod(altUP,1000)); AltSmallUP = sprintf("%1d", mod); offset += 30.078; } me.getElement("AltBigU"~place).setText(AltBigUP); me.getElement("AltSmallU"~place).setText(AltSmallUP); me.getElement("AltSmallU"~place).setTranslation(offset,0); offset = -30.078; prefix = ""; if (altDOWN < 0) { altDOWN = -altDOWN; prefix = "-"; offset += 15.039; } if (altDOWN == 0) { AltBigDOWN = ""; AltSmallDOWN = "0"; } elsif (math.mod(altDOWN,500) == 0 and altDOWN != 0) { AltBigDOWN = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", altDOWN); AltSmallDOWN = ""; } elsif (altDOWN < 1000 and (math.mod(altDOWN,500))) { AltBigDOWN = ""; AltSmallDOWN = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", int(math.mod(altDOWN,1000))); offset = -30.078; } elsif ((altDOWN < 10000) and (altDOWN >= 1000) and (math.mod(altDOWN,500))) { AltBigDOWN = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", int(altDOWN/1000)); AltSmallDOWN = sprintf("%1d", int(math.mod(altDOWN,1000))); offset += 15.039; } else { AltBigDOWN = sprintf(prefix~"%1d", int(altDOWN/1000)); AltSmallDOWN = sprintf("%1d", int(math.mod(altDOWN,1000))); offset += 30.078; } me.getElement("AltBigD"~place).setText(AltBigDOWN); me.getElement("AltSmallD"~place).setText(AltSmallDOWN); me.getElement("AltSmallD"~place).setTranslation(offset,0); } } alt_trend = math.clamp(alt_trend, -15, 15); me.getElement("Altitude-Trend-Indicator") .setScale(1,alt_trend) .setTranslation(0, -284.5 * (alt_trend - 1)); var delta_alt = alt - selected_alt; delta_alt = math.clamp(delta_alt, -300, 300); me.getElement("SelectedALT-bug").setTranslation(0, delta_alt * 0.567); # 170/300 = 0.567 }, updateBARO : func (baro) { # TODO: Support hPa and inhg #var fmt = me._baro_unit == "inhg" ? "%.2fin" : "%i%shPa"; var fmt = "%.2fin"; me.setTextElement("BARO-text", sprintf(fmt, baro)); }, updateOAT : func (oat) { # TODO: Support FAHRENHEIT me.setTextElement("OAT-text", sprintf((abs(oat) < 10) ? "%.1f %s" : "%i %s", oat, "°C")); }, updateHSI : func (hdg) { me.getElement("Rose").setRotation(-hdg * D2R); me.setTextElement("HDG-text", sprintf("%03u°", hdg)); }, updateHDG : func (hdg) { if (hdg == nil) me.getElement("Heading-bug").setRotation(hdg * D2R); me.setTextElement("SelectedHDG-text", sprintf("%03d°%s", hdg, "")); }, # Indicate the selected course, from a given source (OFF, NAV, GPS) updateCRS : func (crs) { me.getElement("SelectedCRS-text") .setText(sprintf("%03d°%s", crs, "")) .setColor(me._CDISource == "GPS" ? me.COLORS.magenta : me.COLORS.green); }, updateSelectedALT : func (selected_alt) { me.setTextElement("SelectedALT-text", sprintf("%i", selected_alt)); }, # Bearing (BRG) settings # "OFF", "NAV1", "NAV2", "GPS", "ADF" getBRG1 : func() { return me._BRG1; }, getBRG2 : func() { return me._BRG2; }, setBRG1 : func(option) { me._BRG1 = option; me._setBRG("BRG1",option); }, setBRG2 : func(option) { me._BRG2 = option; me._setBRG("BRG2",option); }, _setBRG : func (brg, option) { if (option == "OFF") { me.getElement(brg).hide(); me.getElement(brg ~ "-pointer").hide(); if ((me._BRG1 == "OFF") and (me._BRG1 == "OFF")) { me.getElement("BRG-circle").hide(); } } else { me.getElement(brg).show(); me.getElement(brg ~ "-pointer").show(); me.getElement("BRG-circle").show(); } }, # Update BRG information updateBRG1 : func(id, dst) { me._updateBRG("BRG1", me._BRG1, id, dst); }, updateBRG2 : func(id, dst) { me._updateBRG("BRG2", me._BRG2, id, dst); }, _updateBRG : func (brg, source, id, dst) { if (source == "OFF") return; me.getElement(brg ~ "-SRC-text").setText(source); me.getElement(brg ~ "-WP-text").setText(id); if (source == "ADF") { # Special case. We won't have a distance and the "ID" will be the ADF # frequency me.getElement(brg ~ "-DST-text").setText(""); } else { me.getElement(brg ~ "-DST-text").setText(sprintf("%.1fNM", dst)); } }, setDME : func (enabled) { me._DME = enabled; me.getElement("DME1").setVisible(enabled); }, updateDME : func (mode, freq, dst) { if (me._DME == 0) return; me.getElement("DME1-SRC-text").setText(mode); me.getElement("DME1-FREQ-text").setText(sprintf("%.2f", freq)); me.getElement("DME1-DST-text").setText(sprintf("%.2fNM", dst)); }, setCDISource : func(source) { if (source == "OFF") { foreach (var s; ["GPS", "NAV1", "NAV2"]) { foreach (var t; ["pointer", "CDI", "FROM", "TO"]) { me.getElement(s ~ "-" ~ t).hide(); } } me.getElement("CDI-GPS-ANN-text").hide(); me.getElement("CDI-GPS-XTK-text").hide(); me.getElement("CDI-SRC-text").hide(); me.getElement("CDI").hide(); me.getElement("GPS-CTI-diamond").hide(); me.getElement("SelectedCRS").hide(); } else { me.getElement("CDI").show(); me.getElement("SelectedCRS").show(); if (source == "GPS") { me.getElement("CDI-GPS-ANN-text").show(); me.getElement("GPS-CTI-diamond").show(); } else { me.getElement("CDI-GPS-ANN-text").hide(); me.getElement("GPS-CTI-diamond").hide(); } # Localizers