// An implementation of Sébastien Hillaire's "A Scalable and Production Ready // Sky and Atmosphere Rendering Technique". // // This shader generates the aerial perspective LUT. This LUT is used by opaque // and transparent objects to apply atmospheric scattering. In-scattering is // stored in the RGB channels, while transmittance is stored in the alpha // channel. // Unlike the paper, we are using a tiled 2D texture instead of a true 3D // texture. For some reason the overhead of rendering to a texture a lot of // times (the depth of the 3D texture) seems to be too high, probably because // OSG is not sharing state between those passes. #version 330 core out vec4 fragColor; in vec2 texCoord; uniform mat4 fg_ViewMatrixInverse; uniform vec3 fg_CameraPositionCart; uniform vec3 fg_CameraPositionGeod; uniform vec3 fg_SunDirectionWorld; uniform sampler2D transmittance_lut; uniform sampler2D multiscattering_lut; const float PI = 3.141592653; const float ATMOSPHERE_RADIUS = 6471e3; const float TOTAL_SLICES = 32.0; const float DEPTH_RANGE = 128000.0; const int AERIAL_PERSPECTIVE_SAMPLES = 20; const vec3 ONE_OVER_THREE = vec3(1.0 / 3.0); vec3 positionFromDepth(vec2 pos, float depth); float raySphereIntersection(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, float radius); vec3 sampleMedium(in float height, out float mieScattering, out float mieAbsorption, out vec3 rayleighScattering, out vec3 ozoneAbsorption); float miePhaseFunction(float cosTheta); float rayleighPhaseFunction(float cosTheta); vec3 getValueFromLUT(sampler2D lut, float sunCosTheta, float normalizedHeight); void main() { vec3 up = normalize(fg_CameraPositionCart); float sunCosTheta = dot(fg_SunDirectionWorld, up); // Account for the depth layer we are currently in // FIXME: We should probably be writing the pixel center float x = texCoord.x * TOTAL_SLICES; vec2 coord = vec2(fract(x), texCoord.y); // Depth goes from the 0 to DEPTH_RANGE in a squared distribution. // The first slice is not at 0 since that would waste a slice. float w = ceil(x) / TOTAL_SLICES; w *= w; float depth = w * DEPTH_RANGE; vec3 fragPos = positionFromDepth(coord * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0); vec3 rayDir = vec4(fg_ViewMatrixInverse * vec4(normalize(fragPos), 0.0)).xyz; float cameraHeight = length(fg_CameraPositionCart); float earthRadius = cameraHeight - max(fg_CameraPositionGeod.z, 0.0); vec3 rayOrigin = fg_CameraPositionCart; float atmosDist = raySphereIntersection(rayOrigin, rayDir, ATMOSPHERE_RADIUS); float groundDist = raySphereIntersection(rayOrigin, rayDir, earthRadius); float tmax; if (cameraHeight < ATMOSPHERE_RADIUS) { // We are inside the atmosphere if (groundDist < 0.0) { // No ground collision, use the distance to the outer atmosphere tmax = atmosDist; } else { // Use the distance to the ground tmax = groundDist; } } else { // We are in outer space, skip fragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); return; } // Clip the max distance to the depth of this slice tmax = min(tmax, depth); float cosTheta = dot(rayDir, fg_SunDirectionWorld); float miePhase = miePhaseFunction(cosTheta); float rayleighPhase = rayleighPhaseFunction(cosTheta); vec3 L = vec3(0.0); vec3 throughput = vec3(1.0); float t = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < AERIAL_PERSPECTIVE_SAMPLES; ++i) { float newT = ((float(i) + 0.3) / AERIAL_PERSPECTIVE_SAMPLES) * tmax; float dt = newT - t; t = newT; vec3 samplePos = rayOrigin + rayDir * t; float height = length(samplePos) - earthRadius; float normalizedHeight = height / (ATMOSPHERE_RADIUS - earthRadius); float mieScattering, mieAbsorption; vec3 rayleighScattering, ozoneAbsorption; vec3 extinction = sampleMedium(height, mieScattering, mieAbsorption, rayleighScattering, ozoneAbsorption); vec3 sampleTransmittance = exp(-dt*extinction); vec3 sunTransmittance = getValueFromLUT( transmittance_lut, sunCosTheta, normalizedHeight); vec3 multiscattering = getValueFromLUT( multiscattering_lut, sunCosTheta, normalizedHeight); vec3 S = rayleighScattering * (rayleighPhase * sunTransmittance + multiscattering) + mieScattering * (miePhase * sunTransmittance + multiscattering); vec3 Sint = (S - S * sampleTransmittance) / extinction; L += throughput * Sint; throughput *= sampleTransmittance; } // Instead of storing an entire vec3, store the mean of its components float transmittance = dot(throughput, ONE_OVER_THREE); fragColor = vec4(L, transmittance); }