<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Example usage: <dash><dash>generic=file,out,50,fgfs.truth,insgns-truth -->




    <name>time (sec)</name>

    <name>latitude (rad)</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>longitude (rad)</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>negative altitiude (m)</name>
    <factor>-0.3048</factor>                  <!-- feet to meter -->

    <name>Velocity North ("vn" mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- fps to mps -->

    <name>Velocity East ("ve" mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- fps to mps -->

    <name>Velocity Down ("vd" mps)</name>
    <factor>0.3048</factor>                  <!-- fps to mps -->

    <name>yaw angle</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>pitch angle (rad)</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->

    <name>roll angle</name>
    <factor>0.01745329251994329576</factor>  <!-- degrees to radians -->



    <name>time (sec)</name>

    <name>latitude (rad)</name>
    <factor>57.29577951308232090712</factor>  <!-- radians to degrees -->

    <name>longitude (rad)</name>
    <factor>57.29577951308232090712</factor>  <!-- radians to degrees -->

    <name>negative altitiude (m)</name>
    <factor>-3.2808</factor>                  <!-- meter to feet -->
    <offset>100</offset>		      <!-- this is in feet -->

    <name>Velocity North ("vn" mps)</name>
    <factor>3.2808</factor>                  <!-- mps to fps -->

    <name>Velocity East ("ve" mps)</name>
    <factor>3.2808</factor>                  <!-- mps to fps -->

    <name>Velocity Down ("vd" mps)</name>
    <factor>3.2808</factor>                  <!-- mps to fps -->

    <name>yaw angle</name>
    <factor>57.29577951308232090712</factor>  <!-- radians to degrees -->

    <name>pitch angle (rad)</name>
    <factor>57.29577951308232090712</factor>  <!-- radians to degrees -->

    <name>roll angle</name>
    <factor>57.29577951308232090712</factor>  <!-- radians to degrees -->


