<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<vertex-program-two-side type="bool">true</vertex-program-two-side>
			<!-- DIFFUSE -->
                <!-- unused ?
			<!- -<use>/environment/Vinson/rel-wind-speed-kts</use>- ->

		<!--  fog include -->
		<!-- 	END fog include -->


	<technique n="3">
						<value type="float">2.0</value>
				<!-- The texture unit is always active because the shaders expect
             that. -->
				<!-- If there is a texture, the type in the derived effect
        will be "2d". -->

				<value type="int">0</value>
			<!-- uniform> unused?
				<value type="int">1</value>

			<!-- 	    BEGIN fog include -->
			<!-- 			END fog include -->

	<technique n="9">
						<value type="float">2.0</value>
				<!-- The texture unit is always active because the shaders expect
             that. -->
				<!-- If there is a texture, the type in the derived effect
        will be "2d". -->
<!-- 				<vertex-shader n="0">Shaders/include_fog.vert</vertex-shader> -->
				<vertex-shader n="1">Shaders/flutter.vert</vertex-shader>
				<fragment-shader n="0">Shaders/include_fog.frag</fragment-shader>
				<fragment-shader n="1">Shaders/default.frag</fragment-shader>
				<value type="int">0</value>
			<!-- uniform> unused?
				<value type="int">1</value>

			<!-- 	    BEGIN fog include -->
			<!-- 			END fog include -->
