<?xml version="1.0"?>

	This file defines vi-like key sequences which are started with the ':'-key.
	It's evaluated by $FG_ROOT/Nasal/multikey.nas.

	- <Esc> always aborts.
	- <Return>/<Enter> executes and terminates the command mode, given that
	  <binding>s exist (use "null" if there's nothing else to do) and <no-exit/>
	  isn't defined.
	- Keys with defined <exit/> property execute their bindings immediately,
	  that is: without having to press <Return>/<Enter>.
	- Format placeholder values are available to Nasal code via arg[].
	- Nasal code can set the dialog title by assignment to the _ variable.
	- <key> indices aren't used by the system, but are recommended to allow
	  reliable overwriting by aircraft or user xml files.
	- Cursor keys are equivalent to characters <, >, ^, _.

			var clamp = func(val, min, max) {
				return (val > max) ? max : (val < min) ? min : val;

			var adjustprop = func(path, offset, min = -1, max = 1) {
				var val = getprop(path) + offset;
				setprop(path, clamp(val, min, max));
				return val;

			# Usage: setpropf(<format>, <vector or list of args>, <value>);
			var setpropf = func {
				var val = pop(arg);
				setprop(call(sprintf, size(arg) and typeof(arg[0]) == "vector" ? arg[0] : arg), val);

			# Usage: getpropf(<format>, <vector or list of args>);
			var getpropf = func {
				getprop(call(sprintf, size(arg) and typeof(arg[0]) == "vector" ? arg[0] : arg));

	<key n="58">
		<desc>User commands</desc>
		<!-- reserved for user extensions -->

	<key n="63">

	<key n="65">
		<!-- reserved for aircraft extensions -->

	<key n="68">

		<key n="89">
			<desc>Nasal Console</desc>

		<key n="97">
			<desc>Autopilot Settings</desc>

		<key n="102">
			<desc>Fuel and Payload</desc>

		<key n="103">
			<desc>GPS Settings</desc>

		<key n="104">
			<desc>Chat History</desc>

		<key n="105">
			<desc>Instrument Settings</desc>

		<key n="109">
			<desc>Multiplayer Pilot List</desc>

		<key n="112">
			<desc>Position aircraft</desc>
			<key n="97">
				<desc>Position aircraft in air</desc>

			<key n="103">
				<desc>Position aircraft on ground</desc>

		<key n="114">
			<desc>Radio Settings</desc>

		<key n="115">
			<desc>Sound Configuration</desc>

		<key n="116">
			<desc>Time Settings</desc>

		<key n="118">
			<desc>View options</desc>

		<key n="119">
			<desc>Weather Conditions</desc>

	<!-- environment -->
			# Set weather scenario by multikey sequence (based on apply function in FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/weather.xml).
			# "scenario_name" paramiter is a string of scenario name like "CAT I minimum".
			# "weather_engine" can be:
			#    "local" (force to use detailed weather),
			#    "global" (force to use basic weather) or
			#    "same" (don't change the engine).
			var set_weather_scenario_multikey = func(scenario_name, weather_engine = "same") {
				if (scenario_name == "Manual input") {
					gui.popupTip("\"Manual input\" scenario is not supported here");

				var scenario = weather_scenario.find_weather_scenario(scenario_name);
				if (scenario == nil) {
					gui.popupTip("Failed to load the \"" ~ scenario_name ~ "\" weather scenario");

				var is_live_data = scenario_name == "Live data";
				var is_local_weather = weather_engine == "local"
					? 1
					: (weather_engine == "global" ? 0 : getprop("/nasal/local_weather/enabled"));
				var metar = is_live_data
					 ? getprop("environment/metar/data")
					 : scenario.getNode("metar", 1).getValue();

				setprop("/environment/params/metar-updates-environment", 1);
				setprop("/environment/realwx/enabled", is_live_data ? 1 : 0);
				setprop("/environment/config/enabled", 1);
				setprop("/environment/weather-scenario", scenario_name);
				setprop("environment/metar/data", metar);

				if (is_local_weather) {
					# Clear any local weather that might be running

					# If Local Weather is enabled, re-initialize with updated
					# initial tile and tile selection.
					setprop("/nasal/local_weather/enabled", 1);

