# Draw 3 degree glide slope tunnel for the nearest airport's most suitable runway # considering wind direction and runway size. # Activate with --prop:sim/rendering/glide-slope-tunnel=1 or via Help menu var MARKER = "Models/Geometry/square.xml"; # tunnel marker var DIST = 1000; # distance between markers var NUM = 30; # number of tunnel markers var ANGLE = 3 * math.pi / 180; # glide slope angle in radian var HOFFSET = 274; # distance between begin of runway and touchdown area (900 ft) var INTERVAL = 5; # check for nearest airport var voffset = DIST * math.sin(ANGLE) / math.cos(ANGLE); var apt = nil; var tunnel = []; setsize(tunnel, NUM); var normdeg = func(a) { while (a >= 180) a -= 360; while (a < -180) a += 360; return a; } # Find best runway for current wind direction (or 270), also considering length and width. # var best_runway = func(apt) { var wind_speed = getprop("/environment/wind-speed-kt"); var wind_from = wind_speed ? getprop("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg") : 270; var max = -1; var rwy = nil; foreach (var r; keys(apt.runways)) { var curr = apt.runways[r]; var deviation = math.abs(normdeg(wind_from - curr.heading)) + 1e-20; var v = (0.01 * curr.length + 0.01 * curr.width) / deviation; if (v > max) { max = v; rwy = curr; } } return rwy; } # Draw 3 degree glide slope tunnel. # var draw_tunnel = func(rwy) { var m = geo.Coord.new().set_latlon(rwy.lat, rwy.lon); m.apply_course_distance(rwy.heading, rwy.threshold + HOFFSET); var g = geodinfo(m.lat(), m.lon()); var elev = g != nil ? g[0] : apt.elevation; forindex (var i; tunnel) { if (tunnel[i] != nil) tunnel[i].remove(); m.set_alt(elev); tunnel[i] = geo.put_model(MARKER, m, rwy.heading); m.apply_course_distance(rwy.heading + 180, DIST); elev += voffset; } } var loop = func(id) { id == loopid or return; var a = airportinfo(); if (apt == nil or apt.id != a.id) { apt = a; var is_heliport = 1; foreach (var rwy; keys(apt.runways)) if (rwy and rwy[0] != `H`) is_heliport = 0; if (!is_heliport) { draw_tunnel(best_runway(apt)); gui.popupTip(apt.id ~ " - \"" ~ apt.name ~ "\"", 6); } } settimer(func loop(id), INTERVAL); } var loopid = 0; var fdm_init_listener = _setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { removelistener(fdm_init_listener); # uninstall, so we're only called once # remove top bar unless otherwise specified var top = props.globals.initNode("/sim/model/geometry/square/top", 1, "BOOL"); setlistener("/sim/rendering/glide-slope-tunnel", func(n) { loopid += 1; if (n.getValue()) { apt = nil; return loop(loopid); } forindex (var i; tunnel) { if (tunnel[i] != nil) { tunnel[i].remove(); tunnel[i] = nil; } } }, 1); });