## # Century III Autopilot System # Tries to behave like the Century III autopilot # two axis # # One would also need the autopilot configuration file # CENTURYIII.xml and the panel instrument configuration file # # Written by Dave Perry to match functionality described in # # CENTURY III # AUTOPILOT FLIGHT SYSTEM # PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK # NOVEMBER 1998 68S25 # # Draws heavily from the kap140 system written by Roy Vegard Ovesen ## # Properties locks = "/autopilot/CENTURYIII/locks"; settings = "/autopilot/CENTURYIII/settings"; internal = "/autopilot/internal"; flightControls = "/controls/flight"; autopilotControls = "/autopilot/CENTURYIII/controls"; # locks propLocks = props.globals.getNode(locks, 1); lockAltHold = propLocks.getNode("alt-hold", 1); lockPitchHold = propLocks.getNode("pitch-hold", 1); lockAprHold = propLocks.getNode("apr-hold", 1); lockGsHold = propLocks.getNode("gs-hold", 1); lockHdgHold = propLocks.getNode("hdg-hold", 1); lockNavHold = propLocks.getNode("nav-hold", 1); lockOmniHold = propLocks.getNode("omni-hold", 1); lockRevHold = propLocks.getNode("rev-hold", 1); lockRollAxis = propLocks.getNode("roll-axis", 1); lockRollMode = propLocks.getNode("roll-mode", 1); lockPitchAxis = propLocks.getNode("pitch-axis", 1); lockPitchMode = propLocks.getNode("pitch-mode", 1); lockRollArm = propLocks.getNode("roll-arm", 1); lockPitchArm = propLocks.getNode("pitch-arm", 1); rollModes = { "OFF" : 0, "ROL" : 1, "HDG" : 2, "OMNI" : 3, "NAV" : 4, "REV" : 5, "APR" : 6 }; pitchModes = { "OFF" : 0, "VS" : 1, "ALT" : 2, "GS" : 3, "AOA" : 4 }; rollArmModes = { "OFF" : 0, "NAV" : 1, "OMNI" : 2, "APR" : 3, "REV" : 4 }; pitchArmModes = { "OFF" : 0, "ALT" : 1, "GS" : 2 }; # settings propSettings = props.globals.getNode(settings, 1); settingTargetAltPressure = propSettings.getNode("target-alt-pressure", 1); settingTargetInterceptAngle = propSettings.getNode("target-intercept-angle", 1); settingTargetPressureRate = propSettings.getNode("target-pressure-rate", 1); settingTargetRollDeg = propSettings.getNode("target-roll-deg", 1); settingRollKnobDeg = propSettings.getNode("roll-knob-deg", 1); settingTargetPitchDeg = propSettings.getNode("target-pitch-deg", 1); settingPitchWheelDeg = propSettings.getNode("pitch-wheel-deg", 1); settingAutoPitchTrim = propSettings.getNode("auto-pitch-trim", 1); settingGScaptured = propSettings.getNode("gs-captured", 1); settingDeltaPitch = propSettings.getNode("delta-pitch", 1); #Flight controls propFlightControls = props.globals.getNode(flightControls, 1); elevatorControl = propFlightControls.getNode("elevator", 1); elevatorTrimControl = propFlightControls.getNode("elevator-trim", 1); #Autopilot controls propAutopilotControls = props.globals.getNode(autopilotControls, 1); rollControl = propAutopilotControls.getNode("roll", 1); # values 0 (ROLL switch off) 1 (ROLL switch on) hdgControl = propAutopilotControls.getNode("hdg", 1); # values 0 (HDG switch off) 1 (HDG switch on) modeControl = propAutopilotControls.getNode("mode", 1); altControl = propAutopilotControls.getNode("alt", 1); # values 0 (ALT switch off) 1 (ALT switch on) pitchControl = propAutopilotControls.getNode("pitch", 1); # values 0 (PITCH switch off) 1 (PITCH switch on) headingNeedleDeflection = "/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection"; gsNeedleDeflection = "/instrumentation/nav/gs-needle-deflection"; indicatedPitchDeg = "/instrumentation/attitude-indicator/indicated-pitch-deg"; staticPressure = "/systems/static/pressure-inhg"; altitudePressure = "/autopilot/CENTURYIII/settings/target-alt-pressure"; power="/systems/electrical/outputs/autopilot"; enableAutoTrim = "/sim/model/enable-auto-trim"; filteredHeadingNeedleDeflection = "/autopilot/internal/filtered-heading-needle-deflection"; pressureUnits = { "inHg" : 0, "hPa" : 1 }; altPressure = 0.0; gsTimeCheck = 0.0; valueTest = 0; lastValue = 0; newValue = 0; minVoltageLimit = 8.0; oldMode = 2; rollControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); hdgControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); altControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); pitchControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); modeControl.setDoubleValue(2.0); settingTargetPitchDeg.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingPitchWheelDeg.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingDeltaPitch.