<?xml version="1.0"?>
	Overlay that rotates the stick angle.
	Copyright (c) 2011   Melchior FRANZ   mfranz # aon : at

	Usage:   fgfs ~~prop:input/joysticks/overlays=stick_rotate ~~prop:d:input/joysticks/stick-angle=15

			contains(caller(0)[0], "stick") and removelistener(stick.listener);

			var stick = {
				init: func {
					me.x = me.y = 0;
					var a = props.globals.initNode("/input/joysticks/stick-angle");
					me.listener = setlistener(a, func(n) {
						me.angle = n.getValue() * D2R;
						me.sin = math.sin(me.angle);
						me.cos = math.cos(me.angle);
					}, 1);
				value: func cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue(),
				setx: func {
					me.x = me.value();
				sety: func {
					me.y = -me.value();
				update: func {
					setprop("/controls/flight/aileron", me.x * me.cos + me.y * me.sin);
					setprop("/controls/flight/elevator", me.y * me.cos - me.x * me.sin);


	<axis n="0">

	<axis n="1">