By Default systems are initialized by the Aircraft/generic/generic-system.xml This initializes the following: - The generic electrical system - 1 pitot system, index [0] - 1 static system index [0] - 2 vacuum systems [0] and [1], depending on engine rpm of engine[0] and engine[1] respectfully If you want to define more systems, copy the generic-system file to your aircraft-name/Systems folder and rename it systems.xml In your aircraft -set file add the path to the system.xml file: <sim> .... <systems> .... <path>Aircraft/aircraft-name/Systems/systems.xml</path> .... </systems> .... </sim> ** Adding a second pitot system. In your systems.xml, you should already have <pitot> <name>pitot</name> <number>0</number> </pitot> and you need to add for a pitot system with index 1: <pitot> <name>pitot</name> <number>1</number> </pitot> For the any pitot system except for the first (with index 0) add in the aircraft -set file (below for index 1): <systems> <pitot n="1"> <serviceable>1</serviceable> </pitot> </systems> Of course you can add a third or fourth etc. ** Adding a second static system Absolutely analog with the pitot system. So add in systems.xml: <static> <name>static</name> <number>1</number> <tau>1</tau> </static> and in the aircraft -set file: <systems> <static n="1"> <serviceable>1</serviceable> </static> </systems> Now you can source your instrumentation relying on static and pitot pressure (airspeed, altimeter, vertical speed indicator) from different and independent systems