<?xml version="1.0"?>
Only a few stick controls have been mapped here:
 + "Rocker" switch:     Rudder
 + Top rotary dial:     Mixture
 + Bottom rotary dial:  Prop Advance
 + Top stick hat:       Elevator & Aileron trim
 + Bottom stick hat:    View direction
 + Top throttle hat:    Flaps & Rudder trim
 + Stick button "A":    Gear toggle
 + Stick button "C":    Reset view (hackish)

Linux/Windows/Mac Axis Numbers:
  0   	Roll (positive == right) 
  1  	Pitch (positive == down/back/nose-up)
  2/5/5 top "rotary dial" on the throttle (positive == CCW)
  3   	Rocker switch ("rudder" control) on the throttle (positive == right)
  4/2/2 Throttle (positive == back/down/idle)
  5/4/4 Bottom "rotary dial" on the throttle (positive == CW)
  	Strange this axis doesn't seem to exist on Mac OS X!
  6/6/6 Lower right hat horizontal axis (positive == right)
  7/7/7 Lower right hat vertical axis (positive == down (Mac positive is UP))

Button Numbers (Identical b/w Linux/Windows/Mac):
 0  Trigger
 1  Stick top "A" switch
 2  Stick top "B" switch
 3  Stick top "launch/fire" switch
 4  Throttle "D" switch
 5  Throttle "mouse" switch (tiny black thumb button)
 6  Stick "pinkie" switch
 7  Stick front "C" switch
 8  -+                                left position   ("M1")
 9   +- Throttle "mode" 3-way switch: middle position ("M2")
10  -+                                right position  ("M3")
11  -+                                left position
12   +- Throttle "Aux" 3-way switch:  middle position
13  -+                                right position
14  Upper left hat in "up" position
15  Upper left hat in "right" position
16  Upper left hat in "down" position
17  Upper left hat in "left" position
18  Throttle forefinger hat in "up/back" position
19  Throttle forefinger hat in "right" position
20  Throttle forefinger hat in "down/forward" position
21  Throttle forefinger hat in "left" position
22  Throttle thumb hat in "up" position
23  Throttle thumb hat in "right" position
24  Throttle thumb hat in "down" position
25  Throttle thumb hat in "left" position

 <name>Saitek X52</name>
 <name>Saitek Saitek X52</name>
 <name>Saitek X52 Flight Controller USB</name>
 <name>Saitek X52 Flight Controller</name>
 <name>Saitek X52 Flight Control Stick </name>
 <name>Saitek Saitek X52 Flight Control Stick </name>
 <name>Saitek X52 Flight Stick (USB)</name>
 <name>Saitek Saitek X52 Flight Stick (USB)</name>
 <name>Saitek Saitek X52 Flight Control System</name>

 <axis n="0">
   <squared type="bool">true</squared>

 <axis n="1">
   <factor type="double">-1.0</factor>
   <squared type="bool">true</squared>

<!--<axis n="3">

    # In mode 3 (taxiing), map the wheelbrakes
    if(getprop("/input/joysticks/js[0]/saitek-x45-mode") == 3) {
        val = cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue();
        setprop("/controls/gear/brake-left", 0);
        setprop("/controls/gear/brake-right", 0);
        if(val > 0) { setprop("/controls/gear/brake-right", val); }
        else        { setprop("/controls/gear/brake-left", -val); }

 <!-- View Direction Hat -->

 <axis n="6">
  <desc>View Direction</desc>

  <desc>View Elevation</desc>



  <desc>Propeller Advance</desc>

 <button n="4">
  <desc>Reset View</desc>

<!-- <button n="0">
 </button> -->

 <!-- Gear down on button T2 -->

 <button n="9">
  <desc>Landing Gear Down</desc>

 <!-- Gear up on button T1 -->

 <button n="8">
  <desc>Landing Gear Up</desc>

<!-- mode switch (buttons 23-25) -->

 <button n="23">
  <desc>Mode 1</desc>
   <script>setprop("/input/joysticks/js[0]/saitek-x52-mode", 1)</script>

 <button n="24">
  <desc>Mode 2</desc>
   <script>setprop("/input/joysticks/js[0]/saitek-x52-mode", 2)</script>

 <button n="25">
  <desc>Mode 3</desc>
   <script>setprop("/input/joysticks/js[0]/saitek-x52-mode", 3)</script>

 <!-- Trim (upper) hat on the stick -->

 <button n="15">
  <desc>Elevator trim down</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

 <button n="16">
  <desc>Aileron trim right</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

 <button n="17">
  <desc>Elevator trim up</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

 <button n="18">
  <desc>Aileron trim left</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

 <!-- Flap control on the T3/T4 -->

 <button n="10">
  <desc>Decrease flaps</desc>

 <button n="11">
  <desc>Increase flaps</desc>

 <!-- Rudder trim on the flap hat -->

 <button n="20">
  <desc>Rudder trim right</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

 <button n="22">
  <desc>Rudder trim left</desc>
  <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

 <!-- Fire button -->
 <button n="0">
   <desc>Toggle parking brake on or off</desc>

 <!-- Speed brake control on the T6/T5 -->

 <button n="13">
  <desc>Decrease speedbrake</desc>

 <button n="12">
  <desc>Increase speedbrake</desc>
