Nimitz Carrier (San Francisco) Places 2 Nimitz-class Carriers in the environment - USS Nimitz - in the Pacific Ocean off San Fransisco USS Eisenhower in the Mediterranean off Toulon Notes: x, y, z-offset-m The distance in meters of the Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS) from the carrier model origin. max-lat, min-lat Defines an operating box in terms of the max and min lat excursions from the start position max-lon, min-lon Defines an operating box in terms of the max and min lon excursions from the start position TACAN-channel-ID Defines a TACAN channel for display purposes only carrier USS Nimitz CVN-68. Pacific ocean off San Francisco (37.8N, 122.6W) Nimitz CVN-68 029Y Models/Geometry/Nimitz/nimitz.xml 37.8 -122.6 65 10 200 0 12000 69.84 -39.67 21.47 -9.5 cat-1 -4 -3.65 15.2715 20 cat-2 -1 1.6 -4.6 20 cat-3 -4 93 -20.2362 20 cat-4 0.0 95.1 -29.6192 20 park-1 -90 54 25 20 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.01 false true carrier Eisenhower USS Eisenhower CVN-69. Mediterranean off Toulon, France (42.9N, 5.96W). CVN-69 030Y Models/Geometry/Nimitz/eisenhower.xml 42.9 5.96 65 10 200 0 12000 69.84 -39.67 21.47 -9.5 cat-1 -4 -3.65 15.2715 20 cat-2 -1 1.6 -4.6 20 cat-3 -4 93 -20.2362 20 cat-4 0 110 -29.6417 20 park-1 -90 54 26 20 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.01 false true