define([ 'knockout', 'jquery', 'text!./Weather2.html', 'props', 'flot', 'flotresize' ], function(ko, jquery, htmlString, SGPropertyNode) { if (typeof Math.roundTo === "undefined") { Math.roundTo = function(num, step) { return Math.floor((num / step) + .5) * step; } } function ViewModel(params, componentInfo) { // componentInfo.element var self = this; function createIsotherms() { var reply = []; for (x = -50; x < 50; x += 10) { reply.push([ x, -0.02 ]); reply.push([ x, 16 ]); reply.push(null); } /* * for (x = -160; x < 50; x += 10) { reply.push([ x, -56 ]); * reply.push([ x + 116, 50 ]); reply.push(null); } */ return reply; } function createDryAdiabates() { var reply = []; /* * for (x = -35; x <= 200; x += 20) { reply.push([ x, 1050 ]); * reply.push([ x-160, 100 ]); reply.push(null); } */ return reply; } jquery.get('/json/environment/config?d=4', null, function(data) { var wx = new SGPropertyNode(data); function createProbes(k) { var probes = []; wx.getNode("boundary").getChildren("entry").forEach(function(entry) { probes.push([ entry.getValue(k, 15), entry.getValue("elevation-ft", 0) * 0.3048 / 1000 // km ]); }); wx.getNode("aloft").getChildren("entry").forEach(function(entry) { probes.push([ entry.getValue(k, 15), entry.getValue("elevation-ft", 0) * 0.3048 / 1000 // km ]); }); return probes; } function createWind() { var wind = []; wx.getNode("boundary").getChildren("entry").forEach(function(entry) { wind.push([ entry.getValue("wind-speed-kt", 0), entry.getValue("elevation-ft", 0) * 0.3048 / 1000, // km entry.getValue("wind-from-heading-deg", 0), ]); }); wx.getNode("aloft").getChildren("entry").forEach(function(entry) { wind.push([ entry.getValue("wind-speed-kt", 0), entry.getValue("elevation-ft", 0) * 0.3048 / 1000, // km entry.getValue("wind-from-heading-deg", 0), ]); }); return wind; } self.wxData()[3].data = createProbes("temperature-degc"); self.wxData()[4].data = createProbes("dewpoint-degc"); self.wxData()[5].data = createWind(); self.wxData.notifySubscribers(self.wxData.peek()); }); jquery.get('/json/environment/clouds?d=4', null, function(data) { var clouds = new SGPropertyNode(data); function createClouds() { var reply = []; clouds.getChildren("layer").forEach(function(layer) { var coverage = layer.getValue("coverage"); if( coverage == "clear" ) return; var base = layer.getValue("elevation-ft", -9999 ); if( base < -9000 ) return; var tops = base + layer.getValue("thickness-ft",0) + base; if( tops == base ) return; base *= 0.3048/1000; tops *= 0.3048/1000; reply.push( [reply.length, tops, base] ); }); return reply; } self.wxData()[2].data = createClouds(); self.wxData.notifySubscribers(self.wxData.peek()); }); self.wxData = ko.observableArray([ {// Series: Isotherms color : 'rgb(0, 0, 255)', data : createIsotherms(), label : "Isotherm", lines : { lineWidth : 0.5, show : true }, points : { show : false }, bars : { show : false }, shadowSize : 0, yaxis : 2, // on linear scale xaxis : 1, }, {// Series: Dry Adiabat color : 'rgb(0, 255, 0)', data : createDryAdiabates(), label : "dry adiabat", lines : { lineWidth : 0.5, show : true }, points : { show : true }, bars : { show : false }, shadowSize : 0, yaxis : 1, xaxis : 1, }, { // clouds color : 'rgb(128,128,128)', data : [], label : 'clouds', lines : { show : false }, bars : { show : true, lineWidth : 0, barWidth : 1, fillColor : { colors : [ { opacity : 0.2 }, { opacity : 0.9 } ] } }, shadowSize : 2, yaxis : 2, xaxis : 2, }, { // Temperature color : 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', data : [], label : "temperature", lines : { lineWidth : 2, show : true }, points : { show : true }, bars : { show : false }, shadowSize : 0, yaxis : 2, xaxis : 1, }, { // dewpoint color : 'rgb(0, 255, 0)', data : [], label : "dewpoint", lines : { lineWidth : 2, show : true }, points : { show : true }, bars : { show : false }, shadowSize : 0, yaxis : 2, xaxis : 1, }, { color : 'rgb(0, 255, 0)', data : [], label : "windarrows", lines : { show : false }, points : { show : false }, bars : { show : false }, windarrows : { show : true, }, shadowSize : 0, yaxis : 2, xaxis : 1, } ]); self.wxOptions = { legend : { show : false, }, xaxes : [ { // Axis 1: Temperature show : true, position : "bottom", color : 'blue', tickColor : 'green', min : -56, max : 50, tickLength : 0, }, { // Axis 2: Cloud Layer show : false, min : 0, max : 5, }, ], yaxes : [ { // Axis 1: Pressure (hpa), Log-P show : true, position : "left", color : 'blue', tickColor : 'blue', min : 100, max : 1050, // tickLength : 0, transform : function(v) { return -Math.log(v); }, inverseTransform : function(v) { return Math.exp(-v); }, }, { // Axis 2: Altitude (km) show : true, position : "right", color : 'black', tickColor : 'green', min : -.020, max : 16, tickLength : 0, } ], grid : { hoverable : true, clickable : true }, hooks : { processRawData : function(plot, series, data, datapoints) { if (series.windarrows && { datapoints.format = [ { x : true, number : true, required : true }, { y : true, number : true, required : true }, { number : true, required : true } ] } }, drawSeries : function(plot, ctx, series) { if (series.windarrows && { function drawSeriesWindarrows(datapoints) { var points = datapoints.points, ps = datapoints.pointsize; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += ps) { var ws = Math.roundTo(points[i], 5), y = points[i + 1], wd = points[i + 2]; var x = series.xaxis.p2c(40); y = series.yaxis.p2c(y);; ctx.translate(x, y); ctx.rotate((wd + 180) * Math.PI / 180); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(0, 9 * 5); var pos = 0; while (ws >= 5) { if (ws >= 50) { ws -= 50; ctx.moveTo(0, (9 - pos) * 5); ctx.lineTo(-10, (8.5 - pos) * 5); ctx.lineTo(0, (8 - pos) * 5); pos++; } else if (ws >= 10) { if (pos > 0) pos++; ws -= 10; ctx.moveTo(0, (9 - pos) * 5); ctx.lineTo(-10, (9.5 - pos) * 5); } else { pos++; ws -= 5; ctx.moveTo(0, (9 - pos) * 5); ctx.lineTo(-5, (9.25 - pos) * 5); } } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } } var plotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset();; ctx.translate(plotOffset.left,; ctx.lineWidth = 1.5; ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; drawSeriesWindarrows(series.datapoints); ctx.restore(); } } }, }; self.afterUpdate = function(element) { var yaxisLabel = jquery("<div class='axisLabel yaxisLabel'></div>").text("Pressure (hpa)").appendTo(element); // Since CSS transforms use the top-left corner of the label as the // transform origin, // we need to center the y-axis label by shifting it down by half // its // width. // Subtract 20 to factor the chart's bottom margin into the // centering. yaxisLabel.css("margin-top", yaxisLabel.width() / 2 - 20); } var highlighted = null; self.plotHover = function(pos, item) { if (highlighted) { self.wxData()[highlighted.seriesIndex].data[highlighted.dataIndex] = [ pos.x1, highlighted.datapoint[1] ]; this.setData(self.wxData()); this.draw(); } } self.plotClick = function(pos, item) { if (highlighted) { this.unhighlight(highlighted.series, highlighted.datapoint); highlighted = null; } else { if (item && item.seriesIndex != 3 && item.seriesIndex != 4) return; highlighted = item; if (highlighted) this.highlight(highlighted.series, highlighted.datapoint); } } } ViewModel.prototype.dispose = function() { } // Return component definition return { viewModel : { createViewModel : function(params, componentInfo) { return new ViewModel(params, componentInfo); }, }, template : htmlString }; });