<?xml version="1.0"?>

   generic.xml - FlightGear driver for the DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick
   Copyright (C) 2013  Florent Rougon

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

*                          Axes and Buttons Layout                           *

In the following ASCII-art representation of the joypad:
  - a single digit represents a button (and gives the button number);
  - a digit followed by a + or - sign represents an axis direction (and gives
    the axis number).

The Top View below shows 4 real axes (0 and 1 on the left stick, 3 and 4 on
the right stick) and 2 pseudo-axes (5 and 6). Pseudo-axes are simple buttons
in the hardware. Contrary to a real axis, each pseudo-axis only allows 3
values: -1, 0, 1.

Don't forget to put the joypad in analog mode! This changes the center point of
axes, for one.

Top View

   6-                                0
5-    5+  8 (SELECT)   (START) 9  3     1
   6+              ANALOG            2

         1-                     4-
      0-    0+               3-    3+
         1+                     4+

(buttons and axes numbers obtained on Linux)

Bottom View

   5                                 4

     7                             6

(buttons numbers obtained on Linux)

*                         Buttons and Axes Bindings                          *


The two pseudo-axes (5 and 6) are used to define three variables (mod1, mod2,
mod3) that act as modifiers for other buttons and axes.

  Initially, mod1 == mod2 == mod3 == 0.

  Pressing button 6- toggles mod1 between the values 0 and 1.
  Pressing button 6+ toggles mod2 between the values 0 and 1 (mod2 is
  currently unused).

  When neither 5- nor 5+ is pressed:           mod3 == 0
  As long as 5- is pressed and 5+ is released: mod3 == -1
  As long as 5+ is pressed and 5- is released: mod3 == 1

  (the result of holding both 5- and 5+ at the same time is undefined)

Bindings that don't depend on modifier states

Axis 0     Aileron
Axis 1     Elevator
Axis 3     Rudder
Button 4   View Cycle (backward)
Button 5   View Cycle (forward)
Button 6   View Decrease
Button 7   View Increase

When mod3 == 0

[if mod1 == 0]
Axis 4     Throttle
Button 0   View Up
Button 1   View Right
Button 2   View Down
Button 3   View Left
Button 8   Apply Brakes
Button 9   Select Initial View and Recenter

[if mod1 == 1]
Button 3   Trigger  (weapon)
Button 1   Trigger1 (other weapon)

When mod3 == -1

Axis 4     Elevator Trim
Button 0   Flaps Up
Button 2   Flaps Down
Button 3   Brake Left
Button 1   Brake Right
Button 8   Aileron and Rudder Dance (for kids!)
Button 9   Reset Zoom to Default

When mod3 == 1

Axis 4     Mixture Control
Button 0   Select First Engine
Button 1   Select Second Engine
Button 2   Select Third Engine
Button 3   Select Fourth Engine
Button 9   Select All Engines



  <name>DragonRise Inc.   Generic   USB  Joystick  </name>

      var (mod1, mod2, mod3) = (0, 0, 0);
      # These variables are used to emulate non-repeatable buttons when
      # mod3 != 0.
      var (button0_with_mod3, button1_with_mod3, button2_with_mod3,
           button3_with_mod3) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
      var initial_goal_heading_offset_deg =
        getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg") or 0.0;
      var initial_goal_pitch_offset_deg =
        getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg") or 0.0;

  <axis n="0">
      <!-- I need the following offset when the joypad is in analog mode. -->
      <offset type="double">-0.01028</offset>
      <factor type="double">0.5</factor>

  <axis n="1">
      <!-- I need the following offset when the joypad is in analog mode. -->
      <offset type="double">-0.01028</offset>
      <factor type="double">-0.5</factor>

  <axis n="3">
      <!-- I need the following offset when the joypad is in analog mode. -->
      <offset type="double">-0.01028</offset>

  <axis n="4">
    <desc>Throttle [mod3=0] / Mixture Control [mod3=1] / Elevator Trim [mod3=-1]</desc>
      <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
        if (mod3 == 0) {
        } elsif (mod3 == 1) {
        } else {
            -0.001 + getprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim"));
      <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
        if (mod3 == 0) {
        } elsif (mod3 == 1) {
        } else {
            0.001 + getprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim"));

