# Procedural model of a Cessna 172S electrical system.  Includes a
# preliminary battery charge/discharge model and realistic ammeter
# gauge modeling.

# Initialize internal values

var battery = nil;
var alternator = nil;

var last_time = 0.0;

var vbus_volts = 0.0;
var ebus1_volts = 0.0;
var ebus2_volts = 0.0;

var ammeter_ave = 0.0;

# Initialize the electrical system

init_electrical = func {
    battery = BatteryClass.new();
    alternator = AlternatorClass.new();

    # set initial switch positions
    setprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat", 1);
    setprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/master-alt", 1);
    setprop("/controls/switches/master-avionics", 1);

    # Request that the update function be called next frame
    settimer(update_electrical, 0);
    print("Electrical system initialized");

# Battery model class.

BatteryClass = {};

BatteryClass.new = func {
    var obj = { parents : [BatteryClass],
                ideal_volts : 24.0,
                ideal_amps : 30.0,
                amp_hours : 12.75,
                charge_percent : 1.0,
                charge_amps : 7.0 };
    return obj;

# Passing in positive amps means the battery will be discharged.
# Negative amps indicates a battery charge.

BatteryClass.apply_load = func( amps, dt ) {
    var amphrs_used = amps * dt / 3600.0;
    var percent_used = amphrs_used / me.amp_hours;
    me.charge_percent -= percent_used;
    if ( me.charge_percent < 0.0 ) {
        me.charge_percent = 0.0;
    } elsif ( me.charge_percent > 1.0 ) {
        me.charge_percent = 1.0;
    # print( "battery percent = ", me.charge_percent);
    return me.amp_hours * me.charge_percent;

# Return output volts based on percent charged.  Currently based on a simple
# polynomial percent charge vs. volts function.

BatteryClass.get_output_volts = func {
    var x = 1.0 - me.charge_percent;
    var tmp = -(3.0 * x - 1.0);
    var factor = (tmp*tmp*tmp*tmp*tmp + 32) / 32;
    return me.ideal_volts * factor;

# Return output amps available.  This function is totally wrong and should be
# fixed at some point with a more sensible function based on charge percent.
# There is probably some physical limits to the number of instantaneous amps
# a battery can produce (cold cranking amps?)

BatteryClass.get_output_amps = func {
    var x = 1.0 - me.charge_percent;
    var tmp = -(3.0 * x - 1.0);
    var factor = (tmp*tmp*tmp*tmp*tmp + 32) / 32;
    return me.ideal_amps * factor;

# Alternator model class.

AlternatorClass = {};

AlternatorClass.new = func {
    var obj = { parents : [AlternatorClass],
                rpm_source : "/engines/engine[0]/rpm",
                rpm_threshold : 800.0,
                ideal_volts : 28.0,
                ideal_amps : 60.0 };
    setprop( obj.rpm_source, 0.0 );
    return obj;

# Computes available amps and returns remaining amps after load is applied

AlternatorClass.apply_load = func( amps, dt ) {
    # Scale alternator output for rpms < 800.  For rpms >= 800
    # give full output.  This is just a WAG, and probably not how
    # it really works but I'm keeping things "simple" to start.
    var rpm = getprop( me.rpm_source );
    var factor = rpm / me.rpm_threshold;
    if ( factor > 1.0 ) {
        factor = 1.0;
    # print( "alternator amps = ", me.ideal_amps * factor );
    var available_amps = me.ideal_amps * factor;
    return available_amps - amps;

# Return output volts based on rpm

AlternatorClass.get_output_volts = func {
    # scale alternator output for rpms < 800.  For rpms >= 800
    # give full output.  This is just a WAG, and probably not how
    # it really works but I'm keeping things "simple" to start.
    var rpm = getprop( me.rpm_source );
    var factor = rpm / me.rpm_threshold;
    if ( factor > 1.0 ) {
        factor = 1.0;
    # print( "alternator volts = ", me.ideal_volts * factor );
    return me.ideal_volts * factor;

# Return output amps available based on rpm.

AlternatorClass.get_output_amps = func {
    # scale alternator output for rpms < 800.  For rpms >= 800
    # give full output.  This is just a WAG, and probably not how
    # it really works but I'm keeping things "simple" to start.
    var rpm = getprop( me.rpm_source );
    var factor = rpm / me.rpm_threshold;
    if ( factor > 1.0 ) {
        factor = 1.0;
    # print( "alternator amps = ", ideal_amps * factor );
    return me.ideal_amps * factor;

# This is the main electrical system update function.

update_electrical = func {
    var time = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec");
    var dt = time - last_time;
    last_time = time;

    update_virtual_bus( dt );

    # Request that the update function be called again next frame
    settimer(update_electrical, 0);

# Model the system of relays and connections that join the battery,
# alternator, starter, master/alt switches, external power supply.

update_virtual_bus = func( dt ) {
    var serviceable = getprop("/systems/electrical/serviceable");
    var external_volts = 0.0;
    var load = 0.0;
    var battery_volts = 0.0;
    var alternator_volts = 0.0;
    if ( serviceable ) {
        battery_volts = battery.get_output_volts();
        alternator_volts = alternator.get_output_volts();

    # switch state
    var master_bat = getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat");
    var master_alt = getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/master-alt");

    # determine power source
    var bus_volts = 0.0;
    var power_source = nil;
    if ( master_bat ) {
        bus_volts = battery_volts;
        power_source = "battery";
    if ( master_alt and (alternator_volts > bus_volts) ) {
        bus_volts = alternator_volts;
        power_source = "alternator";
    if ( external_volts > bus_volts ) {
        bus_volts = external_volts;
        power_source = "external";
    # print( "virtual bus volts = ", bus_volts );

