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c172p (detailed)

A high detailed version of the Cessna 172P aircraft for FlightGear.

Development thread: http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25157

Creating a release: see the [wiki page "Release process and versioning"](https://github.com/Juanvvc/c172p-detailed/wiki/Release-process-and-versioning) how to do a release.

![Cessna 172P](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5700795/39962145-773906d4-563e-11e8-8a15-6bfb8b29ef98.png)

For the repository containing the texture files for the liveries and instruments (including their .xcf files), visit: https://github.com/gilbertohasnofb/c172p-detailed-liveries


This aircraft was modified and updated in a joint effort by the following people:

* onox: programming, bug tracking, general organisation, git knowledge

* ludomotico: programming, 3D modeling, bug tracking, general organisation

* Gilberto Agostinho (gsagostinho): textures, sounds, bug tracking, testing, programming

* Fernando Barbosa (thevirtualfer): 3D modeling and textures

* Wayne Bragg (wlbragg): effects - damage, rain/fog/ice, internal/external shadows, bushkit (Special thanks to Thorsten Renk for all the work involved in giving us the base for these effects)

* Daniel Dubreuil (Dany93): [FDM] stall and spin + a few improvements, in-flight damages on wings, fuel float chamber

* Jonathan Redpath (legoboyvdlp): bug tracking, testing, programming

* Tuomas Kuosmanen (tigert): Reference photos of the aircraft and of the OH-CTL livery. Feedback and testing of the Aircraft Systems and operation

* Anders Gidenstam (AndersG): Hydrodynamics for the pontoon/float and amphibious variants

* Waldo Kitty (wkitty42): bug hunting/reporting

* Jonathan Schellhase (dg-505): 3D modeling, exhaust smoke, checklists

* Horacio: interior textures

* D-ECHO: 3D model of pitot tube + cover

* Jarl Arntzen (jarlarntzen): Interior shadow and reflection cubes