# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user models that use these Nasal # services by normal function calls - this is merely considered normal use # of the code, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived work." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # hash.nas - simple hash class for development, allows to add callback on write # author: Henning Stahlke # created: 07/2020 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #load only once (via /Nasal/std.nas) not via C++ module loader if (ishash(globals["std"]) and ishash(std["Hash"])) return; Hash = { new: func(hash=nil, name="") { var obj = { parents: [me], name: name, _h: {}, _callback: func, }; if (ishash(hash)) obj._h = hash; return obj; }, set: func (key, value) { me._h[key] = value; me._callback(key, value); return me; }, get: func (key) { return me._h[key]; }, clear: func() { me._h = {}; return me; }, contains: func(key) { return contains(me._h, key); }, getName: func () { return me.name; }, getKeys: func () { return keys(me._h); }, # export keys to props p/<keys> # p: root property path or props.Node object keys2props: func (p) { if (!isa(p, props.Node)) { p = props.getNode(p, 1); } foreach (var key; keys(me._h)) { p.getNode(key, 1); } return me; }, # export hash to props p/<key>=<value> # p: root property path or props.Node object hash2props: func (p) { if (!isa(p, props.Node)) { p = props.getNode(p, 1); } p.setValues(me._h); return me; }, # callback for set() addCallback: func (f) { if (isfunc(f)) { me._callback = f; return me; } return nil; }, };