are mapped to the NAV1/2 elements, but have reduced deflection # and a different label. me.getElement("CDI-SRC-text") .setText(source) .setColor(source == "GPS" ? me.COLORS.magenta : me.COLORS.green) .show(); if (source == "LOC1") source = "NAV1"; if (source == "LOC2") source = "NAV2"; foreach (var s; ["GPS", "NAV1", "NAV2"]) { me.getElement(s ~ "-pointer").setVisible(source == s); me.getElement(s ~ "-CDI").setVisible(source == s); me.getElement(s ~ "-FROM").setVisible(source == s); me.getElement(s ~ "-TO").setVisible(source == s); } } me._CDISource = source; }, updateCDI : func (heading, course, waypoint_valid, course_deviation_deg, deflection_dots, xtrk_nm, from) { if (me._CDISource == "OFF") return; var rot = (course - heading) * D2R; me.getElement("CDI") .setRotation(rot) .show(); me.getElement("GPS-CTI-diamond") .setVisible(waypoint_valid) .setRotation(course_deviation_deg * D2R); if ((me._CDISource == "GPS") and (deflection_dots > 2)) { # Only display the cross-track error if the error exceeds the maximum # deflection of two dots. me.getElement("CDI-GPS-XTK-text") .setText(sprintf("XTK %iNM", abs(xtrk_nm))) .show(); } else { me.getElement("CDI-GPS-XTK-text").hide(); } var scale = math.clamp(deflection_dots, -2.4, 2.4); me.getElement(me._CDISource ~ "-CDI").setTranslation(65 * scale, 0); # Display the appropriate TO/FROM indication for the selected source, # switching all others off. me.getElement(me._CDISource ~ "-TO").setVisible(from == 0); me.getElement(me._CDISource ~ "-FROM").setVisible(from); }, # Update the wind display. There are three options: # -1 - Data invalid # 0 - No wind data displayed # 1 - Numeric headwind and crosswind components # 2 - Direction arrow and numeric speed # 3 - Direction arrow, and numeric True direction and speet setWindDisplay : func(option) { me.getElement("WindData").setVisible(option != 0); me.getElement("WindData-NODATA").setVisible(option == -1); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1").setVisible(option == 1); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN2").setVisible(option == 2); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN3").setVisible(option == 3); me._windDataDisplay = option; }, updateWindData : func (hdg, wind_hdg, wind_spd) { if ((me._windDataDisplay == -1) or (me._windDataDisplay == 0)) { return; } if (me._windDataDisplay == 1) { # Headwind/Crosswind numeric display var alpha = (wind_hdg - hdg) * D2R; var Vt = wind_spd * math.sin(alpha); var Ve = wind_spd * math.cos(alpha); if (Vt != 0) { me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-crosswind-text").setText(sprintf("%i", abs(Vt))); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-crosswind") .setScale(-abs(Vt)/Vt, 1) .setTranslation(-35 * (abs(Vt)/Vt + 1), 0); } else { me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-crosswind-text").setText("0"); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-crosswind") .setScale(1, 1) .setTranslation(0, 0); } if (Ve != 0) { me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-headwind-text").setText(sprintf("%i", abs(Ve))); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-headwind") .setScale(1, abs(Ve)/Ve) .setTranslation(0, 515 * (1 - abs(Ve)/Ve)); } else { me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-headwind-text").setText("0"); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN1-headwind") .setScale(1, 1) .setTranslation(0, 0); } } elsif (me._windDataDisplay == 2) { # Direction arrow and numeric speed me.getElement("WindData-OPTN2-HDG").setRotation((alpha + 180) * D2R); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN2-SPD-text").setText(int(wind_spd)); } elsif (me._windDataDisplay == 3) { # Direction arrow with numeric true direction and speed me.getElement("WindData-OPTN3-HDG").setRotation((alpha + 180) * D2R); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN3-HDG-text").setText(sprintf("%03i°T", wind_hdg)); me.getElement("WindData-OPTN3-SPD-text").setText(int(wind_spd) ~ "KT"); } else { print("Unknown wind data option " ~ me._windDataDisplay); } }, # Enable/disable the inset PFD Map. setMap : func (enabled) { me._Map = enabled; me.getElement("PFD-Map").setVisible(enabled); }, # Enable/disable the multiline display on the right hand side of the PFD setMultiline : func(enabled) { me._Multiline = enabled; me.getElement("PFD-Multilines").setVisible(enabled); }, # Enable/disable the warning annunication window. setAnnunciation : func(enabled) { me._annunciation = enabled; me.getElement("Annunciation").setVisible(enabled); }, # set the Outer, Middle, Inner indicator setOMI : func(omi) { if (omi == "") { me.getElement("OMI").hide(); } else { me.getElement("OMI").show(); me.getElement("MarkerText").setText(omi); } me._OMI = omi; } };