Users Guide to FlightGear sound configuration
Version 0.9.8, October 30, 2005
Author: Erik Hofman <erik at ehofman dot com>

This document is an attempt to describe the configuration of
FlightGear flight simulator's aircraft sound in XML.

Sound Architecture:
All of the sound configuration files are XML-encoded* property lists.
The root element of each file is always named <PropertyList>. Tags are
almost always found in pairs, with the closing tag having a slash
prefixing the tag name, i.e </PropertyList>. The exception is the tag
representing an aliased property. In this case a slash is prepended to
the closing angle bracket.  (see section Aliasing)

The top level sound configuration file is composed of a <fx>, a
<name>, a <path> sound file and zero or more <volume> and/or <pitch>

[ Paths are relative to $FG_ROOT (the root of the installed base package .) ]
[ Absolute paths may be used. Comments are bracketed with <!-- -->.         ]

A limited sound configuration file would look something like this:


This would define an engine sound event handler for a piston engine driven
aeroplane. The sound representing the engine is located in $FG_ROOT/Sounds
and is named wasp.wav. The event is started when the property
/engines/engine/running becomes non zero. 

When that happens, the sound will be played looped (see <mode>) until the
property returns zero again. As you can see the volume is mp-osi dependent,
and the pitch of the sound depends on the engine rpm.

Configuration description:
        Named FX subtree living under /sim/sound
 < ... >
        This is the event separator. The text inside the brackets
        can be anything. Bit it is advised to give it a meaningful name
        like: crank, engine, rumble, gear, squeal, flap, wind or stall
        The value can be defined multiple times, thus anything which is
        related may have the same name (grouping them together).
        This defines the name of the event. This name is used internally
        and, although it can me defined multiple times in the same file,
        should normally have an unique value.
        Multiple definitions of the same name will allow multiple sections
        to interfere in the starting and stopping of the sample.

        This method can't be used to control the pitch or volume of the 
        sample, but instead multiple volume or pitch section should be
        included inside the same event.

        The types "raise" and "fall" will stop the playback of the sample
        regardless of any other event. This means that when the type "raise"
        is supplied, sample playback will stop when the event turns false.
        Using the type "fall" will stop playback when the event turns true.

        If the trigger is used for anything else but stopping the sound
         at a certain event, all sections with the same name *should* have
        exactly the same sections for everything but property and type.

        In the case of just stopping the sample at a certain event, the
        sections for path, volume and pitch may be omitted.

        This defined th path to the sound file. The path is relative to the
        FlightGear root directory but could be specified absolute.

        Define a condition that triggers the event.
        For a complete description of the FlightGear conditions,
        please read docs-mini/README.conditions

        An event should define either a condition or a property.
        Define which property triggers the event, and refers to a node
        in the FlightGear property tree. Action is taken when the property
        is non zero.

        A more sophisticated mechanism to trigger the event is described
        in <condition>
        This defines how the sample should be played:
        once:           the sample is played once.
                        this is the default.
        looped:         the sample plays continuously,
                        until the event turns false.

        in-transit:     the sample plays continuously,
                        while the property is changing its value.

        This defines the type os this sample:

        fx:             this is the default type and doesn't need to be defined.

        avionics:       sounds set to this time don't have a position and
                        orientation but are treated as if it's mounted to
                        the aircraft panel. it's up to the user to define
                        if it can always be heard or only when in cockpit
   <volume> / <pitch>
        Volume or Pitch definition. Currently there may be up to 5
        volume and up to 5 pitch definitions defined within one sound

        The volume elements are processed as follows

          total_offset = 0
          total_volume = 1.0

          for each <volume> element:

            (a) Use either <property> or <internal> as the base value
            (b) apply any <type> function to the value
            (c) value = value * factor
            (d) value = max(value, <max>)
            (e) value = min(value, <min>)
            (f) if <factor> was originally negative then use
                offset-mode otherwise use normal mode

                  total_offset = total_offset + offset
                  total_volume = total_volume * value

                  value = value + offset
                  total_volume = total_volume * value

        Then after processing all of the <volume> blocks the total
        volume will be determined by

           volume  = total_offset + total_volume;

        Defines the AN SGExpression to be used to calculate the volume 
        or pitch. When an expression is used all other tags in the 
        volume block are ignored. 
        Refs: README.expressions 

        Property to use for the base value for the calculation.