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingGScaptured.setDoubleValue(0.0); # If you need to be able to enable/disable auto trim, make is a menue toggle. # Auto trim enabled by default setprop(enableAutoTrim, 1); autoPitchTrim = 0.0; apInit = func { ##print("ap init"); ## # Initialises the autopilot. ## lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0); lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(0); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["OFF"]); lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(0); lockPitchHold.setBoolValue(0); lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]); # Reset the memory for power down or power up settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingTargetPitchDeg.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingTargetRollDeg.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingAutoPitchTrim.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingGScaptured.setDoubleValue(0.0); settingRollKnobDeg.setDoubleValue(0.0); } apPower = func { ## Monitor autopilot power ## Call apInit if the power is too low if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { newValue = 0; } else { newValue = 1; } valueTest = newValue - lastValue; # print("v_test = ", v_test); if (valueTest > 0.5) { # autopilot just powered up print("power up"); apInit(); } elsif (valueTest < -0.5) { # autopilot just lost power print("power lost"); apInit(); # note: all button and knobs disabled in functions below } lastValue = newValue; # Update difference between pitch wheel target and indicated pitch. # Used to animate the Pitch Trim meter to the left of pitch wheel if (rollControl.getValue() ) { settingDeltaPitch.setDoubleValue(settingPitchWheelDeg.getValue() - getprop(indicatedPitchDeg)); } else { settingDeltaPitch.setDoubleValue(0.0); } inrange0 = getprop("/instrumentation/nav[0]/in-range"); # Shut off autopilot if HDG switch on and mode != 2 when NAV flag is on if ( !inrange0 ) { if ( hdgControl.getValue() and (modeControl.getValue() != 2)) { rollControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); apRollControl(); } } settimer(apPower, 0.5); } apRollControl = func { if (rollControl.getValue() ) { rollButton(1); } else { # A/P on/off switch was turned off, so turn off other AP switches hdgControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); #hdgButton(0); altControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); #altButton(0); pitchControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); #pitchButton(0); # rollButton(0); apInit(); } } apHdgControl = func { if (hdgControl.getValue() ) { # hdg switch turned on sets roll rollControl.setDoubleValue(1.0); rollButton(1); ## # hdg switch is on so check which roll mode is set ## apModeControlsSet(); } else { # hdg switch turned off resets alt and pitch hdgControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); hdgButton(0); altControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); altButton(0); pitchControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); pitchButton(0); } } apAltControl = func { if ( altControl.getValue() ){ # Alt switch on so set ROLL, HDG, and PITCH rollControl.setDoubleValue(1.0); rollButton(1); hdgControl.setDoubleValue(1.0); # roll and hdg switches on so check which roll mode is set apModeControlsSet(); pitchControl.setDoubleValue(1.0); pitchButton(1); altButton(1); } else { altButton(0); } } apPitchControl = func { if ( pitchControl.getValue() ) { # Pitch switch on so set ROLL and HDG rollControl.setDoubleValue(1.0); rollButton(1); hdgControl.setDoubleValue(1.0); # roll and hdg switches on so check which roll mode is set apModeControlsSet(); pitchButton(1); } else { altControl.setDoubleValue(0.0); altButton(0); pitchButton(0); } } rollKnobUpdate = func { if ( rollControl.getValue() and !hdgControl.getValue() ) { settingTargetRollDeg.setDoubleValue( settingRollKnobDeg.getValue() ); } } pitchWheelUpdate = func { if ( rollControl.getValue() and !altControl.getValue() ) { settingTargetPitchDeg.setDoubleValue( settingPitchWheelDeg.getValue() ); } } apModeControlsChange = func { ## # Delay mode change to allow time for multi-mode rotation ## settimer(apModeControlsSet, 2); } apModeControlsSet = func { newMode = modeControl.getValue(); ## # Decouple GS if the mode selector is switched from LOC NORM ## if (oldMode == rollModes["APR"] and newMode != rollModes["APR"]) { if (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["GS"]) { lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]); } if (lockPitchArmModes.getValue() == pitchArmModes["GS"]) { lockPitchArmMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]); } lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0); settingGScoupled.setDoubleValue(0.0); } oldMode = newMode; #All modes entered from hdg mode if ( hdgControl.getValue() ) { hdgButton(1); if (newMode == 0 ){ navButton(); } elsif (newMode == 1 ) { omniButton(); } elsif (newMode == 3 ) { aprButton(); } elsif(newMode == 4 ) { revButton(); } } else { return; } } rollButton = func(switch_on) { ##print("rollButton"); # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } if ( switch_on ) { ## # Engage the autopilot in Wings level mode (ROL) and set the turn rate # from the "ROLL Knob". ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["ROL"]); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); } else { lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(0); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["OFF"]); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); } } hdgButton = func(switch_on) { ##print("hdgButton"); # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } if (switch_on) { ## # Engage the heading mode (HDG). ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["HDG"]); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0); } else { lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0); rollKnobUpdate(); if ( rollControl.getValue() ) { lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["ROL"]); } else { lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["OFF"]); } } } navButton = func { ##print("navButton"); # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } ## # The Mode Selector and DG Course Selector should be set before switching the HDG # rocker switch to "on". The DG Course Selector should be set to the OBS "to" or # "from" bearing. # Set up NAV mode and switch to the 45 degree angle intercept NAV mode ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["NAV"]); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["NAV"]); navArmFromHdg(); } navArmFromHdg = func { ## # Abort the NAV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something # else than NAV-ARM. ## if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["NAV"]) { return; } ## # Activate the nav-hold controller and check the needle deviation. ## lockNavHold.setBoolValue(1); deviation = getprop(headingNeedleDeflection); ## # If the deflection is more than 9.95 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again. ## if (abs(deviation) > 9.95) { #print("deviation"); settimer(navArmFromHdg, 5); return; } ## # If the deviation is less than 10 degrees turn off the NAV-ARM. End of NAV-ARM sequence. ## elsif (abs(deviation) < 10.0) { #print("capture"); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); } } omniButton = func { ##print("navButton"); # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } ## # The Mode Selector and DG Course Selector should be set before switching the HDG # rocker switch to "on". The DG Course Selector should be set to the OBS "to" or # "from" bearing. # Set up OMNI mode and switch to the 45 degree angle intercept OMNI mode ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OMNI"]); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["OMNI"]); omniArmFromHdg(); } omniArmFromHdg = func { ## # Abort the OMNI-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something # else than OMNI-ARM. ## if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["OMNI"]) { return; } ## # Activate the omni-hold controller and check the needle deviation. ## lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(1); deviation = getprop(filteredHeadingNeedleDeflection); ## # If the deflection is more than 9.95 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again. ## if (abs(deviation) > 9.95) { #print("deviation"); settimer(omniArmFromHdg, 5); return; } ## # If the deviation is less than 10 degrees turn off the OMNI-ARM. End of OMNI-ARM sequence. ## elsif (abs(deviation) < 10.0) { #print("capture"); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); } } aprButton = func { ##print("aprButton"); # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } ## # The Mode Selector and DG Course Selector should be set before switching the HDG # rocker switch to "on". Set the DG Course Selector to the LOC inbound heading. # Set up APR mode and switch to the 45 degree angle intercept APR mode ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(1); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["APR"]); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["APR"]); gsTimeCheck = -1; aprArmFromHdg(); } aprArmFromHdg = func { ## # Abort the APR-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something # else than APR-ARM. ## if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["APR"] or !lockAltHold.getValue() or getprop(gsNeedleDeflection) < 0.0) { return; } gsTimeCheck = gsTimeCheck + 1; if (gsTimeCheck < 20) { settimer(aprArmFromHdg, 1.0); } ## # Activate the apr-hold controller and check the needle deviation. ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(1); deviation = getprop(headingNeedleDeflection); ## # If the deflection is more than 2.5 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again. ## if (abs(deviation) > 2.495) { #print("deviation"); settimer(aprArmFromHdg, 5); return; } ## # If the deviation is less than 2.5 degrees, start the GS-ARM sequence ## elsif (abs(deviation) < 2.5) { lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["GS"]); gsArm(); } } gsArm = func { ## # Abort the GS-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something # else than GS-ARM. ## if (lockPitchArm.getValue() != pitchArmModes["GS"]) { return; } deviation = getprop(gsNeedleDeflection); ## # If the deflection is more than 0.25 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again. ## if (abs(deviation) > 0.25) { #print("deviation"); settimer(gsArm, 5); return; } ## # If the deviation is less than 1 then activate the GS pitch mode. ## elsif (abs(deviation) < 0.251) { #print("capture"); lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0); lockGsHold.setBoolValue(1); lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["GS"]); lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]); settingGScaptured.setDoubleValue(1.0); } } revButton = func { ##print("revButton"); # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } ## # The Mode Selector and DG Course Selector should be set before switching the HDG # rocker switch to "on". Set the DG Course Selector to the LOC outbound # (or reverse) heading. # Set up REV mode and switch to the 45 degree angle intercept REV mode ## lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["REV"]); revArmFromHdg(); } revArmFromHdg = func { ## # Abort the REV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something # else than REV-ARM. ## if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["REV"]) { return; } ## # Activate the rev-hold controller and check the needle deviation. ## lockRevHold.setBoolValue(1); deviation = getprop(headingNeedleDeflection); ## # If the deflection is more than 2.5 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again. ## if (abs(deviation) > 2.495) { #print("deviation"); settimer(revArmFromHdg, 5); return; } ## # If the deviation is less than 2.5 - End of REV-ARM sequence. ## elsif (abs(deviation) < 2.5) { #print("capture"); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRevHold.setBoolValue(1); lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1); lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0); lockOmniHold.setBoolValue(0); lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1); lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["REV"]); lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]); } } altButton = func(switch_on) { # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } if (switch_on) { lockAltHold.setBoolValue(1); lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1); # lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["ALT"]); altPressure = getprop(staticPressure); settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(altPressure); # print("enableAutoTrim = ", getprop(enableAutoTrim)); if ( getprop(enableAutoTrim) ) { settingAutoPitchTrim.setDoubleValue(1); } } else { lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0); lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(0); lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]); lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]); pitchWheelUpdate(); settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(0.0); # alt switch is off so make sure the glide slope is disabled settingGScaptured.setDoubleValue(0.0); lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0); } } pitchButton = func(switch_on) { # Disable button if too little power if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; } if (switch_on) { lockPitchHold.setBoolValue(1); # lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1); # lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["AOA"]); # print("enableAutoTrim = ", getprop(enableAutoTrim)); if ( getprop(enableAutoTrim) ) { settingAutoPitchTrim.setDoubleValue(1); } } else { lockPitchHold.setBoolValue(0); lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(0); lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]); settingAutoPitchTrim.setDoubleValue(0); } } touchPower = func{ setprop(power,apVolts); } apVolts = getprop(power); if ( apVolts == nil or apVolts < minVoltageLimit ) { # Wait for autopilot to be powered up var L = setlistener(power, func { apPower(); removelistener(L); }); } else { # Skip the setlistener since autopilot is already powered up settimer(touchPower ,10); apPower(); }