# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan # This file is part of FlightGear. # # FlightGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # NearestAirportsPFD var NearestAirportsPFD = { new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg) { var obj = { parents : [ NearestAirportsPFD, MFDPage.new(mfd, myCanvas, device, svg, "NearestAirportsPFD", "NRST - NEAREST AIRPORTS") ], }; obj.setController(fg1000.NearestAirportsPFDController.new(obj, svg)); # Dynamic elements. There are 2 different sets of dynamic elements: # # Nearest Airports - this is a scrolling list of up to 25 airports within 200nm, shown 3 at a time. # Airport Information - A page of more detailed information displaying details of the selected airport # # Selection is via the ENT key or the FMS knob obj.airportSelect = PFD.GroupElement.new( obj.pageName, svg, [ "ID", "BRG", "DST", "APP", "CommsType", "CommsFreq", "RWY"], 3, "ID", 0, "ScrollBar", "Scroll", 140 ); # Dynamic text elements for the Airport Info pane. obj.addTextElements(["InfoID", "InfoName", "InfoFacility", "InfoUsage", "InfoTime", "InfoAlt", "InfoRegion", "InfoLat", "InfoLon", "InfoBack"]); obj.setTextElement("InfoBack", "BACK"); obj._visible = 0; obj._NO_AIRPORTS = "NONE WITHIN 200NM"; obj.getElement("Group").setVisible(0); obj.getElement("Info").setVisible(0); return obj; }, visible : func() { return me._visible; }, toggleDisplay : func() { if (me.visible()) { me.offdisplay(); } else { me.ondisplay(); } }, offdisplay : func() { me.getElement("Group").setVisible(0); me.getElement("Info").setVisible(0); me._visible = 0; me.getController().offdisplay(); }, ondisplay : func() { me._visible = 1; me.getController().ondisplay(); me.displayNearest(); }, displayNearest : func() { me.getElement("Group").setVisible(1); me.getElement("Info").setVisible(0); }, displayInfo : func() { me.getElement("Group").setVisible(0); me.getElement("Info").setVisible(1); me.highlightTextElement("InfoBack"); }, updateAirports : func(apts) { var airportlist = []; for (var i = 0; i < size(apts); i = i + 1) { var apt = apts[i]; var crsAndDst = courseAndDistance(apt); # Display the course and distance in NM . var crs = sprintf("%i°", crsAndDst[0]); var dst = sprintf("%.1fnm", crsAndDst[1]); # We need to derive various non-trivial pieces of information: # - Maximum runway Length # - Approach type - VFR, ILS, NDB # - Approach, Tower or Unicom frequency var max_rwy = 0; var app_type = "VFR"; var freq_type = ""; var freq = ""; foreach(var rwy; keys(apt.runways)) { var rwy_info = apt.runways[rwy]; max_rwy = math.max(max_rwy, rwy_info.length); # This is the best we can do at present for approach types. if (rwy_info.ils_frequency_mhz != nil) app_type = "ILS"; } var apt_comms = apt.comms(); foreach (var c; apt_comms) { if (string.icmp(c.ident, "Approach") or string.icmp(c.ident, "APP") or string.icmp(c.ident, "APPROACH") ) { freq_type = "APPROACH"; freq = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency); # Fine - we've got the best possible frequency, so break out # to stop any Tower frequencies from over-writing. break; } if (string.icmp(c.ident, "Tower") or string.icmp(c.ident, "TWR") or string.icmp(c.ident, "Tower") ) { freq_type = "TOWER"; freq = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency); } # Only select a Unicom / Traffic if there's nothing found already if ((freq_type == "") and (string.icmp(c.ident, "Unicom") or string.icmp(c.ident, "UNICOM") )) { freq_type = "UNICOM"; freq = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency); } } # Convert into something we can pass straight to the UIGroup. append(airportlist, { ID: apt.id, BRG: crs, DST: dst, APP: app_type, CommsType : freq_type, CommsFreq : freq, RWY : sprintf("%ift", 3.28 * max_rwy) }); } if (size(airportlist) == 0) { # Blank value if in the middle of nowhere append(airportlist, { ID: me._NO_AIRPORTS, BRG: "", DST: "", APP: "", CommsType : "", CommsFreq : "", RWY : "" }); } me.airportSelect.setValues(airportlist); }, updateAirportData : func(apt) { if (apt == nil) return; me.setTextElement("InfoID", apt.id); me.setTextElement("InfoName", string.uc(apt.name)); me.setTextElement("InfoFacility", ""); if (string.imatch(apt.name, "private") or string.imatch(apt.name, "pvt")) { me.setTextElement("InfoUsage", "PRIVATE"); } else { me.setTextElement("InfoUsage", "PUBLIC"); } me.setTextElement("InfoTime", ""); me.setTextElement("InfoAlt", sprintf("%ift", 3.28 * apt.elevation)); me.setTextElementLat("InfoLat", apt.lat); me.setTextElementLon("InfoLon", apt.lon); }, getSelectedAirportID : func() { var id = me.airportSelect.getValue(); if (id == me._NO_AIRPORTS) id = nil; return id; }, };