<?xml version="1.0"?>
JSBSim Cessna 172P with 2D panel.

Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net

<PropertyList include="c172p-set.xml">


  <description>Cessna 172P Skyhawk (1981 model), 2D panel</description>


  <!-- Use a 2D instrument panel -->
   <visibility archive="y">true</visibility>

  <!-- Look down a bit over the top of the panel -->

   <internal archive="y">false</internal>

      <path archive="y">Aircraft/c172p/Models/c172p.xml</path>
        <file type="string">n301dp</file>
	 <index type="int">0</index>
	    <file type="string">n301dp</file>
	     <index type="int">0</index>
	    <file type="string">n301dp</file>
	     <index type="int">0</index>
        <int type="int">0</int>
        <int type="int">0</int>
        <int type="int">0</int>
        <int type="int">0</int>
        <int type="int">0</int>
        <int type="int">0</int>
    <menubar include="Dialogs/c172p-menu.xml"/>


