Steamtrain (North Yorkshire Moors, UK) This scenario runs a steam Steamtrain comprising the A4 Class, Mallard and 8 coaches along the track of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, UK. To find it start at EGXZ - TOPCLIFFE and fly 084 degrees magnetic Note: 1. Units are ft, lbs, deg. 2. Lead Angle Gain is a dimensionless multiplication factor. 3. Lead Angle Limit Deg is the max excursion either side of the target heading 4. Rudder Constant is rudder increase/decrease in degrees/sec. 5. Speed Constant is increase/decrease in kts/sec. 6. contact_x(1/2)_offset define the points at which ground elevation is measured for pitch calulations in ft from the origin. Negative is forward. z and y components are not (yet) available. When x = 0 no pitch calculations are performed 7. Pitch Coefficient is a dimensionless damping factor for pitch (0.5) 8. Elevation Coefficient is a dimensionless damping factor for elevation (0.5) Vivian Meazza NYMR.xml false 1 200 200 1 5.0 0.5 50 3 0.1 0.1 0.25 1.0 groundvehicle Models/Transport/locomotive-A4.xml Steamtrain-1 21.922703 -19.5 19.5 groundvehicle Models/Transport/tender-A4.xml Steamtrain-11 12.959744 -7.54 7.54 Steamtrain-1 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-brake-1.xml Steamtrain-12 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-11 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-first-class.xml Steamtrain-13 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-12 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-first-class.xml Steamtrain-14 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-13 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-brake.xml Steamtrain-15 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-14 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-brake-1.xml Steamtrain-16 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-15 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-first-class.xml Steamtrain-17 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-16 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-first-class.xml Steamtrain-18 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-17 groundvehicle Models/Transport/coach-teak-brake.xml Steamtrain-19 -19.5 19.5 30.74 Steamtrain-18