<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- UFO Autopilot -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2022 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->

	<!-- Logic -->
	<logic> <!-- Roll channel active -->
	<logic> <!-- Basic pitch hold active -->
	<logic> <!-- Pitch channel active -->
	<logic> <!-- Fpm channel active -->
	<logic> <!-- Throttle channel active -->
	<filter> <!-- Heading error computer -->
		<name>Heading/Nav Error Deg</name>
	<filter> <!-- Clamp glideslope target fpm -->
		<name>G/S FPM Calc</name>
	<!-- Roll Axis -->
	<filter> <!-- Copy target roll angle, 0 by default for wingn leveller -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Roll Deg/Wings Level</name>
	<filter> <!-- Compute target roll angle from heading error -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Heading</name>
	<filter> <!-- Smooth engagement by syncing when disabled -->
		<name>System Command: Roll Target Inactive Sync</name>
	<filter> <!-- Aileron elevator controller -->
		<name>System Command: Aileron</name>
	<!-- Pitch Axis -->
	<filter> <!-- Compute target fpm from altitude error -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Altitude Capture/Hold</name>
	<filter> <!-- Compute target fpm from agl error -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: AGL Capture/Hold</name>
	<filter> <!-- Copy target pitch angle -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Pitch Deg</name>
	<filter> <!-- Select target vertical speed -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Pitch Deg</name>
	<filter> <!-- Main fpm controller -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: FPM Hold</name>
		<input> <!-- Reversed from UFO.cxx -->
									<value>60</value> <!-- Fps to fpm -->
								<value>3.28084</value> <!-- Meters to feet -->
									<value>0.514444</value> <!-- Knots to meters/sec -->
								<value>0.0000001</value> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
	<filter> <!-- Copy target pitch angle -->
		<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Pitch Deg</name>
	<filter> <!-- Smooth engagement by syncing when disabled -->
		<name>System Command: Pitch Target Inactive Sync</name>
	<filter> <!-- Main elevator controller -->
		<name>System Command: Elevator</name>
	<!-- Throttle Axis -->
	<filter> <!-- Main throttle controller -->
		<name>System Command: Throttle</name>
						<value>0.514444</value> <!-- Knots to meters/sec -->
						<value>0.0000001</value> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
	<!-- Trim Axis -->
	<filter> <!-- Centers all the trims otherwise the system can't work -->
		<name>System Command: Trim</name>
