define([ 'jquery', 'knockout', 'text!./METAR.html', 'jquery-ui/accordion', 'kojqui/button' ], function(jquery, ko, htmlString) { function WeatherScenarioVM() { var self = this; self.index = 0; = "unnamed"; self.metar = ko.observable("NIL"); self.description = "NIL"; } var WeatherScenarioMapping = { "index" : "index", "description" : "description", "name" : "name", "metar" : "metar" } function ViewModel(params) { var self = this; self.scenarios = ko.observableArray([]); self.selectScenario = function(foo) { console.log(foo); } jquery.get('/json/environment/weather-scenarios?d=2', null, function(data) { var assemble = function(data) { var scenarios = []; data.children.forEach(function(prop) { if ( === 'scenario') { var scenario = new WeatherScenarioVM(); scenarios.push(ko.utils.knockprops.propsToObject(prop, WeatherScenarioMapping, scenario)); // listen to the metar property for the live data scenario if ( == "Live data") { scenario.metar = ko.observable().extend({ fgprop : 'metar' }); } } }); return scenarios; } self.scenarios(assemble(data)); jquery("#weather-scenarios").accordion({ collapsible : true, heightStyle : "content", active : false, }); }); } // ViewModel.prototype.dispose = function() { // } // Return component definition return { viewModel : ViewModel, template : htmlString }; });