<?xml version="1.0"?>

          var osg_debug = [
            [0, "- Off"],
            [1, "- Show Frame Rate"],
            [2, "+ Viewer Graph"],
            [3, "+ Camera"],
            [4, "+ Viewer Scene"],
          var osg_stats = cmdarg().getChildren("group")[1].getChildren("combo")[0];
          var i = 0;
          foreach (var s; osg_debug) {
                    var nm = s[0] ~ " " ~ s[1];
#print("setting node to ",nm);
                    osg_stats.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(nm);
                    if (i == getprop("/sim/rendering/on-screen-statistics"))
                    i += 1;
                var updateOSG_stats = func(n) {
                  var sel_mode = n.getValue();
                  if( sel_mode == nil ) return;
                  print("\nupdate OSG debug ",sel_mode);
                  foreach (var s; osg_debug)
                    if(s[0] == sel_mode)
                    print(" >> ",s[1]);
                    setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions/on-screen-statistics", s[0] ~ " " ~ s[1]);
                    gui.dialog_update("devel-extensions", "OSGdebug");
#  print("OSG Debug ",getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions/on-screen-statistics"));
            # listen for results arriving
            setlistener("/sim/rendering/on-screen-statistics", updateOSG_stats);

  <!--new debug dialog

    multiplayer debug checkboxes
    log outgoing properties 2
    dump & 4
    trace incoming properties.

    log level / systems.

    osg debug (0,1,2,3,4)

    reload shaders.-->
		<label>Configure Development Extensions</label>



			<label>Enable development dialog widgets (HUD and rendering dialog)</label>

			<label>Enable '/'-key property handler (see $FG_ROOT/Nasal/prop_key_handler.nas)</label>

        <!--muultiplayer debug checkboxes
        log outgoing properties 2
        dump & 4
        trace incoming properties.-->
            <label>Local loopback of model</label>
                    setprop("/sim/multiplay/debug-level", (getprop("/sim/multiplay/debug-level") or 0) ^ 1);
                    setprop("/sim/gui/debug/multiplayer-loopback", getprop("/sim/multiplay/debug-level") & 1);

         <label>OSG statistics</label>
            print("OSG Debug ",getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions/on-screen-statistics"));
              var selval = substr(getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions/on-screen-statistics"),0,1);
              print("Set osg debug ",selval);
              setprop("/sim/rendering/on-screen-statistics", selval);
         <label>OSG log level</label>
         <label>FG log</label>
		<legend>New Canvas Map</legend>
      <legend>Reload GUI</legend>
      <legend>Reload Input</legend>

      <legend>Reload Hud</legend>

      <legend>Reload Panel</legend>
      <legend>Reload Autopilot</legend>

      <legend>Reload Network</legend>

      <legend>Reload Aircraft Model</legend>
      <legend>Reload Shaders</legend>
      <legend>Reload Materials</legend>

      <legend>Reload Scenery</legend>
