: User commands ? Help nasal A Aircraft D Dialogs Y Nasal Console dialog-show nasal-console a Autopilot Settings dialog-show autopilot f Fuel and Payload nasal g GPS Settings dialog-show gps h Chat History dialog-show chat-full i Instrument Settings dialog-show instruments m Multiplayer Pilot List nasal p Position aircraft a Position aircraft in air dialog-show location-in-air g Position aircraft on ground dialog-show location-on-ground r Radio Settings dialog-show radios s Sound Configuration dialog-show sound-dialog t Time Settings dialog-show timeofday v View options dialog-show view w Weather Conditions dialog-show weather E Environment w Weather b Enable Basic Weather nasal d Enable Detailed Weather nasal s Weather Scenario r Weather Scenario = Live data nasal H Weather Scenario = Core high pressure region nasal h Weather Scenario = High pressure region nasal B Weather Scenario = Border of a high pressure region nasal b Weather Scenario = Border of a low pressure region nasal l Weather Scenario = Low pressure region nasal L Weather Scenario = Core low pressure region nasal w Weather Scenario = Warm sector nasal f Weather Scenario = Fair weather nasal t Weather Scenario = Thunderstorm nasal s Weather Scenario = Stormy Monday nasal m Weather Scenario = Marginal VFR nasal 1 Weather Scenario = CAT I minimum nasal 2 Weather Scenario = CAT II minimum nasal 3 Weather Scenario = CAT IIIb minimum nasal e Weather Scenario = Early morning fog nasal t Time Settings c Clock Time timeofday real 1 Dawn timeofday dawn 2 Morning timeofday morning 3 Noon timeofday noon 4 Afternoon timeofday afternoon 5 Dusk timeofday dusk 6 Evening timeofday evening 7 Midnight timeofday midnight P Position g Position on ground %s Position on ground: airport=%s Position on ground: airport=%s runway= nasal %s Position on ground: airport=%s runway=%s nasal Y Development functions c Reload tile cache tile-cache-reload d Toggle FDM data logging property-toggle /sim/temp/fdm-data-logging f Set fog ... / Fog off property-assign /sim/rendering/fog disabled f Fog fastest property-assign /sim/rendering/fog fastest n Fog nicest property-assign /sim/rendering/fog nicest l Force lighting update lighting-update m Dump Google Maps link nasal p Reload panel panel-load s On-screen statistics level (0-4) %u Set on-screen statistics level nasal w Toggle wireframe property-toggle /sim/rendering/wireframe a Autopilot h Heading Control w Wing Level nasal b Heading Bug %f Heading Bug = %.3f degree nasal t True Heading %f True Heading = %.3f degree nasal n Nav1 Hold nasal / Heading control: disable property-assign /autopilot/locks/heading v Velocity control t Speed with throttle %f Speed with throttle = %.1f knots nasal p Speed with pitch %f Speed with pitch = %.2f knots nasal / Velocity control: disable property-assign /autopilot/locks/speed p Pitch/Altitude control v Vertical Speed Hold %f Vertical Speed = %.2f fpm nasal p Pitch hold %f Pitch angle = %.1f degree nasal o AoA hold %f AoA angle = %.1f degree nasal a Altitude hold %f Target altitude = %.2f feet nasal g AGL hold %f Target AGL = %.1f feet nasal n Nav1 glideslope property-assign /autopilot/locks/altitude gs1-hold / Pitch/Altitude control: disable property-assign /autopilot/locks/altitude r Route Manager a Append waypoint %s Append waypoint: airport ID[@altitude] = %s nasal c Clear waypoints nasal d Delete waypoint %u Delete waypoint at %u nasal i Insert waypoint %u Insert waypoint at %u %s Insert waypoint at %u: airport ID = %s nasal p Remove first waypoint nasal e Engines m Mixture (0.0 to 1.0) null %f Mixture = %.3f nasal ^ Mixture up nasal _ Mixture down nasal p Propeller pitch (0.0 to 1.0) null %f Propeller pitch = %.3f nasal ^ Propeller pitch up nasal _ Propeller pitch down nasal t Throttle (0.0 to 1.0) null %f Throttle = %.3f nasal ^ Throttle up nasal _ Throttle down nasal %u Engine #%u m Mixture (0.0 to 1.0) null %f Mixture = %.3f nasal ^ Mixture up nasal _ Mixture down nasal p Propeller pitch (0.0 to 1.0) null %f Propeller pitch = %.3f nasal ^ Propeller up nasal _ Propeller down nasal t Throttle (0.0 to 1.0) null %f Throttle = %.3f nasal ^ Throttle up nasal _ Throttle down nasal f Flight controls a Aileron %f Aileron adjustment: %.3f nasal t Aileron trim null %f Aileron trim adjustment: %.3f nasal < Aileron trim adjustment left nasal > Aileron trim adjustment right nasal e Elevator %f Elevator adjustment: %.3f nasal t Elevator trim null %f Elevator trim adjustment: %.3f nasal ^ Elevator trim adjustment down nasal _ Elevator trim adjustment up nasal r Rudder %f Rudder adjustment: %.3f nasal t Rudder trim null %f Rudder trim adjustment: %.3f nasal < Rudder trim adjustment left nasal > Rudder trim adjustment right nasal i Initialize a Initialize all trims nasal w Wing f Toggle wing fold property-toggle /controls/flight/wing-fold s Wing sweep %f Wing sweep = %.3f nasal r Radio a ADF f ADF frequency = ? kHz %u ADF frequency = %u kHz nasal c Comm %u Comm%u f Comm%u frequency = ? MHz %f Comm%u frequency = %.3f MHz nasal s Comm%u standby frequency = ? MHz %f Comm%u standby frequency = %.3f MHz nasal t Comm%u toggle selected/standby nasal n Nav %u Nav%u f Nav%u frequency = ? MHz %f Nav%u frequency = %.3f MHz nasal s Nav%u standby frequency = ? MHz %f Nav%u standby frequency = %.3f MHz nasal t Nav%u toggle selected/standby nasal t TACAN channel = ? %3u TACAN channel = %u x TACAN channel = %uX nasal y TACAN channel = %uY nasal x Experimental %u Execute nasal-console tab #%u nasal