        Defines the multiplication factor for the property value.

        If factor is negative then it will cause the calculation for
        this element to use the offset-mode as defined above. The
        negative value for the factor will be converted to positive
        The offset elements will be summed and added to the to the
        calculated volume from all of the volume blocks, except when
        using offset-mode in which case the offset is directly added
        to the calculated volume within each volume block

        Defines which internal variable should be used for the calculation.

        The value is treated as a floating point number.

        The following internals are available at this time:

        dt_play:        the number of seconds since the sound started playing.

        dt_stop:        the number of seconds after the sound has stopped.
        Defines the delay after the volume block becomes active.

        An example would be to have two sounds that relate to a single
        property and the delay-sec element can be used to allow one
        sound to start after the end of the first one simply by
        setting the delay-sec to the duration of the sample.

        Defines the function that should be used upon the property
        before it is used for calculating the net result:

        lin:            linear handling of the property value.
                        this is the default.
        ln:             convert the property value to a natural logarithmic
                        value before scaling it. Anything below 1 will return
        log:            convert the property value to a true logarithmic
                        value before scaling it. Anything below 1 will return

        inv:            inverse linear handling (1/x).

        abs:            absolute handling of the value (always positive).

        sqrt:           calculate the square root of the absolute value
                        before scaling it.
        Add a bit of randomness to the offset. Only used for pitch.
        Minimum allowed value.
        This is useful if sounds start to sound funny. Anything lower
        will be truncated to this value.
        Maximum allowed value.
        This is useful if sounds gets to loud. Anything higher will be
        truncated to this value.

        Specify the position of the sounds source relative to the
        aircraft center.  The coordinate system used is a left hand
        coordinate system where +Y = left, -Y = right, -Z = down, +Z =
        up, -X = forward, +X = aft.  Distances are in meters.
        The volume calculation due to distance and orientation of the
        sounds source ONLY work on mono samples!

        X dimension offset

        Y dimension offset

        Z dimension offset

        Specify the orientation of the sounds source.

        The zero vector is default, indicating that a Source is not directional.
        Specifying a non-zero vector will make the Source directional in
        the X,Y,Z direction

        X dimension

        Y dimension

        Z dimension

        The inner edge of the audio cone in degrees (0.0 - 180.0).
        Any sound withing that angle will be played at the current gain.

        The outer edge of the audio cone in degrees (0.0 - 180.0).
        Any sound beyond the outer cone will be played at "outer-gain" volume.

        The gain at the outer edge of the cone.

        Set a reference distance of sound in meters. This is the
        distance where the volume is at its maximum.
        Volume is clamped to this maximum for any distance below.
        Volume is attenuated for any distance above.
        Attenuation depends on reference and maximum distance. See
        OpenAL specification on "AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED" mode
        for details on exact computation.

        Set the maximum audible distance for the sound in meters.
        Sound is cut-off above this distance.

Creating a configuration file:

To make things easy, there is a default value for most entries to allow a
sane configuration when a certain entry is omitted.

Default values are:

type:   lin
factor: 1.0
offset: 0.0 for volume, 1.0 for pitch
min:    0.0
max:    0.0 (don't check)

Calculations are made the following way (for both pitch and volume):
   value = 0;
   offs = 0;

   for (n = 0;  n < max; n++) {
      if (factor < 0)
         value += offset[n] - abs(factor[n]) * function(property[n]);
          value += factor[n] * function(property[n]);
          offs += offset[n];

   volume = offs + value;

where function can be one of: lin, ln, log, inv, abs or sqrt