<?xml version="1.0"?>


    <name>Start Up</name>

Before you go flying, you'll need to learn how to start the engines.

This tutorial will take you through starting the Cessna 172p.
            c172p.click("engine-repair", 6.0);
            setprop("/engines/active-engine/oil-level", sim/model/c172p/engine_flag_0 ? 7 : 8);
            setprop("/engines/active-engine/carb_ice", 0.0);
            setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/engine/damage-level", 0.0);


            <value>332</value> <!-- PAHOA NDB -->
            <value>Fair weather</value>
        <message>After finishing the Preflight Inspection you're now ready to learn how to start the engine.</message>

        <message>Verify that the parking brake is still set.</message>
            <message>Set the parking brake.</message>

        <message>Check that all circuit breakers are in.</message>
            <message>Push the AIR COND-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the AUTOPILOT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the BCN LT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the FLAP-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the INST-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the INT LT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the LDG LT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the ALT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the NAV LT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the PITOT HT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the RADIO 1-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the RADIO 2-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the RADIO 3-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the RADIO 4-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the RADIO 5-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the STRB LT-breaker in.</message>
            <message>Push the TURN COORD-breaker in.</message>

        <message>Prime the engine.</message>
            <message>Prime the engine a bit more!</message>

        <message>The Carburetor Heat must be cold.</message>
            <message>Set the Carburetor to cold!</message>

        <message>Make sure fuel mixture is set to fully rich.</message>

            <message>Use the m key or mouse to select fuller mixture.</message>


        <message>Open the throttle slightly. Use your joystick throttle control,
      or PgUp to increase throttle to about 20%.</message>

            <message>Push in the throttle using PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
            <message>Open the throttle a bit more.</message>
            <message>That's a bit too much. Pull it out slightly using your joystick throttle control, or PgDn.</message>
            <message>That's a bit too much - pull it out slightly.</message>


        <message>Turn the master switch on.</message>

            <message>Click the battery master switch to turn it on.</message>


        <message>Switch on the beacon.</message>
            <message>You have to warn everyone that you're about to start the engine so switch on the beacon now!</message>

        <message>Now, we'll check no-one is about to walk into our propeller.</message>

        <message>Looks clear.</message>

        <message>We need to switch on the magnetos.
      Click the middle hotspot three times, or use your mouse scroll wheel, so the key is set to BOTH.</message>

            <message>Click the middle hotspot three times, so both magnetos are on and the key
        is set to BOTH.</message>


        <message>Finally, we can start the engine. Hold down s, or the right hotspot until the engine catches.</message>

            <message>Wrong way - set the magnetos back to BOTH.</message>
            <message>You need the magnetos on to start the engine. Set them to BOTH by clicking the middle hotspot or pressing ].</message>


        <message>Great, the engine is running. Adjust the throttle so we're running at between 800 and 1000 RPM.</message>

            <message>You can release the starter motor now - the engine is running</message>
            <message>That's a bit high. Reduce throttle to below 1000 RPM using PgDn, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
            <message>That's too low. Increase throttle to above 800 RPM with PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>


        <message>Check the oil pressure.</message>

        <message>Now turn the master alternator switch on.</message>

            <message>Click the alternator master switch to turn it on.</message>


        <message>Finally, switch on the master avionics...</message>

            <message>Flip the master avionics switch...</message>


        <message>... and the navigation lights, too</message>
            <message>Switch on the Nav lights!</message>

        <message>Great, our lesson is complete. We're now ready to taxi to the runway.</message>