					# Re-initialize local weather.
					settimer(func {local_weather.set_tile();}, 0.2);
				} else {
					setprop("/nasal/local_weather/enabled", 0);

			var get_current_weather_scenario = func() {
				if (getprop("/environment/realwx/enabled")) {
					# "Live data" is not set to "/environment/weather-scenario" after first launch
					return "Live data";

				return getprop("/environment/weather-scenario");
	<key n="69">
		<key n="69">

			<key n="98">
				<desc>Enable Basic Weather</desc>
						set_weather_scenario_multikey(get_current_weather_scenario(), "global");

			<key n="100">
				<desc>Enable Detailed Weather</desc>
						set_weather_scenario_multikey(get_current_weather_scenario(), "local");

			<key n="119">
				<desc>Weather Scenario</desc>

				<key n="114">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Live data</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Live data");

				<key n="72">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Core high pressure region</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Core high pressure region");

				<key n="104">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = High pressure region</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("High pressure region");

				<key n="66">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Border of a high pressure region</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Border of a high pressure region");

				<key n="98">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Border of a low pressure region</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Border of a low pressure region");

				<key n="108">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Low pressure region</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Low pressure region");

				<key n="76">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Core low pressure region</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Core low pressure region");

				<key n="119">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Warm sector</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Warm sector");

				<key n="102">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Fair weather</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Fair weather");

				<key n="116">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Thunderstorm</desc>

				<key n="115">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Stormy Monday</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Stormy Monday");

				<key n="109">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Marginal VFR</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Marginal VFR");

				<key n="49">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = CAT I minimum</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("CAT I minimum");

				<key n="50">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = CAT II minimum</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("CAT II minimum");

				<key n="51">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = CAT IIIb minimum</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("CAT IIIb minimum");

				<key n="101">
					<desc>Weather Scenario = Early morning fog</desc>
							set_weather_scenario_multikey("Early morning fog");

		<key n="116">
			<desc>Time Settings</desc>
			<key n="99">
				<desc>Clock Time</desc>

			<key n="49">

			<key n="50">

			<key n="51">

			<key n="52">

			<key n="53">

			<key n="54">

			<key n="55">


	<!-- Position commands -->
	<key n="80">
		<key n="103">
			<desc>Position on ground</desc>
			<key n="903">
				<desc>Position on ground: airport=%s</desc>
				<key n="32">
					<name> </name>
					<desc>Position on ground: airport=%s runway=</desc>

					<key n="903">
						<desc>Position on ground: airport=%s runway=%s</desc>
							<script>aircraft.teleport(airport:arg[0], runway:arg[1])</script>

	<key n="89">
		<desc>Development functions</desc>

		<key n="99">
			<desc>Reload tile cache</desc>

		<key n="100">
			<desc>Toggle FDM data logging</desc>

		<key n="102">
			<desc>Set fog ...</desc>

			<key n="47">
				<desc>Fog off</desc>

			<key n="102">
				<desc>Fog fastest</desc>

			<key n="110">
				<desc>Fog nicest</desc>

		<key n="108">
			<desc>Force lighting update</desc>

		<key n="109">
			<desc>Dump Google Maps link</desc>

		<key n="112">
			<desc>Reload panel</desc>

		<key n="115">
			<desc>On-screen statistics level (0-4)</desc>
			<key n="901">
				<desc>Set on-screen statistics level</desc>
					<script>setprop("/sim/rendering/on-screen-statistics", arg[0])</script>

		<key n="119">
			<desc>Toggle wireframe</desc>


		<!--key n="121">
				this is bad: overwrites userarchive entries, causes errors and a segfault
			<desc>Reload global preferences</desc>

	<!-- Autopilot multikey commands -->
	<key n="97">
		<key n="104">
			<desc>Heading Control</desc>
			<key n="119">
				<desc>Wing Level</desc>
					<script>setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "wing-leveler")</script>

