Adjust HUD Properties Dostosuj HUD Adjust LOD Ranges Dostosuj poziom Szczegolow (LOD) AI AI Aircraft Center (Experimental) Aircraft Checklists Aircraft Help Dla Tego Samolotu ATC Services in Range ATC w Zasiegu Autopilot Autopilot Autopilot Settings Ustawienia Autostart Basic Simulator Keys Klawiszologia Symulatora Carrier Controls Lotniskowiec Cockpit View Options Opcje Widoku z Kokpitu Common Aircraft Keys Klawisze Sterowania Configure Development Extensions Cycle GUI style Debug Development Keys Display Tutorial Marker Documentation Browser Dump Scene Graph Environment Środowisko Environment Settings Equipment Wyposazenie Quit Zakoncz --- Failures --- Awarie FG1000 MFD FG1000 MFD FG1000 PFD FGCom Settings File Plik Fuel and Payload Paliwo i Ladunek Weather Pogoda Select Airport Wybierz Lotnisko GPS Settings Ustawienia GPS Help Pomoc Help (opens in browser) Pomoc (w pzegladarce) Immatriculation Mouse Configuration Instrument Failures Awarie Przyrzadow Instrument Settings Ustawienia Przyrzadow User-interface options Jetway Settings Rekaw Joystick Configuration Joystick Information Informacje o Joysticku Lag Settings Load Flight Recorder Tape Local Weather (Test) Location Pozycja Logging Map Mapa Map (opens in browser) Map (Canvas) About O Programie MPCarrier Selection Wybor Lotniskowca MP Chat Dialog Chat Chat Menu Menu Chat Pilot List Lista Pilotów Multiplayer Settings Ustawienia Multiplayer Multiplayer Nasal Console Nasal REPL Interpreter Next Waypoint Nastepny Punkt Nawigacyjny Monitor System Performance Adjust View Position Położenie Pilota Position Aircraft In Air W Powietrzu Previous Waypoint Poprzedni Punkt Nawigacyjny Print Rendering Statistics Print Visible Scene Info Browse Internal Properties Pushback Radio Settings Radio Random Attitude Losowa Orientacja Random Failures Awarie Losowe Reload Autopilot Reload GUI Reload HUD Reload Input Reload Materials Reload Aircraft Model Reload Network Reload Panel Reload Scenery Select Rendering Buffers Hide/Show Rendering Buffers Rendering Options Opcje Renderowania Instant Replay Powtorka Reset Reset Route Manager Planowanie Lotu Save Flight Recorder Tape Traffic and Scenario Settings Scenariusze AI Select livery Show/hide yokes Screenshot Zrzut ekranu Screenshot Directory Folder Zrzutow Ekr. Sound Configuration Ustawienia Dzwiekow Cycle On-Screen Statistics Stereoscopic View Options Opcje Wyswietlania 3D Stopwatch Stoper System Failures Awarie Systemow Tanker Controls Latajaca Cysterna Scenery Download Pobieranie Scenerii Tiller Steering Time Settings Czas Toggle Fullscreen Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel Wl/Wyl Znaczniki Sciezki Podejscia Tower Position Lokalizacja Wiezy Tutorials Tutoriale View Widok View Options Dostepne Kamery Wildfire Settings Ustawienia Pozarow Wingman Controls Skrzydlowy Save Video Configuration Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation. Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation. Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load Wybierz model areodynamiki do wczytania: Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed. Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml Wybierz profil samolotu podany przez: gorny poziom <name>-set.xml Specify the exact directory to use for the aircraft (normally not required, but may be useful). Interpreted relatively to the current directory. Causes the <path-cache> from autosave_X_Y.xml, as well as --fg-aircraft and the FG_AIRCRAFT environment variable to be bypassed. Katalog z samolotami (Sciezka wzgledem pliku startowego programu) Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY) Katalog z samolotami (tylko dla UIUC FDM) Aircraft Samolot Specify starting position relative to an airport Starting altitude Wysokosc poczatkowa Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio. Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x) Open connection using the Atlas protocol Audio Options Avionics Options Specify the bits per pixel Liczba bitow na piksel Specify path to your web browser Sciezka do twojej przegladarki internetowej assign a unique name to a player Specify starting position on an AI carrier Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft). Set the COM1 radio frequency Set the COM2 radio frequency Load additional properties from path Zaladuj dodatkowe wlasciwosci z ... Display console (Windows specific) Debugging Options Opcje debugera Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem) Disable artificial traffic. Disable anti-aliased HUD Niedostepny antyaliasing HUDa Disable auto coordination Niedostepna autokoordynacja Clock advances normally Zegar zlicza normalnie Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers Niedostepne plaskie (2D) warstwy chmur Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers Niedostepne przestrzenne (3D) warstwy chmur Disable runway light distance attenuation Disable enhanced runway lighting Disable FGCom built-in Start in a running state Start w stanie uruchomionym Fuel is consumed normally Paliwo jest normalnie wykorzystywane Disable fullscreen mode Niedostepny tryb pelnoekranowy Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon Disable 3D HUD Disable Heads Up Display (HUD) Niedostepny wyswietlacz przezierny Disable extra mouse pointer Niedostepny dodatkowy wskaznik myszy Disable instrument panel Niedostepny kokpit Exclude random buildings objects Exclude random scenery objects Wylaczone losowe obiekty terenowe Exclude random vegetation objects Disable METAR based real weather fetching Disable Rembrandt rendering Don't save preferences upon program exit Disable sound effects Niedostepne efekty dzwiekowe Disable specular reflections on textured objects Disable splash screen Brak ekranu powitalnego Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates Disable textures Teksturowanie wylaczone Disable wireframe drawing mode Niedostepny tryb rysowania konturowego Slave the DME