#------------------------------------------ # efis-canvas.nas - Canvas EFIS framework # author: jsb # created: 12/2017 #------------------------------------------ #-- EFISCanvas - base class to create canvas displays / pages -- # * manages a canvas # * can load a SVG file and create clipping from <name>_clip elements # * allows to register multiple update functions with individual update intervals # * update functions can be en-/disabled by a single property that should # reflect the visibility of the canvas # * several listener factories for common animations var EFISCanvas = { # static members _instances: [], unload: func() { print("-- Removing EFISCanvas instances --"); foreach (var instance; EFISCanvas._instances) { print(" - "~instance.name); instance.del(); } EFISCanvas._instances = []; }, # destructor del: func() { me._canvas.del(); foreach (var timer; me._timers) { timer.stop(); } me._timers = []; }, colors: canvas.colors, canvas_settings: EFIS.defaultcanvas_settings, new: func(name) { var obj = { parents: [me, canvas.SVGCanvas.new(name, me.canvas_settings)], _id: size(EFISCanvas._instances), # internal ID for EFIS window mgmt. id: 0, # instance id e.g. for PFD/MFD name: name, svg_keys: [], # for reload support while efis development _timers: [], updateN: nil, # to be used in update() to pause updates _instr_props: {}, }; append(EFISCanvas._instances, obj); var n = props.Node.makeValidPropName(name); obj.updateCountN = EFIS_root_node.getNode("update/count-"~n, 1); obj.updateCountN.setIntValue(0); obj.debugN = EFIS_root_node.getNode("debug/"~n, 1); obj.debugN.setBoolValue(0); return obj; }, #set node that en-/dis-ables canvas updates setUpdateN: func(n) { me.updateN = n; }, # register an update function with a certain update interval # f: function # f_me: if there is any "me" reference in "f", you can set "me" with this # defaults to EFISCanvas instance calling this method, useful if "f" # is a member of the EFISCanvas instance addUpdateFunction: func(f, interval, f_me = nil) { if (!isfunc(f)) { logprint(DEV_ALERT, "EFISCanvas.addUpdateFunction: argument is not a function."); return; } interval = num(interval); f_me = (f_me == nil) ? me : f_me; if (interval != nil and interval >= 0) { var timer = maketimer(interval, me, func { if (me.updateN != nil and me.updateN.getValue()) { var err = []; call(f, [], f_me, nil, err); if (size(err)) debug.printerror(err); # debug/performance monitoring me.updateCountN.increment(); } }); append(me._timers, timer); return timer; } }, # start all registered update functions startUpdates: func() { foreach (var t; me._timers) t.start(); }, # stop all registered update functions stopUpdates: func() { foreach (var t; me._timers) { t.stop(); } }, # getInstr - get props from /instrumentation/<sys>[i]/<prop> # creates prop node objects for efficient access # sys: the instrument name (path) (me.id is appended as index!!) # prop: the property(path) getInstr: func(sys, prop, default=0, id=nil) { if (me._instr_props[sys] == nil) me._instr_props[sys] = {}; if (me._instr_props[sys][prop] == nil) { if (id == nil) { id = me.id; } me._instr_props[sys][prop] = props.getNode("/instrumentation/"~sys~"["~id~"]/"~prop, 1); } var value = me._instr_props[sys][prop].getValue(); if (value != nil) return value; else return default; }, };