# Properties under /consumables/fuel/tank[n]: # + level-gal_us - Current fuel load. Can be set by user code. # + level-lbs - OUTPUT ONLY property, do not try to set # + selected - boolean indicating tank selection. # + density-ppg - Fuel density, in lbs/gallon. # + capacity-gal_us - Tank capacity # # Properties under /engines/engine[n]: # + fuel-consumed-lbs - Output from the FDM, zeroed by this script # + out-of-fuel - boolean, set by this code. # ==================================== timer stuff =========================================== # set the update period UPDATE_PERIOD = 0.3; # set the timer for the selected function registerTimer = func { settimer(arg[0], UPDATE_PERIOD); } # end function # =============================== end timer stuff =========================================== initialized = 0; enabled = 0; #print ("running aar"); #print (" enabled " , enabled, " initialized ", initialized); updateTanker = func { #print ("tanker update running "); #if (!initialized ) { #print("calling initialize"); #initialize();} Refueling = props.globals.getNode("/systems/refuel/contact"); AllAircraft = props.globals.getNode("ai/models").getChildren("aircraft"); AllMultiplayer = props.globals.getNode("ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer"); Aircraft = props.globals.getNode("ai/models/aircraft"); # select all tankers which are in contact. For now we assume that it must be in # contact with us. selectedTankers = []; if ( enabled ) { # check that AI Models are enabled, otherwise don't bother foreach(a; AllAircraft) { contact_node = a.getNode("refuel/contact"); id_node = a.getNode("id"); tanker_node = a.getNode("tanker"); contact = contact_node.getValue(); id = id_node.getValue(); tanker = tanker_node.getValue(); #print ("contact ", contact , " tanker " , tanker ); if (tanker and contact) { append(selectedTankers, a); } } foreach(m; AllMultiplayer) { contact_node = m.getNode("refuel/contact"); id_node = m.getNode("id"); tanker_node = m.getNode("tanker"); contact = contact_node.getValue(); id = id_node.getValue(); tanker = tanker_node.getValue(); # print (" mp contact ", contact , " tanker " , tanker ); if (tanker and contact) { append(selectedTankers, m); } } } #print ("tankers ", size(selectedTankers) ); if ( size(selectedTankers) >= 1 ){ Refueling.setBoolValue(1); } else { Refueling.setBoolValue(0); } registerTimer(updateTanker); } # Initalize: Make sure all needed properties are present and accounted # for, and that they have sane default values. initialize = func { AI_Enabled = props.globals.getNode("sim/ai/enabled"); Refueling = props.globals.getNode("/systems/refuel/contact",1); Refueling.setBoolValue(0); enabled = AI_Enabled.getValue(); initialized = 1; } initDoubleProp = func { node = arg[0]; prop = arg[1]; val = arg[2]; if(node.getNode(prop) != nil) { val = num(node.getNode(prop).getValue()); } node.getNode(prop, 1).setDoubleValue(val); } # Fire it up if (!initialized) {initialize();} registerTimer(updateTanker);