  <axis n="5">
    <desc>Switch mod3 between the values -1, 0, 1</desc>
        mod3 = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue();
        # gui.popupTip("DragonRise.mod3 = " ~ mod3, 2);

  <axis n="6">
    <desc>Toggle mod1 and mod2</desc>
          mod1 = !mod1;
          gui.popupTip("DragonRise.mod1 = " ~ mod1, 2);
          mod2 = !mod2;
          gui.popupTip("DragonRise.mod2 = " ~ mod2, 2);

  <button n="0">
    <desc>View Up [mod3=0] / Select first engine [mod3=1] / Flaps Up [mod3=-1]</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
        if (mod3 == 0) {
            1.0 + getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg"));

        # Emulate a non-repeatable button for mod3 != 0
        if (button0_with_mod3)

        button0_with_mod3 = 1;

        if (mod3 == -1) {
        } else {
          button0_with_mod3 = 0;

  <button n="1">
    <desc>View Right / Brake Right [mod3=-1] / Select second engine [mod3=1] / Trigger1 [mod3=0 and mod1]</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
        if (mod3 == 0) {
          if (mod1) {
            # This seems the most common for "trigger"
            setprop("/controls/armament/trigger1", 1);
            # Many planes use this instead [also true for "trigger1"?]
            setprop("/ai/submodels/trigger1", 1);
          } else {
              -1.0 + getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg"));


        # Emulate a non-repeatable button for mod3 != 0
        if (button1_with_mod3)

        button1_with_mod3 = 1;

        if (mod3 == -1) {
          controls.applyBrakes(1, 1);
        } else {
          button1_with_mod3 = 0;

          controls.applyBrakes(0, 1);
          # This seems the most common for "trigger"
          setprop("/controls/armament/trigger1", 0);
          # Many planes use this instead [also true for "trigger1"?]
          setprop("/ai/submodels/trigger1", 0);

  <button n="2">
    <desc>View Down [mod3=0] / Select third engine [mod3=1] / Flaps Down [mod3=-1]</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
        if (mod3 == 0) {
            -1.0 + getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg"));


        # Emulate a non-repeatable button for mod3 != 0
        if (button2_with_mod3)

        button2_with_mod3 = 1;

        if (mod3 == -1) {
        } else {
          button2_with_mod3 = 0;

  <button n="3">
    <desc>View Left / Brake Left [mod3=-1] / Select fourth engine [mod3=1] / Trigger [mod3=0 and mod1]</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
        if (mod3 == 0) {
          if (mod1) {
            # This seems the most common
            setprop("/controls/armament/trigger", 1);
            # Many planes use this instead
            setprop("/ai/submodels/trigger", 1);
          } else {
              1.0 + getprop("/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg"));


        # Emulate a non-repeatable button for mod3 != 0
        if (button3_with_mod3)

        button3_with_mod3 = 1;

        if (mod3 == -1) {
          controls.applyBrakes(1, -1);
        } else {
          button3_with_mod3 = 0;
          controls.applyBrakes(0, -1);

          # This seems the most common
          setprop("/controls/armament/trigger", 0);
          # Many planes use this instead
          setprop("/ai/submodels/trigger", 0);

  <button n="4">
    <desc>View Cycle (backward)</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">false</repeatable>

  <button n="5">
    <desc>View Cycle (forward)</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">false</repeatable>

  <button n="6">
    <desc>View Decrease</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

  <button n="7">
    <desc>View Increase</desc>
    <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

  <button n="8">
    <desc>Brakes [mod3=0] / Aileron and Rudder Dance [mod3=-1]</desc>
        if (mod3 == -1) {
            -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1, -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1, -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1,
            -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1);
            -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1, -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1, -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1,
            -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1);
        elsif (mod3 == 0) {

  <button n="9">
    <desc>Select Initial View and Recenter [mod3=0] / Reset Zoom to Default [mod3=-1] / Select all engines [mod3=1]</desc>
        if (mod3 == -1) {
        } elsif (mod3 == 1) {
        } else {
          setprop("/sim/current-view/view-number", 0);


<!-- end of generic.xml -->