# # FlightGear canvas API # Namespace: canvas # # Classes included: # Transform # Element # Group # Map # Text # Path # Image # Canvas # # see also gui.nas var include_path = "Nasal/canvas/api/"; # log level for debug output var _API_dbg_level = DEV_WARN; io.include(include_path~"colors.nas"); io.include(include_path~"helpers.nas"); io.include(include_path~"transform.nas"); io.include(include_path~"element.nas"); io.include(include_path~"group.nas"); io.include(include_path~"map.nas"); io.include(include_path~"text.nas"); io.include(include_path~"path.nas"); io.include(include_path~"image.nas"); # Element factories used by #Group elements to create children Group._element_factories = { "group": Group.new, "map": Map.new, "text": Text.new, "path": Path.new, "image": Image.new }; io.include(include_path~"canvas.nas"); # @param g Canvas ghost var wrapCanvas = func(g) { if (g != nil and g._impl == nil) { g._impl = Canvas._new(g); } return g; } # Create a new canvas. Pass parameters as hash, eg: # # var my_canvas = canvas.new({ # "name": "PFD-Test", # "size": [512, 512], # "view": [768, 1024], # "mipmapping": 1 # }); var new = func(vals) { var m = wrapCanvas(_newCanvasGhost()); m._node.setValues(vals); return m; }; # Get the first existing canvas with the given name # # @param name Name of the canvas # @return #Canvas, if canvas with #name exists # nil, otherwise var get = func(arg) { if( isa(arg, props.Node) ) var node = arg; else if (ishash(arg)) var node = props.Node.new(arg); else { die("canvas.get: Invalid argument."); } return wrapCanvas(_getCanvasGhost(node._g)); }; var getDesktop = func() { return Group.new(_getDesktopGhost()); };