Seahawk Droptanks This scenario slaves droptanks to the parent ac at the position designated by the x,y,z ofsets Note: 1. Units are ft, lbs, deg. 2. Setting life = -1 indicates that this ballistic object will not die 3. The default value for aero-stabilzed is false, so this must be explictly set. 4. Yaw offset should not be used for now Vivian Meazza droptank-s ballistic Aircraft/seahawk/Models/droptank.xml controls/armament/station[0]/jettison-all false 1 -1 2.3225 5.5446 -1.875 0 -2 0 false 2.11348887 170 0.2 consumables/fuel/tank[3] true sim/ai/aircraft/impact/droptank true sim/ai/ballistic/force[0] true true droptank-p ballistic Aircraft/seahawk/Models/droptank.xml controls/armament/station[1]/jettison-all 0 -1 false 1 -1 2.3225 -5.5446 -1.875 0 -2 0 false 2.11348887 170 0.2 consumables/fuel/tank[4] true sim/ai/aircraft/impact/droptank true sim/ai/ballistic/force[1] true true