Disabled METAR weather generation is disabled. Use the above controls to setup your weather. Live data Fetch live weather data for your nearest airport from noaa.gov. You need a working internet connection. All the controls in this dialog are computed automatically, once a valid METAR is received. Manual input Enter your favorite METAR weather in the textbox below. A valid METAR syntax is required. Fair weather XXXX 012345Z 15003KT 12SM SCT041 FEW200 20/08 Q1015 NOSIG A lovely day for trip to your favorite 100$ hamburger airfield Thunderstorm XXXX 012345Z 15012G25KT 4000 TSRA FEW030CB SCT035TCU 27/24 Q0995 A hot and damp summer day with thunderstorms developing in the afternoon. Be prepared for reduction of visibility in showers and strong gusts near thunderstorms Stormy Monday XXXX 012345Z 28035G50KT 250V300 9999 TSRA SCT022CB BKN030 13/09 Q1005 You're out for an adventure? Gusty winds blowing from the west and isolated thunderstorms should be avoided. Fasten your seatbelt! Marginal VFR XXXX 012345Z 23010KT 5000 SHRA SCT012 BKN018 OVC060 15/11 Q1010 After the storm - limited visibility and some showers. Go or No-Go? CAT I minimum XXXX 012345Z 15015KT 0800 -RA BKN002 OVC004 08/06 Q0990 If you just got your IFR rating, this is what you are allowed to do. But can you? CAT II minimum XXXX 012345Z 15010KT 0400 -RA BKN001 OVC002 08/06 Q0990 With just a 1/4 mile visibility and clouds at 100ft, you don't see much of the runway until seconds before touchdown. Trust your instruments to stay alive. CAT IIIb minimum XXXX 012345Z VRB01KT 0100 -RA FG OVC001 OVC002 02/02 Q0990 This is expert level. You will barely see the taxiway from the cockpit, even if you are on ground. Fog and light drizzle, freezing level at 1000ft. Fair weather 500 0 270 3 16093.44 29.92 15.0 5.0 0.2 0.0 1.0 0 0 500 280 6 1.0 0.1 1.0 5 0.3 5000 300 10 16093.44 29.92 0.5 0.05 1.0 25 1 10000 310 20 0.0 0.0 1.0 30 1.2 18000 320 30 35 1.3 24000 330 50 35 1.3 30000 340 70 35 1.3 clear -9999 600 150 40000 clear -9999 65 25 40000 clear -9999 40000 clear -9999 40000 clear -9999 40000 /environment/metar noaa true 240 true true true 30000 -200 20000 500 1.0 overcast broken 30 2000 0.8 overcast 2000 0.6 overcast false false false false false false