
  <name>GoFlight MFR</name>
  <debug-events type="bool">false</debug-events>

    var activeChannel = 0;
    var activeNode = props.globals.getNode("/input/goflight/mfr/active", 1);
    var standbyNode = props.globals.getNode("/input/goflight/mfr/standby-mhz", 1);
    var selectedNode = props.globals.getNode("/input/goflight/mfr/selected-mhz", 1);
    var brightnessNode = props.globals.getNode("/input/goflight/mfr/brightness", 8);

    var updateActive = func(newActive)
      activeChannel = newActive;

      printlog("info", "GoFlight MFR: Active channel is now:" ~ activeChannel);
      var prefix = "/instrumentation/nav[" ~ activeChannel ~ "]/frequencies/";

      standbyNode.alias(props.globals.getNode(prefix ~ "standby-mhz"));

      selectedNode.alias(props.globals.getNode(prefix ~ "selected-mhz"));

    var cycleActive = func() {
      activeChannel = activeChannel + 1;
      if (activeChannel >= 2) activeChannel = 0;

    # map decimal digits 0..9 to standard 7-segment LCD pattern
    var translateDigitToSevenSegment = [0x3f, 0x06, 0x5b, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x07, 0x7f, 0x6f];

    var formatFrequency = func(freqMhz)
      var s = sprintf("%.3f", freqMhz);
      var padCount = 6 - size(s);
      var r = "";

      while (padCount > 0) {
        r ~= chr(0);
        padCount -=1;

      for (var i=0; i < size(s); i += 1) {
        if (s[i] == `.`) {
          # set the high bit to correspond to the decimal
          var lastIndex = size(r) - 1;
          r[lastIndex] = r[lastIndex] + 0x80;
        } else {
          var digitCode = s[i] - `0`;
          r ~= chr(translateDigitToSevenSegment[digitCode]);

      return r;

    var standbyAlphanumeric = func() {
      return formatFrequency(standbyNode.getValue());

    var selectedAlphanumeric = func() {
      return formatFrequency(selectedNode.getValue());


      <min type="double">108.0</min>
      <max type="double">117.95</max>
      <wrap type="bool">true</wrap>

    <factor type="double">0.025</factor>
    <min type="double">108.0</min>
    <max type="double">117.95</max>
    <wrap type="bool">true</wrap>

  <report-id type="int">3</report-id>
  <!-- we can't watch the /input/goflight/mfr property, because it's an alias
    and value changed notifications don't propogate. Bah. -->

  <report-id type="int">5</report-id>
  <!-- we can't watch the /input/goflight/mfr property, because it's an alias
    and value changed notifications don't propogate. Bah. -->




    <desc>Transfer Button</desc>

    <desc>Nav 1 Button</desc>

    <desc>Nav 2 Button</desc>
