############################################################################### ## ## Nasal for copilot for dual control over the multiplayer network. ## ## Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 Anders Gidenstam (anders(at)gidenstam.org) ## This file is licensed under the GPL license version 2 or later. ## ############################################################################### # Renaming (almost :) var DCT = dual_control_tools; var ADC = aircraft_dual_control; # NOTE: By loading the aircraft specific dual control module # as <aircraft_dual_control> this file is generic. # The aircraft specific modul must set the variables # pilot_type and copilot_type to the name (with full path) of # main 3d model XML for the pilot and copilot aircraft. # This module should be loades under the name dual_control. # Allow aircraft to override the copilot view name. Deprecated. if (!contains(ADC, "copilot_view")) { ADC.copilot_view = "Copilot View"; } # Properties for position and orientation of local aircraft. var l_lat = "/position/latitude-deg"; var l_lon = "/position/longitude-deg"; var l_alt = "/position/altitude-ft"; var l_heading = "/orientation/heading-deg"; var l_pitch = "/orientation/pitch-deg"; var l_roll = "/orientation/roll-deg"; # Replicate remote state. var r_airspeed = "velocities/true-airspeed-kt"; var l_airspeed = "/velocities/airspeed-kt"; var vertspeed = "velocities/vertical-speed-fps"; # Default external views to slave to the MP pilot. var views = {}; views["Helicopter View"] = 2; views["Chase View"] = 3; views["Tower View"] = 0; views["Fly-By View"] = 1; views["Chase View Without Yaw"] = 1; ###################################################################### # Connect to new pilot var process_data = 0; var connect = func (pilot) { # Set external view eye and target paths. foreach (var vn; keys(views)) { var view_cfg = "/sim/view[" ~ view.indexof(vn) ~ "]/config"; setprop(view_cfg ~ "/at-model", 0); if (views[vn] > 0) { setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-lat-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.lat_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-lon-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.lon_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-alt-ft-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.alt_mpp).getPath()); } if (views[vn] > 1) { setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-heading-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.heading_mpp).getPath()); } if (views[vn] > 2) { setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-pitch-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.pitch_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-roll-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.roll_mpp).getPath()); } setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-lat-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.lat_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-lon-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.lon_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-alt-ft-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.alt_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-heading-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.heading_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-pitch-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.pitch_mpp).getPath()); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-roll-deg-path", pilot.getNode(DCT.roll_mpp).getPath()); } # Tweak MP/AI filters pilot.getNode("controls/allow-extrapolation").setBoolValue(1); pilot.getNode("controls/lag-adjust-system-speed").setValue(5.0); # Set up property aliases # Set up property mappings. process_data = [ # Map /postition/* DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(DCT.lat_mpp), props.globals.getNode(l_lat)), DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(DCT.lon_mpp), props.globals.getNode(l_lon)), DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(DCT.alt_mpp), props.globals.getNode(l_alt)), # Map /orientation/* DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(DCT.heading_mpp), props.globals.getNode(l_heading)), DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(DCT.pitch_mpp), props.globals.getNode(l_pitch)), DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(DCT.roll_mpp), props.globals.getNode(l_roll)), # Map /velocities/* DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(r_airspeed), props.globals.getNode(l_airspeed)), DCT.Translator.new (pilot.getNode(vertspeed), props.globals.getNode(vertspeed)), ] ~ ADC.copilot_connect_pilot(pilot); print("Dual control ... connected to pilot."); setprop("/sim/messages/copilot", "Welcome aboard. I'm " ~ pilot.getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ "."); } var disconnect = func { # Reset external view eye and target paths. foreach (var vn; keys(views)) { var view_cfg = "/sim/view[" ~ view.indexof(vn) ~ "]/config"; if (views[vn] > 0) { setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-lat-deg-path", "/position/latitude-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-lon-deg-path", "/position/longitude-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-alt-ft-path", "/position/altitude-ft"); } if (views[vn] > 1) { setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-heading-deg-path", "/orientation/heading-deg"); } if (views[vn] > 2) { setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-pitch-deg-path", "/orientation/pitch-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/eye-roll-deg-path", "/orientation/roll-deg"); } setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-lat-deg-path", "/sim/viewer/target/latitude-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-lon-deg-path", "/sim/viewer/target/longitude-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-alt-ft-path", "/sim/viewer/target/altitude-ft"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-heading-deg-path", "/sim/viewer/target/heading-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-pitch-deg-path", "/sim/viewer/target/pitch-deg"); setprop(view_cfg ~ "/target-roll-deg-path", "/sim/viewer/target/roll-deg"); } } ###################################################################### # Main loop singleton class. var main = { _initialized : 0, init : func { if (!me._initialized) { me.loopid = 0; setlistener("/ai/models/model-added", func { settimer(func { me.activate(); }, 2); }); me._initialized = 1; } me.active = 0; print("Copilot dual control ... initialized"); settimer(func { me.activate(); }, 5); }, reset : func { if (me.active) { print("Dual control ... disconnected from pilot."); disconnect(); ADC.copilot_disconnect_pilot(); } me.active = 0; me.loopid += 1; me._loop_(me.loopid); }, activate : func { if (!me.active) { me.reset(); } }, update : func { var mpplayers = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer"); var r_callsign = getprop("/sim/remote/pilot-callsign"); foreach (var pilot; mpplayers) { if ((pilot.getChild("valid").getValue()) and (pilot.getChild("callsign") != nil) and (pilot.getChild("callsign").getValue() == r_callsign)) { if (me.active == 0) { # Note: sim/model/path contains the model XML file. if ((pilot.getNode("sim/model/path") != nil) and (pilot.getNode("sim/model/path").getValue() == ADC.pilot_type)) { me.active = 1; connect(pilot); } else { print("Dual control ... pilot rejected - wrong aircraft type."); me.loopid += 1; return; } } # Mess with the MP filters. Highly experimental. if (pilot.getNode("controls/lag-time-offset") != nil) { var v = pilot.getNode("controls/lag-time-offset").getValue(); #pilot.getNode("controls/lag-time-offset").setValue(0.99 * v); } foreach (var w; process_data) { w.update(); } return; } } # The pilot player is not around. Idle loop. if (me.active) { print("Dual control ... disconnected from pilot."); disconnect(); ADC.copilot_disconnect_pilot(); } me.active = 0; me.loopid += 1; }, _loop_ : func(id) { id == me.loopid or return; me.update(); settimer(func { me._loop_(id); }, 0); } }; ############################################################################### # Initialization. var last_view = 0; setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { main.init(); });