    # starter motor
    var starter_switch = getprop("controls/switches/starter");
    var starter_volts = 0.0;
    if ( starter_switch ) {
        starter_volts = bus_volts;
        load += 12;
    setprop("systems/electrical/outputs/starter[0]", starter_volts);
    if (starter_volts > 1) {
    } else {

    # bus network (1. these must be called in the right order, 2. the
    # bus routine itself determins where it draws power from.)
    load += electrical_bus_1();
    load += electrical_bus_2();
    load += cross_feed_bus();
    load += avionics_bus_1();
    load += avionics_bus_2();

    # system loads and ammeter gauge
    var ammeter = 0.0;
    if ( bus_volts > 1.0 ) {
        # normal load
        load += 15.0;

        # ammeter gauge
        if ( power_source == "battery" ) {
            ammeter = -load;
        } else {
            ammeter = battery.charge_amps;
    # print( "ammeter = ", ammeter );

    # charge/discharge the battery
    if ( power_source == "battery" ) {
        battery.apply_load( load, dt );
    } elsif ( bus_volts > battery_volts ) {
        battery.apply_load( -battery.charge_amps, dt );

    # filter ammeter needle pos
    var ammeter_ave = 0.8 * ammeter_ave + 0.2 * ammeter;

    # outputs
    setprop("/systems/electrical/amps", ammeter_ave);
    setprop("/systems/electrical/volts", bus_volts);
    vbus_volts = bus_volts;

    return load;

electrical_bus_1 = func() {
    # we are fed from the "virtual" bus
    var bus_volts = vbus_volts;
    var load = 0.0;

    # Cabin Lights Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/circuit-breakers/cabin-lights-pwr") ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/cabin-lights", bus_volts);
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/cabin-lights", 0.0);

    # Instrument Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/instr-ignition-switch", bus_volts);

    # Fuel Pump Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/engines/engine[0]/fuel-pump") ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/fuel-pump", bus_volts);
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/fuel-pump", 0.0);

    # Landing Light Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/switches/landing-light") ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/landing-light", bus_volts);
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/landing-light", 0.0 );

    # Beacon Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/switches/flashing-beacon" ) ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/beacon", bus_volts);
        if ( bus_volts > 1.0 ) { load += 7.5; }
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/beacon", 0.0);

    # Flaps Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/flaps", bus_volts);

    # register bus voltage
    ebus1_volts = bus_volts;

    # return cumulative load
    return load;

electrical_bus_2 = func() {
    # we are fed from the "virtual" bus
    var bus_volts = vbus_volts;
    var load = 0.0;

    # Turn Coordinator Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/turn-coordinator", bus_volts);
    # Map Lights Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/switches/nav-lights" ) ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/map-lights", bus_volts);
        if ( bus_volts > 1.0 ) { load += 7.0; }
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/map-lights", 0.0);
    # Instrument Lights Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/instrument-lights", bus_volts);
    # Strobe Lights Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/switches/strobe-lights" ) ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/strobe-lights", bus_volts);
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/strobe-lights", 0.0);
    # Taxi Lights Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/switches/taxi-lights" ) ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/taxi-lights", bus_volts);
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/taxi-lights", 0.0);
    # Pitot Heat Power
    if ( getprop("/controls/switches/pitot-heat" ) ) {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/pitot-heat", bus_volts);
    } else {
        setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/pitot-heat", 0.0);
    # register bus voltage
    ebus2_volts = bus_volts;

    # return cumulative load
    return load;

cross_feed_bus = func() {
    # we are fed from either of the electrical bus 1 or 2
    var bus_volts = ebus2_volts;
    if ( ebus1_volts > ebus2_volts ) {
        bus_volts = ebus1_volts;

    var load = 0.0;

    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/annunciators", bus_volts);

    # return cumulative load
    return load;

avionics_bus_1 = func() {
    var bus_volts = 0.0;
    var load = 0.0;

    # we are fed from the electrical bus 1
    var master_av = getprop("/controls/switches/master-avionics");
    if ( master_av ) {
        bus_volts = ebus1_volts;

    # Avionics Fan Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/avionics-fan", bus_volts);

    # GPS Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/gps", bus_volts);
    # HSI Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/hsi", bus_volts);
    # NavCom 1 Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/nav[0]", bus_volts);
    # DME Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/dme", bus_volts);
    # Audio Panel 1 Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/audio-panel[0]", bus_volts);

    # Com 1 Power
    setprop("systems/electrical/outputs/comm[0]", bus_volts);

    # return cumulative load
    return load;

avionics_bus_2 = func() {
    var master_av = getprop("/controls/switches/master-avionics");
    # we are fed from the electrical bus 2
    var bus_volts = 0.0;
    if ( master_av ) {
        bus_volts = ebus2_volts;
    var load = 0.0;

    # NavCom 2 Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/nav[1]", bus_volts);

    # Audio Panel 2 Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/audio-panel[1]", bus_volts);

    # Com 2 Power
    setprop("systems/electrical/outputs/comm[1]", bus_volts);

    # Transponder Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/transponder", bus_volts);

    # Autopilot Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/autopilot", bus_volts);

    # ADF Power
    setprop("/systems/electrical/outputs/adf", bus_volts);

    # return cumulative load
    return load;

# Setup a timer based call to initialized the electrical system as
# soon as possible.
settimer(init_electrical, 0);