			<key n="98">
				<desc>Heading Bug</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Heading Bug = %.3f degree</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "dg-heading-hold");
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", arg[0]);

			<key n="116">
				<desc>True Heading</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>True Heading = %.3f degree</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold");
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", arg[0]);

			<key n="110">
				<desc>Nav1 Hold</desc>
					<script>setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", "nav1-hold")</script>

			<key n="47">
				<desc>Heading control: disable</desc>

		<key n="118">
			<desc>Velocity control</desc>
			<key n="116">
				<desc>Speed with throttle</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Speed with throttle = %.1f knots</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-speed-kt", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/speed", "speed-with-throttle");

			<key n="112">
				<desc>Speed with pitch</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Speed with pitch = %.2f knots</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-speed-kt", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/speed", "speed-with-pitch-trim");

			<key n="47">
				<desc>Velocity control: disable</desc>

		<key n="112">
			<desc>Pitch/Altitude control</desc>
			<key n="118">
				<desc>Vertical Speed Hold</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Vertical Speed = %.2f fpm</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/vertical-speed-fpm", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "vertical-speed-hold");

			<key n="112">
				<desc>Pitch hold</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Pitch angle = %.1f degree</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-pitch-deg", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "pitch-hold");

			<key n="102">
				<desc>FPA hold</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>FPA = %.1f degree</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-fpa-deg", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "fpa-hold");

			<key n="97">
				<desc>Altitude hold</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Target altitude = %.2f feet</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "altitude-hold");

			<key n="103">
				<desc>AGL hold</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Target AGL = %.1f feet</desc>
							setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-agl-ft", arg[0]);
							setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", "agl-hold");

			<key n="110">
				<desc>Nav1 glideslope</desc>

			<key n="47">
				<desc>Pitch/Altitude control: disable</desc>

		<key n="114">
			<desc>Route Manager</desc>
			<key n="97">
				<desc>Append waypoint</desc>
				<key n="903">
					<desc>Append waypoint: airport ID[@altitude] = %s</desc>
						<script>setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", arg[0])</script>

			<key n="99">
				<desc>Clear waypoints</desc>
					<script>setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", "@clear")</script>

			<key n="100">
				<desc>Delete waypoint</desc>
				<key n="902">
					<desc>Delete waypoint at %u</desc>
							var command = sprintf("@delete%d", arg[0] > 0 ? arg[0] - 1 : 0);
							setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", command);

			<key n="105">
				<desc>Insert waypoint</desc>
				<key n="902">
					<desc>Insert waypoint at %u</desc>
					<key n="903">
						<desc>Insert waypoint at %u: airport ID = %s</desc>
								var command = sprintf("@insert%d:%s", arg[0] > 0 ? arg[0] - 1 : 0, arg[1]);
								setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", command);

			<key n="112">
				<desc>Remove first waypoint</desc>
					<script>setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/input", "@delete0")</script>

			var slewEngineProp = func(format, index, prop, value) {
				value = controls.slewProp("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ index ~ "]/" ~ prop, value);
				_ = sprintf(format, index, value);

	<key n="101">
		<key n="109">
			<desc>Mixture (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>

			<key n="901">
				<desc>Mixture = %.3f</desc>
					<script>props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "mixture", arg[0])</script>

			<key n="94">
				<desc>Mixture up</desc>
					<script>_ = sprintf("Mixture = %.3f", controls.adjMixture(0.25))</script>

			<key n="95">
				<desc>Mixture down</desc>
					<script>_ = sprintf("Mixture = %.3f", controls.adjMixture(-0.25))</script>

		<key n="112">
			<desc>Propeller pitch (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>

			<key n="901">
				<desc>Propeller pitch = %.3f</desc>
					<script>props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "propeller-pitch", arg[0])</script>

			<key n="94">
				<desc>Propeller pitch up</desc>
					<script>_ = sprintf("Propeller pitch = %.3f", controls.adjPropeller(0.25))</script>

			<key n="95">
				<desc>Propeller pitch down</desc>
					<script>_ = sprintf("Propeller pitch = %.3f", controls.adjPropeller(-0.25))</script>

