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} } var cdu = func{ var display = getprop("/instrumentation/cdu/display"); var serviceable = getprop("/instrumentation/cdu/serviceable"); title = ""; page = ""; line1l = ""; line2l = ""; line3l = ""; line4l = ""; line5l = ""; line6l = ""; line1lt = ""; line2lt = ""; line3lt = ""; line4lt = ""; line5lt = ""; line6lt = ""; line1c = ""; line2c = ""; line3c = ""; line4c = ""; line5c = ""; line6c = ""; line1ct = ""; line2ct = ""; line3ct = ""; line4ct = ""; line5ct = ""; line6ct = ""; line1r = ""; line2r = ""; line3r = ""; line4r = ""; line5r = ""; line6r = ""; line1rt = ""; line2rt = ""; line3rt = ""; line4rt = ""; line5rt = ""; line6rt = ""; if (display == "MENU") { title = "MENU"; line1l = "<FMC"; line1rt = "EFIS CP"; line1r = "SELECT>"; line2l = "<ACARS"; line2rt = "EICAS CP"; line2r = "SELECT>"; line6l = "<ACMS"; line6r = "CMC>"; } if (display == "ALTN_NAV_RAD") { title = "ALTN NAV RADIO"; } if (display == "APP_REF") { title = "APPROACH REF"; line1lt = "GROSS WT"; line1rt = "FLAPS VREF"; 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