# List.nas - a list widget similar to Qt's QListWidget # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2022 Frederic Croix # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later gui.widgets.ListItem = { new: func(parent, style = nil, cfg = nil) { var m = gui.Widget.new(gui.widgets.ListItem); style = style or canvas.style; m._cfg = Config.new(cfg or {}); m._focus_policy = m.NoFocus; m._data = m._cfg.get("data", {}); m._text = m._cfg.get("text", ""); m._selected = m._cfg.get("selected", 0); m._list = nil; m._setView(style.createWidget(parent, "list-item", m._cfg)); m.setLayoutMinimumSize([48, 24]); m.setLayoutMaximumSize([m._MAX_SIZE, 24]); m.setText(m._text); m.setSelected(m._selected); return m; }, # @description Set the data for this item. # @param key Union[scalar, hash] required If @param key is a hash, this item's data is replaced with that hash. # If @param key is a scalar, the data field with that name will be set to value. # If @param key is anything else, an error will be raised. # @param value Any optional The value to set the data field with key @param key to, if @param key is a scalar; # otherwise, this argument is ignored. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem This list item to support method chaining. setData: func(key, value = nil) { if (isscalar(key)) { me._data[key] = value; } elsif (ishash(key)) { me._data = key; } else { die("cannot set data field with non-scalar key !"); } return me; }, # @description Get the data of this item. # @param key Union[scalar, nil] The scalar key of the data field to return the value of, or nil to return the whole data. # @return Any If @param key is a scalar, the value of the field with key @param key, else the whole data as a hash. getData: func(key = nil) { if (key != nil) { if (!isscalar(key)) { die("cannot get data field with non-scalar key !") } return me._data[key]; } else { return me._data; } }, # @description Clear data # @return canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem This list item to support method chaining. clearData: func { me._data = {}; return me; }, setText: func(text) { me._text = text; me._view.setText(me, text); return me; }, getText: func { return me._text; }, setSelected: func(selected = 1) { if (me.getParent() != nil) { me.getParent().setItemSelection(me, selected); } return me; }, getSelected: func { return me._selected; }, _setSelected: func(selected) { if (selected != me._selected) { me._selected = selected; me.update(); me._trigger("selection-state-changed", {"selected": selected}); if (me._selected) { me._trigger("selected"); } else { me._trigger("unselected"); } } return me; }, _setView: func(view) { call(gui.Widget._setView, [view], me); var el = view._root; el.addEventListener("click", func me.setSelected()); }, update: func { me._view.update(me); return me; }, }; gui.widgets.List = { new: func(parent, style = nil, cfg = nil) { var m = gui.Widget.new(gui.widgets.List); m._style = style = style or canvas.style; m._cfg = Config.new(cfg or {}); m._focus_policy = m.NoFocus; m._setView(style.createWidget(parent, "list", m._cfg)); m._scroll = gui.widgets.ScrollArea.new(m._view._root, style, {}); m._scrollLayout = VBoxLayout.new(); m._scroll.setLayout(m._scrollLayout); m._scrollLayout.setSpacing(0); m.setLayoutMinimumSize([48, 24]); return m; }, setSize: func { if (size(arg) == 1) { var arg = arg[0]; } var (x, y) = arg; me._size = [x, y]; me._scroll.setSize(x, y); return me.update(); }, _onItemSelectionStateChanged: func { var items = me.getSelectedItems(); me._trigger("selection-changed"); }, # @description Add the given item to this list. # @param item canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem required The item to be added to this list. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.List This list to support method chaining. addItem: func(item) { item.listen("selection-state-changed", func me._onItemSelectionStateChanged()); me._scrollLayout.addItem(item); item.setParent(me); return me; }, # @description Create an item with the given text and optionally the given config. # @param text str required Text of the new item. # @param cfg hash optional Additional configuration of the item. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem The created list item. createItem: func(text, cfg = nil) { cfg = cfg or {}; cfg["text"] = text; var item = gui.widgets.ListItem.new(me._scroll.getContent(), me._style, cfg); me.addItem(item); return item; }, # @description Count the items of this list. # @return int Number of items in this list. count: func { return me._scrollLayout.count(); }, # @description Remove all items from this list. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.List This list to support method chaining. clear: func { me._scrollLayout.clear(); return me; }, # @description Get the item with the given index or text # @param text_or_index Union[int, str] required If text_or_index is an integer, the item at index text_or_index is returned. # If text_or_index is a string, the item with text == text_or_index is returned. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem The item with the given text or index, or nil if no such item is found. getItem: func(text_or_index) { if (isint(text_or_index)) { return me._scrollLayout.itemAt(text_or_index); } else { for (var i = 0; i < me.count(); i += 1) { if (me._scrollLayout.itemAt(i)._text == text_or_index) { return me.getItem(i); } } } }, # @description Find the index of the given item or item with the given text. # @param text_or_item Union[str, canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem] required The item or text of the item to return the index of. # @return int The index of the given item or item with the given text, or -1 if the given item or no item with the given text is found. findItem: func(text_or_item) { for (var i = 0; i < me.count(); i += 1) { if ( (isstr(text_or_item) and me._scrollLayout.itemAt(i)._text == text_or_index) or text_or_item == me.getItem(i) ) { return i; } } return -1; }, # @description Remove and return the item with the given text or index. # @param text_or_item Union[str, int] required The text or index of the item to remove and return # @return int The item with the given text or index, or nil if no item with the given text or index is found. takeItem: func(text_or_index) { var index = text_or_index; if (!isint(index)) { index = me.findItem(index); if (index < 0) { return nil; } } elsif (index < 0) { return nil; } return me._scrollLayout.takeAt(index); }, # @description Remove the item with the given text or index or given item. # @param text_or_index_or_item Union[str, int, canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem] required The text or index of the item, or the item, to remove. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.List This list to support method chaining. removeItem: func(text_or_index_or_item) { if (isscalar(text_or_index_or_item)) { me.takeItem(text_or_index_or_item); } else { me._scrollLayout.removeItem(item); } return me; }, # @description Unselect all items of this list. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.List This list to support method chaining. clearSelection: func { for (var i = 0; i < me.count(); i += 1) { me.getItem(i)._selected = 0; me.getItem(i).update(); } return me; }, # @description Set the selected state of the item item with the given index or text. # @param text_or_index Union[int, str] required If text_or_index is an integer, the item at index text_or_index is returned. # If text_or_index is a string, the item with text == text_or_index is returned. # @param selected bool optional The selection state of the item, defaults to selected if not given. # @return canvas.gui.widgets.List This list to support method chaining. setItemSelection: func(text_or_index_or_item, selected = 1) { var item = text_or_index_or_item; if (typeof(item) == "scalar") { item = me.getItem(text_or_index_or_item); if (!item) { die("no item found with given text or index '" ~ text_or_index_or_item ~ "' found !"); } } me.clearSelection(); item._setSelected(selected); return me; }, # @description Get a vector containing all selected items of this list # @return vector[canvas.gui.widgets.ListItem] Vector containing the selected items getSelectedItems: func { var items = []; for (var i = 0; i < me.count(); i += 1) { var item = me.getItem(i); if (item._selected) { append(items, item); } } return items; }, update: func { me._scroll.update(); me._view.update(me); return me; } }