		<key n="116">
			<desc>Throttle (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>

			<key n="901">
				<desc>Throttle = %.3f</desc>
					<script>props.setAll("/controls/engines/engine", "throttle", arg[0])</script>

			<key n="94">
				<desc>Throttle up</desc>
					<script>_ = sprintf("Throttle = %.3f", controls.adjThrottle(0.25))</script>

			<key n="95">
				<desc>Throttle down</desc>
					<script>_ = sprintf("Throttle = %.3f", controls.adjThrottle(-0.25))</script>

		<key n="902">
			<desc>Engine #%u</desc>
			<key n="109">
				<desc>Mixture (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>

				<key n="901">
					<desc>Mixture = %.3f</desc>
						<script>setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ arg[0] ~ "]/mixture", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="94">
					<desc>Mixture up</desc>
						<script>slewEngineProp("Mixture #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "mixture", 0.25)</script>

				<key n="95">
					<desc>Mixture down</desc>
						<script>slewEngineProp("Mixture #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "mixture", -0.25)</script>

			<key n="112">
				<desc>Propeller pitch (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>

				<key n="901">
					<desc>Propeller pitch = %.3f</desc>
						<script>setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ arg[0] ~ "]/propeller-pitch", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="94">
					<desc>Propeller up</desc>
						<script>slewEngineProp("Propeller pitch #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "propeller-pitch", 0.25)</script>

				<key n="95">
					<desc>Propeller down</desc>
						<script>slewEngineProp("Propeller pitch #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "propeller-pitch", -0.25)</script>

			<key n="116">
				<desc>Throttle (0.0 to 1.0)</desc>

				<key n="901">
					<desc>Throttle = %.3f</desc>
						<script>setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ arg[0] ~ "]/throttle", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="94">
					<desc>Throttle up</desc>
						<script>slewEngineProp("Throttle #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "throttle", 0.25)</script>

				<key n="95">
					<desc>Throttle down</desc>
						<script>slewEngineProp("Throttle #%u = %.3f", arg[0], "throttle", -0.25)</script>

	<!-- Flight Controls -->
	<key n="102">
		<desc>Flight controls</desc>
		<key n="97">
			<key n="901">
				<desc>Aileron adjustment: %.3f</desc>
					<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/aileron", arg[0])</script>

			<key n="116">
				<desc>Aileron trim</desc>

				<key n="901">
					<desc>Aileron trim adjustment: %.3f</desc>
						<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", arg[0])</script>

				<key n="60">
					<desc>Aileron trim adjustment left</desc>
						<script>_ = sprintf("Aileron trim = %.3f", controls.aileronTrim(-0.5))</script>

				<key n="62">
					<desc>Aileron trim adjustment right</desc>
						<script>_ = sprintf("Aileron trim = %.3f", controls.aileronTrim(0.5))</script>

		<key n="101">
			<key n="901">
				<desc>Elevator adjustment: %.3f</desc>
					<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/elevator", arg[0])</script>

			<key n="116">
				<desc>Elevator trim</desc>

				<key n="901">
					<desc>Elevator trim adjustment: %.3f</desc>
						<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", arg[0])</script>

				<key n="94">
					<desc>Elevator trim adjustment down</desc>
						<script>_ = sprintf("Elevator trim = %.3f", controls.elevatorTrim(0.5))</script>

				<key n="95">
					<desc>Elevator trim adjustment up</desc>
						<script>_ = sprintf("Elevator trim = %.3f", controls.elevatorTrim(-0.5))</script>

		<key n="114">
			<key n="901">
				<desc>Rudder adjustment: %.3f</desc>
					<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/rudder", arg[0])</script>

<!-- Do we need absolute control position settings?
			<key n="61">
				<key n="37">
					<desc>Rudder = %.3f</desc>
						<script>setprop("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", arg[0])</script>
			<key n="116">
				<desc>Rudder trim</desc>

				<key n="901">
					<desc>Rudder trim adjustment: %.3f</desc>
						<script>adjustprop("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", arg[0])</script>