to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency. Base directory to use for aircraft and scenery downloads (the TerraSync scenery directory may be specifically set with --terrasync-dir) Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations) Enable artificial traffic. Enable anti-aliased HUD Dostepny antyaliasing HUDa Enable auto coordination Dostepna autokoordynacja Do not advance clock Unieruchom zegar Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers Dostepne plaskie (2D) warstwy chmur Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers Dostepne przestrzenne (3D) warstwy chmur Enable runway light distance attenuation Enable enhanced runway lighting Enable FGCom built-in Start in a frozen state Uruchom w trybie wstrzynanym Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant Nie ubywa paliwa w zbiorniku Enable fullscreen mode Dostepny tryb pelnoekranowy Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon Enable 3D HUD Enable Heads Up Display (HUD) Dostepny wyswietlacz przezierny (HUD) Enable extra mouse pointer Dostepny dodatkowy wskaznik myszy (i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards) (np. dla trybu pelnoekranowego dla kart bazujacych na Voodoo) Enable instrument panel Dostepny kokpit Include random buildings objects Include random scenery objects Wlaczone losowe obiekty terenowe Include random vegetation objects Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection) Enable Rembrandt rendering Allow saving preferences at program exit Enable sound effects Dostepne efekty dzwiekowe Enable specular reflections on textured objects Enable splash screen Wlacz ekran powitalny Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates Enable textures Teksturowanie wlaczone Enable wireframe drawing mode Wlaczony tryb rysowania konturowego Environment Options Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures). Select the core flight dynamics model Wybierz glowny model dynamiki lotu Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null Dostepne: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, lub null Flight Model Model dynamiki lotu (FDM) Features Dodatki Specify additional aircraft directory path(s) (alternatively, you can use --aircraft-dir to target a specific aircraft in a given directory) Specify the root data path Sciezka do glownego katalogu danych Specify the scenery path(s); Sciezka do scenerii; Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery Domyslna sciezka $FG_ROOT/Scenery Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator; Specify starting position relative to a fix Open connection using the Flarm protocol, which includes NMEA/GPS and traffic reporting messages Read all waypoints from a file Wczytaj punkty przelotu z pliku Disable fog/haze Niedostepna mgla/mgielka Enable fastest fog/haze Mozliwa silna mgla/mgielka Enable nicest fog/haze Mozliwa lekka mgla/mgielka Specify field of view angle Obszar kata widzenia Abort on encountering a floating point exception; Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu Garmin GPS General Options Ustawienia ogolne Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol Specify window geometry (640x480, etc) Podaj wymiary okna(640x480, itp.) Specify flight path angle (can be positive) Podaj wzgledny azymut podejscia (moze byc dodatni) Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi) Podaj kierunek odchylenia (Psi) Show the most relevant command line options Pokaz najczesciej stosowane opcje startowe Enable http server on the specified address. Specify the port or address:port to bind to. Utworz serwer HTTP na podanym porcie Hud displays percentage of triangles culled HUD pokazuje procent przyslonietych trojkatow Hud Options Wyswietlacza przezierny Hud displays number of triangles rendered HUD pokazuje liczbe renderowanych trojkatow Start in air (implied when using --altitude) Rozpocznij w powietrzu(gdy wywolanie z parametrem --altitude) IO Options Opcje we./wy. Open connection to an Agwagon joystick Podlacz do Agwagon dzojstik Enable screen shot http server on the specified port (replaced by --httpd) Utworz serwer HTTP zrzutow ekranu na podanym porcie (replaced by --httpd) Open connection to a remote joystick Print a report in JSON format on the standard output, giving information such as the FlightGear version, $FG_ROOT, $FG_HOME, aircraft and scenery paths, etc. Select the language for this session Wybierz jezyk dla tej sesji Starting latitude (south = -) Szerokosc geograficzna pozycji startu (poludnie = -) Select aircraft livery Specify which logging class(es) to use Log to directory DIR. The special value 'desktop' causes logging to the desktop (OS-dependent location). This option may be given several times, using a different value each time. Inside the specified directory, the written log file is named FlightGear_YYYY-MM-DD_<num>.log, where <num> takes the values 0, 1, 2, etc. Specify which logging level to use Starting longitude (west = -) Dlugosc geograficzna pozycji startu (zachod = -) Specify initial mach number Podaj poczatkowa liczbe Mach Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: Materials/regions/materials.xml) Maximum frame rate in Hz. Pass a METAR string to set up static weather (this implies --disable-real-weather-fetch) Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second) Uruchom FDM z wspolczynnikiem..(krok na sekunde) Specify multipilot communication settings MultiPlayer Options Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native Controls Open connection using the FG Native protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native FDM Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial. Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial. Specify starting position relative to an NDB Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with --ndb=ID Network Options Opcje sieciowe Open connection using the NMEA protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu NMEA Do NOT attempt to trim the model NIE probuj zrownowazyc model (only with fdm=jsbsim) (tylko z dynamika lotu fdm=jsbsim) Specify heading to reference point Kierunek do progu drogi startowej Specify distance to reference point (statute miles) Dystans do progu drogi startowej Start at ground level (default) Start z ziemi(domyslnie) Open connection using the OpenGC protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu OpenGC Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport) Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier) Specify pitch angle (Theta) Podaj kat pochylenia (Theta) Initial Position and Orientation Poczatkowa pozycja i orientacja Set property <name> to <value>. <type> can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool. Ustaw wlasciwosc <name> na <value> Open connection using the interactive property manager Polacz uzywajac interaktywnego menadzera wlasciwosci Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option. Open connection using the PVE protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu PVE (buildings, etc.) (budynki, itp.) Set up random wind direction and speed Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu Ray Woodworth motion chair Rendering Options Opcje renderowania Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc) Specify initial climb rate (can be negative) Poczatkowy wspolczynnik wznoszenia (moze byc ujemny) Specify roll angle (Phi) Podaj kat przechylu (Phi) Route/Way Point Options Opcje trasy/punktow przelotowych Open connection using the RUL protocol Polacz uzywajac protokolu RUL Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport) Wybierz pas do startu (musisz podac rowniez lotnisko) Specify the startup season Enable flat shading Zezwol na plaskie cieniowanie Enable smooth shading Zezwol na gladkie cieniowanie Print a list of the currently available aircraft types Drukuj liste dostepnych samolotow Show a list of available audio device Situation Options Explicitly specify the audio device to use Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time Uruchamiaj FDM 'n' razy szybciej niz w rzeczywistosci Specify a starting date/time with respect to Podaj date/czas startu ze wzg. na Enable telnet server on the specified port Utworz serwer telnet na podanym porcie Set target directory for scenery downloads Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16 Synchronize time with local real-world time Synchronizuj czas z lokalnym czasem rzeczywistym Synchronize time with real-world time Synchronizuj czas z rzeczywistym (GMT) Add this time offset Dodaj to przesuniecie czasu Time Options Opcje czasu Specify a time of day Trace the reads for a property; Sledzenie odczytow pod wzg. wlasciwosci; Trace the writes for a property; Sledzenie zapisow pod wzg. wlasciwosci; Trim the model (only with fdm=jsbsim) Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe) Specify velocity along the body X axis Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi X Use feet for distances Uzyj miary w stopach dla odleglosci Use meters for distances Uzyj miary w metrach dla odleglosci Usage: fgfs [ option ... ] fgfs [ opcje ... ] Specify velocity along the body Y axis Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi Y Specify velocity along a vertical axis Specify velocity along a West-East axis Specify velocity along a South-North axis Specify initial airspeed Podaj poczatkowa predkosc Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml Show all command line options when combined with --help or -h Pokazuje wszystkie opcje linii komend: --help or -h For a complete list of options use --help --verbose W celu uzyskania listy opcji uruchom z: --help --verbose Display the current FlightGear version Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees Domyslny widok do przodu jako odchylenie od kierunku na wprost. Dopuszczalne wartosci: LEFT [lewo], RIGHT [prawo], CENTER [wysrodkuj], lub podaj w stopniach Specify initial visibility Podaj poczatkowa widzialnosc Specify initial visibility in miles Podaj poczatkowa widzialnosc w milach Specify starting position relative to a VOR Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with --vor=ID Specify velocity along the body Z axis Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi Z Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots) Parametry wiatru: z kierunku [stopnie] z predkoscia [knots] Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot; Podaj punkty przelotowe autopilotowi GC; binding subsystems creating subsystems downloading scenery finalizing position finalizing subsystems initializing initializing graphics engine initializing scenery initializing subsystems loading aircraft loading aircraft list loading navigation data loading scenery loading fixes loading airport data loading navigation aid data loading points of interest reading airport data Unstable nightly build - some features may be under active development Drag while holding the right mouse button to look around Hold [Shift] while looking around to move the view up, down, left or right Press a/A to adjust the simulation speed Press x/X to zoom in and out Find frequencies of nearby ATC services from the Radios dialog Press v to change your viewpoint, Ctrl-V to return to the cockpit Press F3 to take a screenshot Join the FlightGear community at Press h to bring up a Heads Up Display Show or hide the menu bar by pressing F10 Frame-rate too low? - try disabling AI traffic Select Environment → Weather to fly in different weather Press F12 to change the radio frequencies easily Look around by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse Select Multiplayer → Multiplayer Settings to join the shared flight environment Can't get the engine started? - see Help → Aircraft Checklists Drag while holding the middle and right mouse buttons to move the viewpoint Press / to explore the internals of the simulator Press Tab to move the viewpoint with your mouse and use the scroll wheel to zoom