<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Departs Victoria ferry terminal                 
     sails out of the harbour, turns S into Strait of Juan deFuca, 
		 crosses to Port Angeles, to terminal dock and returns.
       <name>       Waypoint name.  When a waypoint named END is reached
                    the AI airplane will delete itself.                                       
       <lat>        latitude, degrees (-90 to 90)                                    
       <lon>        Longitude, degrees (-180 to 180)                                   
       <alt>        altitude above sea level, feet                                       
       <crossat>    Crossing altitude, feet                              
       <ktas>       Knots true airspeed
       <on-ground>  set true if on the ground
       <gear-down>  set true for gear down, false for gear up
       <flaps-down> set true for flaps down, false for flaps up