				<key n="60">
					<desc>Rudder trim adjustment left</desc>
						<script>_ = sprintf("Rudder trim = %.3f", controls.rudderTrim(-0.5))</script>

				<key n="62">
					<desc>Rudder trim adjustment right</desc>
						<script>_ = sprintf("Rudder trim = %.3f", controls.rudderTrim(0.5))</script>

		<key n="105">
			<name>i</name> <!-- FIXME: for good name -->
			<key n="97">
				<desc>Initialize all trims</desc>
						setprop("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", 0);
						setprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", 0);
						setprop("/controls/flight/rudder-trim", 0);

		<key n="119">
			<key n="102">
				<desc>Toggle wing fold</desc>

			<key n="115">
				<desc>Wing sweep</desc>
				<key n="901">
					<desc>Wing sweep = %.3f</desc>
						<script>setprop("/controls/flight/wing-sweep", arg[0])</script>

	<!-- Radio -->
			var radio_fmt = "/instrumentation/%s[%u]/frequencies/%s-mhz";

			var setfreq = func(type, index, which, value) {
				index = (index >= 1) ? index - 1 : 0;
				setpropf(radio_fmt, type, index, which, value);

			var togglefreq = func(type, index) {
				index = (index >= 1) ? index - 1 : 0;
				var sel = sprintf(radio_fmt, type, index, "selected");
				var stby = sprintf(radio_fmt, type, index, "standby");
				var s = getprop(stby);
				setprop(stby, getprop(sel));
				setprop(sel, s);

			var settacan = func(number, letter) {
				var ch = sprintf("%03u%s", number, letter);
				var p = "/instrumentation/tacan/frequencies/selected-channel[%u]";
				setpropf(p, 1, chr(ch[0]));
				setpropf(p, 2, chr(ch[1]));
				setpropf(p, 3, chr(ch[2]));
				setpropf(p, 4, chr(ch[3]));

	<key n="114">

		<key n="97">
			<key n="102">
				<desc>ADF frequency = ? kHz</desc>
				<key n="902">
					<desc>ADF frequency = %u kHz</desc>
						<script>setprop("/instrumentation/adf[0]/frequencies/selected-khz", arg[0])</script>

		<key n="99">
			<key n="902">
				<key n="102">
					<desc>Comm%u frequency = ? MHz</desc>
					<key n="37">
						<desc>Comm%u frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
							<script>setfreq("comm", arg[0], "selected", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="115">
					<desc>Comm%u standby frequency = ? MHz</desc>
					<key n="901">
						<desc>Comm%u standby frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
							<script>setfreq("comm", arg[0], "standby", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="116">
					<desc>Comm%u toggle selected/standby</desc>
						<script>togglefreq("comm", arg[0])</script>

		<key n="110">
			<key n="902">
				<key n="102">
					<desc>Nav%u frequency = ? MHz</desc>
					<key n="901">
						<desc>Nav%u frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
							<script>setfreq("nav", arg[0], "selected", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="115">
					<desc>Nav%u standby frequency = ? MHz</desc>
					<key n="901">
						<desc>Nav%u standby frequency = %.3f MHz</desc>
							<script>setfreq("nav", arg[0], "standby", arg[1])</script>

				<key n="116">
					<desc>Nav%u toggle selected/standby</desc>
						<script>togglefreq("nav", arg[0])</script>

		<key n="116">
			<desc>TACAN channel = ?</desc>
			<key n="902">
				<desc>TACAN channel = %u</desc>
				<key n="120">
					<desc>TACAN channel = %uX</desc>
						<script>settacan(arg[0], "X")</script>

				<key n="121">
					<desc>TACAN channel = %uY</desc>
						<script>settacan(arg[0], "Y")</script>

	<key n="120">
		<!-- reserved for experimental features -->

	<key n="902">
		<desc>Execute nasal-console tab #%u</desc>
				fgcommand("nasal", props.Node.new({
					module: "__nasal_console",
					script: getpropf("/sim/gui/dialogs/nasal-console/code[%u]", arg[0]) or "",